Erich Jager

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Erich Jager[a] is a major character in the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere. He is a fighter pilot assigned to the Universal Peace Enforcement Organization (UPEO)'s Special Armed Response Force (SARF). He is the son of Jaeger, an Osean Air Defense Force pilot and Lighthouse War veteran.[2]


Early years

Erich was born in August 2016. At the time of the Lighthouse War's end, Erich was three years old; his father shared many stories of the war with him, including his missions with Osean ace pilot Trigger.[3][4][5] Erich was raised in a middle-class home and was loved and spoiled by his parents, which led to a sense of impatience in him. He also had difficulty with self-confidence.[6]

At the suggestion of his parents,[6] after successfully graduating from Oxform University's political science program in 2039, Erich joined UPEO in the same year and became a member of SARF in 2040.[7] As a new pilot, he was found to be very indecisive.[6]

Intercorporate War

Erich later enrolled into SARF after its formation in 2040. He has a comparatively minor role in the simulated Intercorporate War.

Starting out with SARF as an uncertain, insecure pilot, Erich nevertheless performed his assignments well. His first mission was to, along with other SARF pilots, intercept and destroy Neucom transport planes over Expo City. Despite his squadron temporarily losing its leader, they were thrown into battle again to eliminate Neucom's radar site network and secret military bases in Waiapolo.

Erich built himself a reputation as one of SARF's most diligent pilots. However, he personally expressed doubt that UPEO at large could accomplish anything, calling it a "paper tiger" of an organization.

UPEO route

If Nemo chooses to continue working for UPEO, Erich remains its wingman and accompanies it on the majority of its missions.

He assists Nemo in the repelling of a GRDF squadron attacking a Neucom R-201 Asterozoa base, but soon after is called away to escort a bioweapon-loaded blimp away from striking any major installations in its flight path. If Nemo chooses later to kill Fiona and remain with UPEO, Erich also chooses to remain Nemo's wingman despite his disapproval of the AI's action.

Erich flies with Nemo and Rena Hirose on later UPEO missions, assisting in the shootdown of Neucom parasite fighters over GRDF Airbase White Valley, the protection of Neucom's Comona Islands space center from a GRDF assault, the destruction of a train carrying scientists from a classified program and the extermination of a Neucom nanobite infestation in Chopinburg, all leading up to his partaking in a false-flag operation devised by the treacherous Gilbert Park to incite all-out war between GR and Neucom.

After uninhibited war has broken out, Erich and Nemo are scrambled to control the damage caused by GRDF and NEU, only to be met with the realization that Rena has gone to Ouroboros in their UI-4053 Sphyrna. Erich, intent on rescuing her, goes AWOL and takes Nemo with him to destroy the Sphyrna. Witnessing Rena in the X-49 Night Raven be shot down by the blimp, he swears revenge against Abyssal Dision, and after Nemo has neutralized the Ouroboros threat, Erich personally destroys the Sphyrna, killing Dision as repayment to Rena.

Following these incidents, Nemo and a distraught Erich return to Expo City to massacre the remnants of SARF that were not present with the Sphyrna. They are successful, and also draw out and kill Park in retaliation for his treachery. The two fly on aimlessly, not knowing where to go after the utter destruction of all the entities they knew to rule the world, until Erich sights Rena, alive and well atop the X-49's wreck.

General Resource route

Erich's only appearance outside the UPEO route is in Tainted Peace, where he is an optional enemy for Nemo to shoot down alongside other UPEO R-101Us escorting the R-505U. It is unknown whether or not Nemo kills him in this event.


Erich shares his squadron number SARF 3 with his father, Strider 3.



  1. Erich Jager (エーリヒ・イェーガー Ērihi I~ēgā)
