The Nighthawk was used by a number of air forces around the world. The Belkan Air Force used this attacker during the Belkan War, and it was the choice aircraft of a number of aces.
The Valahia dispatched several Nighthawks, including one of their aces, Nightowl, to intercept Andre Olivieri's private jet which was attempting to escape Valahia controlled airspace.[4]
"The first ever stealth attacker, specialized for secret bombing runs. As the design is focused entirely on stealth capabilities the aircraft is lacking in speed and maneuverability. On the flipside, however, remaining off enemy radar allows it to use guided bombs to perform pinpoint strikes. It has unique shape comprised of plane surfaces and a special paint job in order to reflect and absorb radar waves. Known as the "Nighthawk", it gained recognition during the 1991 Gulf War for flying more than 1200 sorties without a single one of the aircraft being shot down."
D. Cowboy — Found in Opera House. Spawns close to the fuel tanks. The ace will leave the map if not shot down within a certain period of time.
D. Cowboy
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Color 2
Color 3
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Color 5
Color 6
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
"The historic first stealth aircraft which specializes in covert bombing. Because of its detailed airframe design which suppresses target detection, speed and maneuverability is limited. Instead, it is able to conduct pinpoint bombardments with long range, ground missiles and guided bombs without being detected by enemy radar nets. In order to reflect and absorb radar waves, it uses a unique airframe shape and coating configured to make a flat surface. Called the "Nighthawk", more than 1,200 sorties were made with them in the 1991 Gulf War."
Complete mission 15: "Grand Flight". Costs $185,400.
Named Pilots
Nightowl — Found in "Grand Flight". Spawns after escaping the ravine. The ace can only be shot down in multiplayer by anyone who isn't flying the 747 200B.
C05: "Nightowl" cloudlike camouflage pattern with crescent emblem
C06: Worn-out two-tone monochrome camouflage
Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion
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Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
"The “Nighthawk” is the first fully stealth capable aircraft. Its unique shape and special coating are designed to absorb and reduce enemy radar. Advanced stealth characteristics allow the F-117A to operate freely while evading enemy detection. Although its payload is limited, bunker penetrating bombs give its formidable pinpoint striking capabilities. A complete deviation from traditional fighter design, the F-117A is a revolutionary attack aircraft designed solely for stealth."
Inferno — Found in "In Pursuit I". Appears to the north after the real power generators are destroyed.
Aurelia color
Leasath color
Special 1 color
Special 2 color
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
"Nicknamed the "Nighthawk," this stealth aircraft represents the latest technology. However, its stealth capabilities come at the cost of maneuverability and weapons load."
"Nicknamed the "Nighthawk," this attack aircraft employs cutting-edge stealth technology to avoid radar detection, at the cost of maneuverability and weapon load."
A notable goof in the Ace Combat games is that the F-117A is shown being capable of engaging in air to air combat, something the real Nighthawk could never do. The aircraft is also shown being equipped with an on-board cannon, despite the real F-117A never carrying any kind of gun armament, internal or otherwise. This, however, is most likely to let the player engage enemy targets like they would with other, gun-armed aircraft.
In the book Master File: ASF-X Shinden II, the section on the CFA-44 refers to the F-117 as the "Model-117A".
Also, as with the other player-controlled stealth aircraft, the F-117A Nighthawk still can be detected by the enemy radar, whereas the enemy piloted F-117A will only be able to be detected if the player is facing towards them (more prominent in Joint Assault).
The "Mercenary" paint scheme in ACZ, the "Yuktobanian" scheme in AC5, the "Estovakia SP" scheme in AC6, the "Colour 2" scheme in AC:JA, and the "Leasath" scheme in ACX are based on the experimental camouflage scheme tested by Nighthawk 79-10780 in 1984.
↑Players could use one Nonstandard Upgrade Request Form instead of credits for the Lv.6 upgrade.