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The Hrimfaxi launching a burst missile while surfaced

Submarines are warships which can operate while completely submerged underwater. A diverse selection of submarines have appeared in Ace Combat, including fictional ones such as those of the Scinfaxi class. Submarines in the franchise have also carried a variety of weapons, from conventional AA guns and SAMs to more unconventional and powerful weapons such as burst missiles and railguns.


Submarines typically feature a distinctive cylindrical body and are usually propelled with a propeller or pump jet at the rear of the boat. Submarines are usually referred to as "boats", not "ships".[1]

Several games in the series also feature a special type of submarine, variously referred to as a submersible aviation cruiser[1], submersible carrier[2], underwater attack carrier[3], or submarine aircraft cruiser[4]. These boats combine the aircraft carrying capabilities of an aircraft carrier and the underwater attack capabilities of a submarine. Boats of this type include the Scinfaxi-class submarines and the Alicorn.


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Dragonet and Scinfaxi classes

The first existing record of submarine development was sometime prior to the 1980s, when the Federation of Central Usea developed the Dragonet-class of submarines. During the Cold War, the Yuktobanian Navy developed the Scinfaxi-class of submarines, which received criticism, particularly from the Osean Foreign Minister at the time, about its similarity to the Dragonet-class.[5]

By the 1990s, two Dragonet-class submarines were fully constructed and operational: the Fensalir and the Folkvangr.[6][7] Both were also developed with the capability to carry cruise missiles. When the Usean coup d'état broke out in the late 1990s, both submarines were captured and used by the Usean Rebel Forces to attack the Usean Allied Forces; notably, the Folkvangr fired a cruise missile intended to destroy Saint Ark.[7][8] However, both submarines (and the cruise missile) were destroyed by Phoenix.[6][7][8][9]

Circum-Pacific War

Yuktobania deployed its two Scinfaxi-class submarines during the Circum-Pacific War. Early in the war, the Scinfaxi sunk the Osean carriers OFS Buzzard and OFS Vulture with burst missiles during Operation Whalebird.[3] In response to the attack, the Arkbird was fitted with a ground-facing laser to counter the Scinfaxi-class's burst missiles. Operation Vanguard resulted in the Scinfaxi's sinking by the Arkbird and Wardog Squadron off of Sand Island Air Force Base.[10]

One month later, the Scinfaxi's sister boat, the Hrimfaxi, began striking Osean forces in Yuktobanian territory with long-range burst missile attacks. It was later ambushed and sunk by Wardog Squadron while the submarine was attempting to resupply in the Razgriz Straits.[2]

The Yuktobanian resistance is also known to have operated at least one submarine during the final weeks of the war, when they disarmed and dismantled an Belkan V1 nuclear warhead stolen from the Grey Men. They used the submarine to dispose of the weapon safely in the ocean, where it would never be detonated or recovered.

In the final hours of the conflict, a Yuktobanian Navy submarine sunk the carrier OFS Kestrel with a pair of cruise missiles, but was sunk in retaliation by the Kestrel's battle group.

Lighthouse War

The Kingdom of Erusea procured the unfinished submersible aviation cruiser Alicorn from Yuktobania in 2012, and completed it with the help of GR Marine and Ships.[11][12] It ran aground underwater on its sea trial in 2016 and remained missing for two years, until its discovery and rescue in late 2018.[11]

During the midst of the Lighthouse War of 2019, Osea attempted to seize the Alicorn in port at Artiglio. Disobeying orders to scuttle his vessel, Captain Matias Torres of the Alicorn went rogue and took the submarine out to sea as part of his plot to conduct a nuclear attack on the Osean capital of Oured and take one million lives.

Despite succeeding initially by tricking Osea into chasing Erusean forces away long enough for the sub to obtain its nuclear ordnance at Anchorhead, Osea's Operation Fisherman sank the Alicorn in the Spring Sea and thwarted its captain's plan.[1][4]

Aurelian War

In the Aurelian War, submarines were fielded by the navies of both Aurelia and Leasath.[13]

Midway through the war, the Aurelian Navy's Naiad was deployed to rescue an Aurelian scientist held captive in Terminus Island. The submarine was protected by a diversionary fleet and Gryphus Squadron. Once the scientist was rescued however, the Naiad struck a mine which forced it to surface. The controls were destroyed in the process which put the submarine on a collision course with an iceberg. Gryphus Squadron quickly destroyed the iceberg and incoming bombers headed towards the submarine.[14]

There were two known submarines in the Leasath Naval Forces, the Proteus and the Triton.[15] However, not much is known about their deployment history.

Intercorporate War

By 2040, submarines were still used in large numbers. Neucom Incorporated owned at least half a dozen submarines. Some of these submarines used resupply docks near the Petrol Coast,[16] while others were stationed at Megafloat.[17]

Joint Assault universe

During the Valahia Crisis, the armed insurgent force known as Valahia fielded a single submarine. It was used to test the Hi-TASM, a thermobaric missile which would later be utilized on a second Spiridus to conduct long-range attacks. The sub was sunk by Antares Squadron during a battle in the Adriatic Sea.[18]

Infinity universe

The USEA Federation had several Scinfaxi-class boats at their disposal during the course of the USEAn War.

Named Units


Yuktobanian Navy

Erusean Navy

  • Beowulf v
  • Beowolf π
  • Alicorn (mutinied)

Aurelian Navy

Leasath Navy

