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Sledgehammer is the seventh mission of Ace Combat 2.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

A bomber unit is to attack the enemy ship building facility after finding an opening when the enemy front unit retreats. We want you to escort the bomber unit for this operation.

Target: The enemy fighter unit.

As you know, this ship building facility is an important strategic base for the enemy’s carrier mobile fleet and supply ships. Escorting our bomber unit is your first priority, but try to sink as many enemy warships as possible. We wish you luck!

Objectives[edit | edit source]

This is an escort mission where the player has to protect allied B-1 bombers from enemy fighters while the bombers carry out their bombing run on the city. The player should prioritize engaging enemy fighters that get too close to bombers or hire a Wingman to help conduct escort operation before attacking other targets.

The mission will fail if all four allied bombers are shot down. On the other hand, the player can complete the mission by shooting down all eight fighters that are marked TGT, or by allowing enough time to elapse for allied bombers to achieve their objective.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirTGT.svg F/A-18D 4,000 4
Icon-AirTGT.svg SF-37 5,000 4
Icon-AirEnemy.svg AH-64 1,000 4 Easy difficulty only
5 Normal & Hard difficulties only
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg GUN 1,000 2
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg TRANSPORT 2,000 2 [note 1]

Special Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Credits Count Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-14 "Z.O.E." 31,000 1

Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • Completion reward: 30,000 credits

References[edit source]

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Destroying both transport ships will unlock Cuckoo's Nest as the next selectable mission