- "That girl swears more than me."
- ― Count
- "It's not just the swearing either. She's got quick fists too."
- ― Húxiān[1]
Húxiān is an Osean Air Defense Force pilot and a member of Strider Squadron, having been transferred from the Cyclops Squadron. Although she can be foulmouthed at times, she cares for her wingmen.[2]
Húxiān experienced a rough upbringing in the slums.[2][3] She later left and worked hard to become a pilot, joining the Osean Air Defense Force's Cyclops Squadron.[2]
On July 12, 2019. Húxiān participated in a reconnaissance mission which aimed to investigate the Stonehenge ruins. Due to unknown circumstances, their return route changed to the Yinshi Valley. Pursued by Erusean MQ-99s, Spare Squadron was tasked with escorting both Cyclops and Strider squadrons out of the valley. With help from Spare, she managed to retreat from the airspace.[4]
On August 10, 2019, Húxiān was involved in attacking the Erusean Navy's Njord Fleet and two supporting platforms at Snider's Top. During the operation, Huxian inquired to the origin of Trigger's three strikes, to which Count deflected her question.[1]
Húxiān participated in the defense of Stonehenge on August 19, 2019. The scale of the operation exhausted her, but on the advice of Wiseman she pushed through. During the physical assault of the Arsenal Bird, Húxiān was hit and damaged. Although not shot down, she was ordered to retreat by Wiseman.[5]
Hunt for the Alicorn
Húxiān later joined Operation Sighthound as part of Strider Squadron on September 4, 2019. She repeatedly scolded Skald and Count for complaining during the operation. Prior to the operation, she expressed distaste for Brigadier General Clemens.[6] Six days later, she also joined the squadron in Operation Domino, during which her aircraft was heavily damaged by the Alicorn's SLUAV-guided railgun, forcing her to retreat. During the debriefing of the operation, she assaulted Clemens after his traitorous plans were revealed.[7] On September 14, Húxiān took part in Operation Fisherman, during which she assisted in escorting Specter Squadron while they dropped sonobuoys used for tracking the Alicorn.[8]
In Chinese mythology, Húxiān (狐仙, literally "fox-fairy") is a supernatural, shapeshifting being derived from a fox. Often depicted as female, it can be fairy-like creatures that can manifest into humans to seduce victims of the opposite sex, but it can also be good omen or even be worshiped as deities depending on tales and regions. In Ace Combat 7, Húxiān's character and background are depicted as the complete opposite of the mythical being.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Mission 11: "Fleet Destruction", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://ace7.acecombat.jp/clm/column03.php
- ↑ Mission 18: "Lost Kingdom", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ Mission 07: "First Contact", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ Mission 12: "Stonehenge Defensive", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ SP Mission 01: "Unexpected Visitor", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ SP Mission 02: "Anchorhead Raid", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
- ↑ SP Mission 03: "Ten Million Relief Plan", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.