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This page includes a transcript of "Lighthouse", the nineteenth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Jaeger: Let's get the briefing started.

Fencer: We've done enough air operations. Just let us go home.

Jaeger: There's no path for us to get home. Whatever direction you fly, it'll be right into a hail of enemy fire. Earlier, we received a communication via the partially-restored general network. Here is what it contained. Apparently, the Erusean radicals have gathered around the space elevator... it's a source of energy. Give the warmongers a powerful energy source, and you give them the luxury to keep on fighting. In response to this, people from both Osea and Erusea have joined forces... ...and will take down the final Arsenal Bird in a saturation attack from the air and the sea. Once that's achieved, they'll take the space elevator from the aggressors.

Skald: Has the source been verified?

Jaeger: It could be fake. I hear you, but take a look at what's written at the end. "Hey, dumbass. If you want to bring the world back from the brink, go to the lighthouse. You can see the future there."

Tailor: "Dumbass"?

Húxiān: Sounds familiar.

Jaeger: It certainly does. It's from those guys we met in Tyler Island: the 444 Squadron. It's a message to all those looking to end the war. But I also think it's a message for Trigger.

I guess we'll do what it says.

Skald: Okay, well then I'm thinking we go roast that damn bird.

Jaeger: Looks like we're all on the same page. It's time to end this war. Time to fly, guys! Let's go get that Arsenal Bird!

Mission Script[edit]

Opening Cutscene[edit]

  • I need help!
  • Don't let 'em damage more!
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Show 'em what the Erusean--no, what fighter pilots are made of!

  • Osean Fighter: Thanks. I owe you.
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): No sweat.
  • Get into formation. We have the numbers.

Mission Start[edit]

  • Osean HQ: Well, if isn't the LRSSG! Looks like our luck has turned!
  • ! Osean HQ !: LRSSG, you will secure air superiority.
  • Osean HQ: There are Erusean aircraft in the coalition, so they have been ID'd as friendly via the data link.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Just confirmed it.
  • Osean HQ: Erusean government aircraft including drones will show up as hostiles. You two aces, I'm thinking it's time to show us what you've got.
  • Strider 2 Count: We don't have two anymore... Guess nobody told them.
  • AWACS Long Caster: That's quite true, Count. It's not just two. Wiseman trained his squad well. Everyone still in it is an ace, and he'd be proud of you all.
  • Osean HQ: To all of you who have gathered here, regardless of your country, This is headquarters of the Osean Army southern command. Wait, you can forget that designation. We are a coalition formed exclusively for the sole purpose of taking down the Arsenal Bird. Wait until we're ready to strike the Arsenal Bird in unison.
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Roger.
  • Roger.[note 1]
  • Strider 2 Count: What's he doing speaking on an open channel? The enemy can hear everything he's saying.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: There's no other choice. The Erusean aircraft are in the coalition as well.
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): This is Skoll Squadron and Rigel Squadron of the Erusean Air Force. We're here on our own.[note 2] Long Caster, we're entering your airspace.
  • Sol 2: This is Sol 2. Republic of Voslage are also moving to rendezvous.
  • Sol 3: There's only one squadron though.
  • Strider 2 Count: It's Mister X's crew!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Count, ease up. Engagement is forbidden.
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't worry, I know. We need every bird we can call upon. Even if they were flying with the guy that killed Wiseman.

If the player targets an F/A-18F or Su-35S[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: Some of their squadrons are in weird formations.
  • Sol 2: They have manned aircraft leading UAVs in slave mode.
  • Strider 2 Count: All this just to keep a war going.

If the player shoots down an Su-57 or F-22A leading a group of drone fighters[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: The UAVs were sluggish once the leader went down.
  • Sol 3: I thought as much. Drones without leaders are slow as hell.
  • Sol 2: The biggest flaw in their slave mode.

When an enemy fighter picks up a drone aircraft[edit]

  • Erusean Fighter: Picked up a slave craft.

  • Erusean Fighter: Drone leadership rights verified.

When the player scores 3,000 points[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: How many more do we need to take out?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Shoot them down one at a time. They'll run out eventually.

When the player scores 5,000 points[edit]

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Three Strikes is on our side?! That's the best news I've heard in a long time!
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Against Three Strikes? Uh-uh, never again.

When the player scores 7,000 points[edit]

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): This isn't a rebellion. It's a battle for independence. We'll take down the Arsenal Bird and build a new country.
  • Strider 2 Count: Some coalition this has turned out to be, eh? They'll keep talking big once the war is over, too.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: You can bet on it. We need something, or someone, to guide us.

When the player reaches their quota[edit]

  • Sol 3: Another kill for Three Strikes!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Impressive.

When 7 minutes remain[edit]

  • Scrap Queen: Okay. Commencing transmission. I'm speaking over both terrestrial broadcasting and video transmission networks. It is not important who I--no, who we--are. First, our goals. Destroy the space elevator. Second, we want power to the drone factory cut in order to put a stop to all of the war and chaos that its products cause. And last, we want to bring an end to this pointless war that has given rise to a state of anarchy.
  • Scrap Queen: Let me tell you what's going on right now. The land is overrun with refugees who have lost their homes. This is no isolated incident. In spite of that, the war continues to rage overhead.

When 6 minutes remain[edit]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Are the friendly Eruseans rebels or what?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: They're "rebels," but I'm sure it's more complicated than that.
  • Strider 2 Count: Brush up on current events later. Focus on the enemy.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Copy that.
  • Scrap Queen: Take a look. See that line continuing above the horizon? The cable goes up to the sky as far as the eye can see. Not many people know this, but the space elevator is the world's tallest transmission tower. In theory, its radio waves cover exactly half the globe. We've jacked its signal in order to reach out to you.

When 5 minutes remain[edit]

  • Scrap Queen: With the communications infrastructure down, this broadcast can only be transmitted to certain regions.
  • Scrap Queen: If you can access the server, consider yourself lucky. You get to see a real live princess! Hey, Cossette. Say hello to everyone.
  • Cossette: Yes.
  • Georg: Avril, it's safe over here. We've taken away all their guns.
  • Cossette: Yes! Let's open up the exit.
  • Scrap Queen: Everyone, get the refugees into the underground tunnel! Georg! Tabloid!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: All right. Understood.

When 4 minutes remain[edit]

  • Cossette: [running] [panting] ...........
  • Scrap Queen: Our princess is looking at a mural. There's another one here too. It shows a whole bunch of space elevators. Skies Unknown... huh... Cossette! Let's go!
  • Cossette: Yes.

When 3 minutes and 35 seconds remain[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Warning! Missiles launched from the Arsenal Bird!
  • AWACS Long Caster: They're Helios projectiles. All aircraft, stay clear of the blast area!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Ten seconds to impact.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Impact!
  • [unintelligible] Bail out![note 1]
  • Strider 4 Huxian: How many got caught in that explosion?
  • Osean Fighter: Salamander Squadron, all survivors respond.[note 1]
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Long Caster, do we have more incoming?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Unknown. Proceed with caution!
  • I've lost control![note 1]
  • They hit me but I'm still flying![note 1]

When 3 minutes remain[edit]

  • Scrap Queen: We can't switch off the security system, but we've got this. If what he said is true, this'll give us at least 10 seconds.
  • Cossette: [running] [panting] ..........
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette! Cossette, what the hell's wrong with you?!
  • Cossette: [running] [panting] .......... [door closing]
  • Scrap Queen: Get back here!
  • Scrap Queen: As you all saw, we have a problem. The Princess went by herself into the maintenance area and has shut us out.
  • Scrap Queen: No idea what got her going this time, stupid woman!

When 2 minutes and 25 seconds remain[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Missile launch from the Arsenal Bird!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Shit! Airburst type!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Helios arriving in ten seconds.
  • AWACs Long Caster: Five... Four... Three... Two... Helios arrived!
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Don't fly so close together.
  • I'm done! I've lost control! I gotta eject![note 1]
  • Osean Fighter: My tail's been shot! I'm bailing out!
  • We're taking heavy losses.[note 1]

When 2 minutes remain[edit]

  • Scrap Queen: I said we were going to take down the space elevator, but it's not like we can just go out there and chop it down.
  • Scrap Queen: At the top of the windbreak, six location markers have been set in place. They monitor distortions in the space elevator. Those are the locations we need to target. If the sensors go bad, the elevator's observation system will think the elevator has fallen. Until its safety can be confirmed, all microwaves will be stopped.
  • Strider 2 Count: Oh, I get it! What a party.
  • Scrap Queen: I was going to do it myself... [chuckle] ...You dumbass.

When 1 minute and 20 seconds remain[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Helios launched from the Arsenal Bird!

  • AWACS Long Caster: Five seconds.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Three. Two... Impact, now!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Get caught in that and it's all over!
  • Help me! Help![note 1]
  • We can't outrun it![note 1]
  • No![note 1]
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Helios arriving in ten seconds.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Five seconds to arrival.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Two. Inbound.
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): There's no escape!
  • Osean Fighter: I'm hit! I'm going down!
  • How are we supposed to get out of this?[note 1]
  • I'm hit! I've lost control. It's up to you now.[note 1]

When 13 seconds remain[edit]

  • Osean HQ: The monster bird is in our trap. We'll use a saturation attack. Wait for the signal.

When time is up and the player has met their quota[edit]

  • Osean HQ: Inform the coalition units. We are nearing zero hour. Ten seconds until the united attack on the Arsenal Bird.


  • Erusean Fighter: We've got little choice but to rely on these things.

  • Erusean Fighter: Think about it. We're guinea pigs on this battlefield.

  • Erusean Fighter: Leave Three Strikes to me.
  • Erusean Fighter: No way one craft can take down Three Strikes![note 3]

  • Erusean Fighter: Ignore the UAVs that are off trajectory.

  • Erusean Fighter: I've got good news. Three Strikes hasn't been detected.

  • Erusean Fighter: You never need to worry about running out of pilots with drones.

  • Erusean Fighter: How did we become part of this experiment?

  • Erusean Fighter: It's pointless to try and control everything. Just simply focus on the big picture.

  • Erusean Fighter: Game over when you're in Three Strike's sights.

  • Erusean Fighter: Three Strikes is operating around here.
  • Erusean Fighter: Too bad. If he wasn't one of them, we'd have followed him.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The space elevator is a symbol of the new Erusea! This is where we shall begin our counterattack!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Pick up the gun! Pulling the trigger is our path to a new future!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: It's up to us to defend our nation. It doesn't matter if you're in the military or not!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: With the UAVs on our side, we have superiority!

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): I have a visual on Three Strikes!
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Look out for Three Strikes! Do not shoot him down!

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): I heard Three Strikes was already here.

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): It's Three Strikes, and he's brought help.

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Go around!

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): It's not a war between nations anymore. It's a struggle between militias. Get caught and you're dead.

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Three Strikes is one of us. He's the best one we got.

  • Osean Fighter: Watch each others' backs out there!

  • Osean Fighter: Salamander 6. Attack ineffective.

  • Osean Fighter: He was proud to have fought alongside Three Strikes.

  • Strider 2 Count: Their movements are pretty sloppy but there's a lot of 'em. One wrong move and you'll be surrounded.

  • Cyclops 3 Tailor: Are there still this many troops on the other side?

  • Strider 2 Count: We've come this far. Don't get killed.

  • AWACS Long Caster: This airspace is like a testing ground for their weapons. Why don't those bastards show themselves?

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: Incoming!
  • Five... Four... Three... Two.. One...[note 1]
  • Osean HQ: Everybody, give this attack everything you've got!
  • Open fire!

  • All missiles were shot out of the sky!
  • Attack failed! Cruise missiles did not reach their target.

Checkpoint 19-1[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: Damn monster.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Long Caster warning all aircraft. I have multiple blips on my scope.
  • Strider 2 Count: Here they come.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: That's somethin'.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Hey! Look at the Arsenal Bird!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Lasers!
  • Osean Fleet: Missile destroyer ships Drake and Lark are sunk!
  • Osean Fleet: We can't drain it! Evacuate!
  • Osean Fleet: Flagship Starling heavily damaged by laser weapons!
  • Osean Fleet: The warship's bridge and aircraft control are melting!
  • Osean Fleet: The ship's capsizing![note 1]
  • That was from a single blast![note 1]
  • Osean Fleet: Deploy lifeboats!
  • AWACS Long Caster: HQ, we have a problem. The damage to the allied fleet is extensive.
  • Strider 2 Count: That's some pretty impressive firepower. I, for one, did not see that coming.
  • Osean HQ: The Active Protection System operated as expected. We should launch another saturation attack. Air power, you'll slow the Arsenal Bird.

  • Osean Fighter: Look at that light from the Arsenal Bird!
  • AWACS Long Caster: It's readying its APS. All aircraft, break off from the Arsenal Bird!
  • Osean Fighter: That was close. Without the AWACS, I would've been a goner.
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette, that's not the control room. Go through the airlock and get on the maintenance elevator. Head to the top of the windbreak. Do you think you can put on that pressurized suit by yourself? You'll never get it on over those frills.
  • Cossette: Yes.

  • Strider 2 Count: I'm getting sick of that arrogant bastard. Seriously.
  • Osean Fleet: No good. The engine control room is gone! They've hit our radar room and CIC!
  • Osean Fleet: Add water to the opposite section! Fire bulkheads broken![note 1]
  • Cyclops 3 Tailor: Nothing fazes this thing. Where are we supposed to hit it?
  • Osean HQ: All aircraft, we can no longer commence with the second saturation attack. All aircraft, separately engage in direct attacks.
  • AWACS Long Caster: HQ, it won't be easy to take down the Arsenal Bird with conventional weaponry. All the ace pilots in the world won't save us unless we have a plan.
  • Osean HQ: Give us time. We'll see what we can do.
  • Strider 2 Count: You're just thinking about it now?!

  • Cyclops 1 Fencer: Cover any friendlies that's hit.

  • AWACS Long Caster: It's readying its APS.
  • Osean Fighter: Damnit! I've taken some damage!
  • Osean Fighter: One aircraft hit! No, two!
  • Cossette: [door opening] [door closing] I can see a lightbulb-shaped thing, but it isn't lit up.
  • Scrap Queen: That's it! That's a location marker. You have it from there, right?
  • Cossette: Got it.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Is there something we can do? Just evading like this will get us all killed!

  • Strider 2 Count: When's that shield gonna lose power?
  • Sol 2: Never. The orbital elevator is continuously supplying it with power.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Then what should we do!
  • Strider 2 Count: Calm down. I'll do something.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What're you gonna do?
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette, Smash it! Smash all six of the bastards! It'll lose power!
  • Cossette: [grunt] [smash] [smash] [smash] [grunt] [smash] ..........
  • Strider 2 Count: Damned shield! Just go away!
  • Cossette: [smash] ........
  • Strider 2 Count: Be gone!
  • Cossette: [smash] ........
  • Strider 2 Count: Disappear!
  • Cossette: [smash] [panting] ........
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Gone cuckoo, Count?
  • Strider 2 Count: Away with you!
  • Cossette: [grunt] [smash] .........
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Look!

Checkpoint 19-2[edit]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Ha! Just what kind of magic did you work there, you asshole?
  • Strider 2 Count: It wasn't magic. It's a scam.
  • Strider 2 Count: Now's our chance! Do it, Trigger!
  • Scrap Queen: The lights! It's switched to the backup power supply. That means the main supply's been cut off!

  • This is the observation center. Bad news. We lost the markers on top of the windbreak.[note 1]
  • Osean Fighter: The UAVs are dropping altitude fast. Wait! They're down!
  • The safety mechanism shut off power transmission.[note 1]
  • Scrap Queen: The drones are acting crazy! Are you seeing this?! The drones are falling on after another! They've completely lost control!

If both Pulse Lasers are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Pulsed laser cannon destroyed.[note 4] That drops the Arsenal Bird's threat level a little.

If the laser cannon is damaged[edit]

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: There's a hit on the laser cannon! Trigger's hammering it!

If the laser cannon is destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Laser cannon confirmed destroyed! That eliminates one major threat!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Thanks. That thing almost cooked my tail!

When two sub propellers are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Sub propeller confirmed destroyed.

When four sub propellers are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1 has destroyed a sub propeller!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: You can do it! There's no way it isn't damaged!

When all six sub propellers are destroyed[edit]

  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Trigger got a sub propeller!

When a main propeller is destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Main propeller 1 confirmed stalled! Good work, Trigger. Keep up the attack!

When both main propeller are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Both main propellers have been stalled!

When all main propellers and sub propellers are destroyed[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: You're getting the hang of this, Trigger!

  • Strider 2 Count: The main propeller is moving again! Just how hard is that thing?!
  • Sol 2: Boils down to destroyed the rectenna's base.
  • Strider 2 Count: Say what?
  • Sol 2: If we destroy the docking modules, the supply unit will break off of the Arsenal Bird. That'll leave the rectenna base vulnerable.
  • Sol 3: Light it on fire and we can cook that bird whole.
  • Sol 2: Theoretically. That may prove impossible even for an experienced pilot.
  • Sol 3: That won't be a problem, Wit.
  • Strider 2 Count: Yeah, but our guy's more than just an experienced pilot. Trigger, Let's do this.
  • Sol 2: Is he really that good of a pilot?
  • Sol 3: I'd bet on it. Besides, if you thought it was impossible you wouldn't have said anything.
  • Scrap Queen: Watch out! The drones are falling!
  • Scrap Queen: The refugees. Everyone, calm down! You want to get yourselves killed?!
  • Scrap Queen: Georg! Tabloid! Get back here!
  • Georg: I can't leave that girl to die!
  • Scrap Queen: Fine, fine! Get her, but be quick about it!
  • Cossette: Is everything okay? The drones are acting odd.
  • Scrap Queen: Run! Run! Careful!

  • Cossette: [door opening] [door closing] Is everything okay?
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette. Some people were crushed.
  • Scrap Queen: But the kid Tabloid went after is safe. He ran that distance with a girl in his hands.
  • Cossette: Good. What about Tabloid? Is he safe?
  • Scrap Queen: Georg and the girl were saved. They were saved. He saved both of them.

When one joint is destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: One docking module destroyed!
  • Strider 4 Huxian: Great work!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, I knew you could do it. Move on and destroy the rest!

When both joints are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Docking module destroyed! That's two of 'em!
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't let yourself be distracted. Just focus on what you need to do.

When one hook is destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Docking module destroyed! One left!
  • Strider 2 Count: Nicely done.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: This'll be a good story to tell my son.

When both hooks are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: All targets have been destroyed! The supply unit is ready to fall off!
  • Sol 2: Yeah!
  • Sol 3: Good job!
  • AWACS Long Caster: You should be able to see the rectenna where the supply unit was! Destroy that, and even the mighty Arsenal Bird is sure to feel it.
  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Good luck!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Leave it to Trigger.
  • Osean Fighter: Don't let us down, Strider 1.
  • Osean Fighter: Clear a path for Strider 1!
  • Strider 2 Count: Leave the big fish to Trigger. We'll take down the UAVs!
  • Osean Fighter: We're counting on you.

When the APS Unit is destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Rectenna base unit confirmed destroyed!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Long Caster... Oh my god! The Arsenal Bird is on fire!
  • Yahoo![note 1]
  • Woohoo![note 1]
  • Woo![note 1]
  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, break off!
  • AWACs Long Caster: Arsenal Bird is losing altitude rapidly!
  • Osean Fighter: Arsenal Bird is down!
  • He did it to that monster.[note 1]
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Long Caster, can you estimate the point of impact?
  • Hell yeah! Strider 1 all over again![note 1]
  • AWACS Long Caster: Don't worry. It looks like it'll be open water.
  • It's burning from the inside![note 1]
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, avoid the target's path.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: That's the last of the Rocs.
  • Strider 2 Count: Even in death, that thing is intimidating.

  • Scrap Queen: Everyone, can you see this? These people here were alive up until a few moments ago. My friend was here.
  • Scrap Queen: Can you see this? This is just one of the many sides of war and what it does.


  • Osean Fighter: Does it really think it can beat a human pilot?

  • Osean Fighter: Let Strider 1 handle it. Try not to get in his way.

  • Osean Fighter: Don't let them anywhere near him. Understood?

  • Osean Fighter: Get behind Three Strikes!

  • Osean Fighter: Come on, you drones! You're facing me now!

  • Osean Fighter: If you die, who'll look after your families?

  • Osean Fighter: Strider 1's the only one that can take it on.

  • Osean Fighter: Follow after Strider 1.

  • Osean Fighter: Don't worry about backing up Strider 1. Just try to stay out of his way.

  • Osean Fighter: The ground forces' efforts will be for nothing. We have to take down the target by any means.

  • Osean Fighter: Remember, our target is the Arsenal Bird.

  • Osean Fighter: We can't give up.

  • Osean Fighter: Drake 1, you're too close to Strider 1. Get out of the way.

  • Osean Fighter: Keep those UAVs off Strider 1!

  • Osean Fighter: All aircraft, locate Strider 1's position.

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): I feel like I'm swimming in the ocean alongside a whale.

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Too close and we'll shoot each other!

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Follow Three Strikes! We Erusean pilots should know better than anybody that that's the right call.

  • Erusean FIghter (Ally): You're too far out!

  • Erusean Fighter (Ally): Look at those crazy moves. So this is Three Strikes?

  • Cyclops 3 Tailor: That thing is too huge!
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't let its sheer size freak you out!

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: We got these things no problem.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Don't let the UAVs distract you! The Arsenal Bird is our priority!

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Go, Trigger. Leave these chumps to us.

  • Sol 2: We'll keep the UAVs company.

Ending Cutscene[edit]

  • Osean HQ: All Erusean soldiers around the space elevator! If you surrender now, we will not attack!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: We should hold them off until support arrives!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Our unit surrenders. And you guys better not throw away your lives either.
  • Scrap Queen: Wait there, Princess. We'll get you down.
  • Cossette: Don't worry about me. Please just take care of the refugees. I'll parachute down.
  • Scrap Queen: What?!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Warning. Incoming bogey.
  • Scrap Queen: Are those the drones we saw at that factory?
  • Cossette: I'm coming down. I'll see you on the ground.
  • Scrap Queen: No! Wait!
  • Strider 2 Count: Enemy on my six! Those guys are bad news. Trigger! Boss! Do something!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Strider 2! Missile inbound!
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette! What?!
  • Strider 2 Count: This isn't the time for that!
  • Scrap Queen: Cossette! [grunt]
  • Georg: Avril, they're headed this way. Get the refugees to safety now!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 2, you're hit! Are you all right?
  • Strider 2 Count: Still breathing. I won't be flying much longer, though.
  • AWACS Long Caster: There's an Osean carrier a few kilometers to the west. It ran aground and was abandoned. I won't be easy, but it's the only place you've got.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Trigger, escort your wingman. Let's get to that carrier. That's all we can do.


  • Count: Trigger, can you hear me? I somehow managed to land. It's your turn now.
  • Count: The carrier ran aground, but that shouldn't be a problem for you.
  • Count: I'll guide you down.

After landing[edit]

  • Count: Well, we're okay for the moment. Now the real challenge begins!


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 The preceding line is not subtitled in the English subtitles.
  2. The English subtitles say "We're here of our own."
  3. The English subtitles say "You're crazy if you think one craft can take down Three Strikes!"
  4. The English subtitles say "Pulsed laser cannon confirmed destroyed."