Opera House (AC2)

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Opera House is the fourth mission in Ace Combat 2. It is unlocked by destroying the two transport ships on City On Fire, and the player has the option to choose between this mission and Tin Castle.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

We have obtained data regarding the enemy's offshore oil field facility from the wreck of a fuel tanker sunk at the time of attack. According to the data retrieved, the offshore facility is large, composed of several oil field plants and refinery bases, and is considered to be an important facility for the enemy's fuel supply. Make an immediate sortie and destroy it!

Target: The offshore oil field facility and refinery bases.

A part of the oil field is heavily guarded to fend off our attacks. Try not to get caught in enemy fire! Beginning with this operation, escort planes will be available to aid you on your missions should you require assistance. Think about each situation carefully, and give strategic instructions to each plane before take-off. Good luck!"

Objectives[edit | edit source]

The mission's main objective is to destroy all ground targets that are marked as TGT.

This is the first mission where Slash or Edge can be hired as wingman to aid in the mission, but the player can also choose not to hire either of them.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-16 4,500 4
Icon-AirEnemy.svg MiG-21 2,000 4
Icon-GroundTGT.svg OIL FIELD 5,000 10
Icon-GroundTGT.svg TOWER 5,000 1
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg OIL TANK 1,000 5
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg GUN 1,000 4
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg MSSL 2,000 2

Special Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg Su-25 "D.COWBOY" 12,000 2

Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • Completion reward: 15,000 credits
  • Unlocks: X-29 (if player shoots down both D.COWBOY on Normal mode) or SF-35 (if player shoots down both D.COWBOY on Extra mode)

References[edit source]