Cuckoo's Nest (AC2)

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Cuckoo's Nest is the eighth mission in Ace Combat 2. It is unlocked by destroying the two transport ships in Sledgehammer, and the player has the option to choose between this mission and Rising High.


We have received information that the enemy supply plane unit is approaching their garrison. As a result of our attack on their shipbuilding facility and the sinking of the transport ship, the enemy seems to have changed their supply route to air. The targets are containers of supply material dropped from enemy transport planes. Your mission this time is to destroy as many as you can before they reach the ground.

Target: The enemy supply plane unit and the supply containers

The missile guidance system is not effective against the containers; therefore you must use machine guns. Take your time, and aim carefully! Good hunting!


The main objective of this mission is to shoot down as many airdrop containers as possible before they land on the ground. As stated in the mission briefing, the containers, which are marked TGT, cannot be locked on with missiles, so one should use machine gun to destroy them. Any containers that land on the ground will disappear from the map. The number of TGT available differs depending on the chosen difficulty setting.

The mission will end with the "MISSION OVER" message when the last TGT is destroyed or lands successfully, which means the player can pass the mission even if they do not destroy any containers.

Wingman support is not available for this mission.

Enemy Lists[edit]

Standard Units[edit]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirTGT.svg CONTAINER 3,000 12 Easy difficulty only
20 Normal difficulty only
25 Hard difficulty only
Icon-AirEnemy.svg C-17 10,000 2
Icon-AirEnemy.svg SF-35 3,750 2 Easy difficulty only
4 Normal difficulty only
6 Hard difficulty only
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg TOWER 1,000 4 Normal & Hard difficulties only


  • Completion reward: 25,000 credits
  • Unlocks: F-14 (Normal mode only) or TND-F3 (Extra mode only)


  • The formation of the containers varies in each difficulty;
    • On Easy difficulty, the containers fall in two vertical lines.
    • On Normal difficulty, the containers fall in the shape of an infinity symbol (∞).
    • On Hard difficulty, the containers fall in the shape of Pac-Man eating a few dots.
