St. Elmo's Fire (AC2)

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St. Elmo's Fire is the fifteenth mission in Ace Combat 2. It is also the second mission of the Operation "A"LPHAVILLE branch.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

The decision was made to send out our aircraft carrier mobile fleet for an invasion deep inside enemy territory. The operation is to go through the Payton Channel, and quickly break through the center of the enemy forces. It is expected that the enemy force will concentrate in a counterattack on our mobile fleet to halt our progress. We want you to escort this break-through-channel operation, and to protect our mobile fleet unit.

Target: The enemy fighters and the ground force

Attack the enemy with full firepower in order to allow our entire fleet to pass through safely!

Objectives[edit | edit source]

This is an escort mission where the player has to protect allied ships from enemy fighters and ground emplacements while they sail from one end of the channel to another. The player should prioritize engaging any TGT that are closest to the ships or hire a Wingman to help divert some of the enemies' attention.

The mission will fail if all three allied ships take too much damage from enemy fire. On the other hand, the player can complete the mission by destroying all TGT, or by allowing enough time to elapse for the ships to reach the other side of the channel.

If all three allied ships survive this mission, Juggernaut becomes unlocked as the next selectable mission.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirTGT.svg A-7 3,000 2
Icon-AirTGT.svg EF-2000 8,500 4
Icon-GroundTGT.svg GUN 1,000 8
Icon-GroundTGT.svg MSSL 2,000 2

Special Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-15E "DAO" 20,000 1
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-15E "JIAN" 20,000 1
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-15E "XIAO" 20,000 1

Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • Completion reward: 28,000 credits
  • Unlocks: F-22 (if player shoots down DAO, JIAN, and XIAO on Normal mode) or XFA-27 (if player shoots down down DAO, JIAN, and XIAO on Extra mode)

References[edit source]

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. Saving all three allied ships will unlock Juggernaut as the next selectable mission