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Yuktobania, officially known as the Union of Yuktobanian Republics, is an international superpower and the largest nation on the Verusan continent, encompassing the majority of the continent's north. It shares a land border with Kaluga,[3] Verusa and a number of other countries, and is separated from Emmeria and Estovakia by the Fuscum Sea. Its capital, Cinigrad, is located within the nation's northern highlands.[4]

Yuktobania is a highly developed nation that possesses a large population, industrialized economy, and a well-outfitted military force. The country is also regarded for its many advancements in aerospace technology, submersible engineering, and ballistic missile weaponry.[5]

Yuktobania served as the initial antagonist country in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War before the Grey Men took on that role.[6]


Early history

There is little information available regarding Yuktobania's early history and founding. Early navigational charts do not demarcate Yuktobania's capital, Cinigrad, which could indicate that the union was not formally established until sometime in the 19th or 20th centuries.[7]

Modern era (1970s–)

In 1970, Yuktobania established relations with Estovakia, becoming one of its main suppliers of weapons alongside Belka. Estovakia ultimately became very reliant on these arms imports, causing their domestic weapons development to stagnate.[8]

Cold War (1980s–1995)

Over the course of the mid-20th century, Yuktobania flourished and began to expand its political influence around the globe. However, tensions with the Osean Federation—Yuktobania's rival superpower across the Ceres Ocean—resulted in a prolonged Cold War between the two nations. The possibility of unrestrained nuclear war drove Yuktobania into an ongoing arms race with Osea. During the 1980s, the Yuktobanian military made several advancements in long-range ballistic missile technology. When the Osean government announced the creation of atmospheric weapons systems to intercept these warheads, Yuktobania began exploring new launch-platforms for its nuclear arsenal. In September 1991, the incumbent prime minister, Samanov, publicly unveiled the Scinfaxi-class submersible carrier,[9] which in turn compelled Osea to begin development of the Arkbird maneuverable spacecraft.[10]

Belkan War (1995)

In late March 1995, Belka declared war on its neighboring countries and invaded northeastern Osea. For reasons that remain unknown, Yuktobania joined the Oseans' military coalition and supported its fight against the Belkans. Over the course of the war, Yuktobanian fighter squadrons served alongside Osean and mercenary pilots against the powerful Belkan Air Force.[11][12] Yuktobania is also known to have provided intelligence-gathering resources to the Allies, and even dispatched several of its reconnaissance officers to serve in the East.[13] In the aftermath of the war, a number of Yuktobanian pilots defected to the militant extremist organization known as "A World With No Boundaries".[14][15][16]

Era of peace (1996–2010)

"The world was once again at peace. And, thanks to them, it seemed it would last forever."
Albert Genette[17]

In 1996, Yuktobania signed a bilateral agreement with Osea that officially ended the Cold War.[13] Following the peace pact, Yuktobania and Osea began to focus money and resources towards collaborative projects, such as the reborn Arkbird project.[18]

On April 21, 1996, the leader of Yuktobania and the president of Sotoa held a symbolic meeting.[19]

In 2000, Prime Minister Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor implemented "Glasnost" as a means to promote freedom of information and organization reform. The implementation of Glasnost helped military analysts confirm the existance of a successor vessel to the Scinfaxi-class submarines Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi.[1]

Collaboration with Osea

Arkbird G7 Summit.jpg

In 2008, Yuktobanian ambassadors attended the G7 Summit, which was hosted aboard the Arkbird; the meeting resulted in a number of historic disarmament initiatives, such as the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.[20]

Scientists and specialists from the Yuktobanian National Space Agency and the Osean Aerospace Bureau later collaborated to address the Ulysses fragments that still lingered in orbit; it was eventually decided that the Arkbird would be employed to eliminate the debris. The Arkbird ultimately cleared a majority of Ulysses's debris, allowing Yuktobania, together with Osea, to spearhead the creation of an international space station in the 2000s.[18] As the first step toward realizing this, the two superpowers constructed Basset Space Center.[20]

Circum-Pacific War (2010)

Opening battles

Wardog Squadron is redirected to intercept unidentified aircraft during a training exercise

In 2010, under the influence of the Grey Men, a coup placed control of the Yuktobanian government in the hands of the military.[21] Starting in late September, Yuktobanian aircraft would be sent to the vacinity of Sand Island Air Force Base, performing incursions into Osean airspace.[22]

On September 27, Yuktobania formally declared war on Osea, sparking the Circum-Pacific War. Concurrently, Yuktobanian forces launched surprise attacks on the 3rd Osean Naval Fleet stationed at St. Hewlett, where they inflicted substantial damage to the port facilities but failed to sink the OFS Kestrel.[23]


On September 30, while the three Osean Maritime Defense Force carriers Kestrel, Buzzard and Vulture were transiting the Eaglin Straits, Yuktobania's submarine Scinfaxi ambushed and sunk the second and third carriers using burst missiles.[24] In response, Osea began to retrofit the Arkbird spacecraft with laser weaponry capable of countering the Scinfaxi.[23] On October 3, Yuktobanian Army tanks were airdropped into Basset Space Center with the objective of preventing an SSTO from delivering the laser weaponry to the Arkbird but failed due to the efforts of Wardog Squadron and other Osean forces.[25]

The Arkbird being equipped with weaponry

On October 4, Yuktobania conducted a large scale offensive with the objective of capturing Sand Island, deploying a large force in addition to the Scinfaxi. Ultimately, the combined forces of the Osean Air Defense Force and retrofitted Arkbird managed to prevent the landing and sink the submarine.[23]

On November 1, the Osean military conducted a retaliatory landing operation on the Yuktobanian mainland, at the tip of the Bastok Peninsula, successfully securing the coastline. Following the success of the operation, Osean forces began advancing toward the Yuktobanian capital of Cinigrad.[23] The following day, a skirmish occured above Dresdene, during which an Osean aggressor squadron fired upon an engineering college. In response to the attacks at Dresdene, Yuktobanian Special Forces used nerve gas on Bana City while another cell of Yuktobanian forces launched an attack on Apito International Airport.[21]

From the Razgriz Straits, the Hrimfaxi fires at Osean forces

To counter the Osean Army, which was still advancing toward Cinigrad, Yuktobania dispatched its second Scinfaxi-class submarine, the Hrimfaxi, to the portion of the Razgriz Straits within Emmeria's maritime borders, likely without the knowledge of the Anean nations.[21] In response, the Osean Air Force deployed Wardog Squadron to the straits on November 14, where they ambushed and sank the Hrimfaxi while it was resupplying.[26] Yuktobania later attacked a peace ceremony at November City on November 29.[21]


On December 6, the Osean military captured Cruik Fortress from Yuktobania. However, following the disappearance of Wardog Squadron, the war entered somewhat of a stalemate.[27] Nearly two weeks later, the Arkbird, which was now commandeered by Belkan nationalists, attempted to attack the Yuktobanian city of Okchabursk. However, this was prevented by Razgriz Squadron.[21]

A three-way battle occurs in the Ceres Ocean

On December 23, Yuktobanian Prime Minister Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor was rescued by Captain Jack Bartlett and the Yuktobanian resistance before being transported to the Kestrel.[28] Six days later, the Kestrel was intercepted by Yuktobanian Navy vessels in the Ceres Ocean. Prime Minister Nikanor attempted to sway his countrymen to a peaceful resolution with Osea, causing a number of Yuktobanian vessels to defect, while others remained in opposition. Meanwhile, another Osean fleet entered the area and a three-way battle ensued, during which Razgriz and the coalition Kestrel Fleet managed to emerge victorious.[21][29]

Ending the war

President Harling and Prime Minister Nikanor make a joint declaration at Bright Hill

On December 30, it was uncovered that the Belkan Grey Men had access to V2 weapons of mass destruction and the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun. The same day, Osean President Vincent Harling held a joint press conference with Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor at Bright Hill. During which, they announced the end of the conflict and urged both their respective armed forces to cease hostilities with one another and instead join together to stop the threat of the Grey Men.[29]

The announcement caused a number Osean and Yuktobanian units to ally and conduct a joint strike on the headquarters of North Osea Gründer Industries in Sudentor, while more hardline Osean and Yuktobanian forces continued to engage each other.[29] The following day, Razgriz Squadron destroyed the SOLG, marking the definitive end of the conflict.[30]

Postwar (2010–)

Following the end of the Circum-Pacific War, now also referred to as the Belkan Conflict,[21] the militaries of both Yuktobania and Osea were weakened, causing Free Erusea to begin planning a resurgence.[31] Additionally, Osea managed to surpass Yuktobania in influence to an extent, becoming the leader of the international order.[32] By 2011, Prime Minister Nikanor was reappointed as Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics.[1]

In April 2011, Prime Minister Nikanor and Osean President Harling signed the 3rd Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Under the terms of START-3, both nations would dispose a number of nuclear and strategic weapons, which included Yuktobania's advanced submarine Alicorn. Unsure of how to dispose of the submarine, the Usea-based General Resource Limited subsidiary GR Trading offered to purchase the vessel as scrap and appealed to the Central Usean government for permission to do so. In September, Yuktobania, Osea and Central Usea reached the consensus that Usean nations and corporations would be allowed to receive discarded military vessels.[1]

GAZE reporting on the Alicorn's purchase by the Kingdom of Erusea

General Resource Limited then purchased the Alicorn and towed it to Usea. Rather than scrap it however, General Resource instead refurbished it.[1] On December 20, 2012, after analysts speculated whether Leasath, Estovakia or Erusea would acquire the submarine from GR Trading, GAZE reported that the Kingdom of Erusea ultimately purchased the Yuktobanian submarine.[33]

On April 21, 2015, one of Yuktobania's spy satellites spotted the P-1112 Aigaion while it was flying over Estovakia. The satellite continued to track the Aigaion for four days before losing sight of it as it flew off the northeastern coast of the country near Estovakia's offshore oil facilities.[34] During the Emmeria-Estovakia War, Yuktobania revealed that its spy satellite had previously spotted the Aigaion. FRONT LINE later noted Yuktobania's announcement when discussing the strategic potential of Estovakia's Aerial Fleet in a publication released on February 26, 2016.[8]

In June 2019, the Prime Minister of Yuktobania commented on the ongoing Lighthouse War, stating that "Erusea had reasons to rationalize war." In August, the Erusean military formally commissioned the Yuktobanian-built submarine Alicorn into active service.[2] On September 14, Osean forces sunk the Alicorn after its captain went rogue and attempted to fire nuclear warheads at Oured.[35] In December, following the end of the conflict, Yuktobania provided humanitarian aid for refugees living at the base of the International Space Elevator.[36]

On June 30, 2020, Yuktobania attended a ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of the end of the Belkan War after being invited by the Osean government. Yuktobanian officers attended Memorial Day and the Yuktobanian Air Force sent five Su-57s to be showcased at Redmill Air Force Base alongside the air units of other foreign nations.[37]


Yuktobania encompasses a majority of the Verusan continent's landmass and is the largest country (area-wise) on Strangereal's Earth. Yuktobania's geography and climate vary greatly across its vast territory. Humid, tropical forests lie along the equatorial and southern regions; snowy steppes and highlands encompass the northern latitudes; and the vast Jilachi Desert blankets Yuktobania's geographic heart. Rugged, mountainous terrain can be found throughout the nation.[6]

Yuktobania is separated from the Anean nations by the Fuscum Sea and has coastlines along three other major bodies of water—the Ceres, Pacific, and Eusian Oceans. Yuktobania shares land borders with Kaluga[3] and Verusa to the south; other unknown nations border Yuktobania to the south and southwest. Its capital, Cinigrad, is located within the nation's northern highlands.[6]



As its official name implies, the Union of Yuktobanian Republics is a political and economic union of independent republics; one such member state is the Republic of Romny.[3] The national government is headed by the Prime Minister,[2][38] which could imply the existence of some representative legislative body. It is unknown if the prime ministry is term-limited.


Yuktobania supports one of the largest and most well-equipped military forces in the world, rivaled by only the Osean Defense Forces and the Emmerian military.[39] The nation's military is comprised of the Yuktobanian Army, Yuktobanian Navy (which supports an advanced submersible warfare division), and Yuktobanian Air Force.[6]


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  • Yuktobania is considered an allegory of the former Soviet Union (USSR):
    • The nation's name (Soyuz Yuktobaniyskikh Respublik, Союз Юктобанийских Республик[40]) and political structure are similar to that of the USSR;
    • The people of Yuktobania possess Russian surnames and speak with Russian accents;
    • Yuktobanian locations such Bastok and Pobeda ("East" and "Victory", respectively), and military designations such as Oka Nieba ("Sky Eye") derive from Russian and other Slavic languages;
    • The insubordination of the Yuktobanian frigate Pitomnik is similar to the rebellion of the Russian battleship Potemkin in 1905 and the mutiny of the Soviet frigate Storozhevoy in 1975;
    • The Varyag Special Forces unit shares its name with a number of Russian naval warships; and
    • The stag that appears on Yuktobania's national flag resembles the hood ornaments that once adorned Soviet-era GAZ-M-21 Volga automobiles. The stag is also depicted on the coat of arms of Nizhny Novgorod, the Russian city where GAZ-brand cars were manufactured.
    • The stag also appears to resemble that in the flag of Magadan, a coastal city in far-east Russia
  • The Belkan War can be interpreted as an allegory of World War II, in which the Americans (Oseans) and the Soviets (Yuktobanians) confront and defeat the Germans (Belkans) together.
  • The Yuktobanian city of Dresdene is likely a reference to Dresden, Germany, which also suffered civilian casualties as a result of bombing strikes during World War II.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Unneeded Submarine To Be Scrapped. Retrieved on 15 April 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://youtu.be/XGJa5fkOWB4
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ace Combat Zero "World News" / World News 18 / Page 1 (Transcript). Retrieved July 14, 2018.
  4. File:Complete Strangereal Map AC7.png
  5. New Submarine
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
  7. File:Old Strangereal Map Wallpaper 1024x768.jpg, ACES WEB. Published 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2017.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Aerial Fleet
  9. WORLD / WORLD NEWS / ПОСЛЕДУЙТЕ, Ace Combat 5 Website. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  10. "Road To A Maneuverable Orbiting Spacecraft", GAZE: Arkbird Declaration Summit 2008. Retrieved January 11, 2017.
  11. Assault Records #133: Yuri Dashkov, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  12. Assault Records #134: Rusian Tolstoy, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Aces At War: A History, page needed.
  14. Assault Records #164: Viktor Metlev, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  15. Assault Records #165: Kira Alekhin, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  16. Assault Records #166: Yakov Saifullin, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  17. Cutscene 01, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  18. 18.0 18.1 "Ark After Stonehenge", GAZE: Arkbird Declaration Summit 2008. Retrieved January 11, 2017.
  19. https://youtu.be/pnTFCyMaPNU
  20. 20.0 20.1 "Arkbird Declaration", GAZE: Arkbird Declaration Summit 2008. Retrieved January 25, 2017.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Aces At War: A History 2019, page 39.
  22. "Open War", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Aces At War: A History 2019, page 38.
  24. "Rendezvous", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  25. "White Bird (Part I)", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  26. Mission 13: "Demons of Razgriz", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  27. "Fortress", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  28. "Ghosts of Razgriz", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 ACES, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  30. "The Unsung War", Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  31. VR Mission 01, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
  32. Aces At War: A History 2019, page 76.
  33. https://youtu.be/NQJH4km1bhM
  34. Aces At War: A History 2019, page 144.
  35. SP Mission 03: "Ten Million Relief Plan", Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
  36. The New System, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
  37. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/clm/column06.php
  38. Heartbreak One, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.
  39. Aces At War: A History 2019, page 59.
  40. Hasegawa 1/72 "Su-47 Berkut ACE COMBAT Grabacr" (plastic model) description.