Yuktobanian Peace Treaty

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Osean Federation Flag 1024x768.gif
Yuktobania Flag 1024x768.gif
"But haven't we been allies with the Yukes since the war 15 years ago?"
Albert Genette to Jack Bartlett[1]

The Yuktobanian Peace Treaty[a] was a treaty ratified in 1996 between the Osean Federation and the Union of Yuktobanian Republics in the aftermath of the Belkan War. The document formally declared a cessation of hostilities between the two countries, bringing an end to the Cold War.[2]


From around the 1980s to early 1995, Osea and Yuktobania—the world's foremost superpowers—were locked in an uneasy nuclear arms race. During this time, both nations amassed immense nuclear arsenals, and the diplomatic relations between them ranged from hostile and contentious[3] to cool and dismissive.[4]

For reasons that remain unknown, however, Yuktobania's leadership decided to aid Osea in its fight against Belka in late March 1995, effectively mitigating the previous decades' hostilities. Although Osea, Yuktobania, and the Allied Forces emerged victorious,[5] their victory came at a grimly high cost in civilian casualties, most notably the more than 12,000 Belkan citizens who perished during the events of June 6.[6]


Specific details regarding the treaty's content and signing are scarce; however, it was ratified sometime in 1996[7][8] and officially ended the long-standing hostilities between Yuktobania and Osea. The treaty solidified the two nations' newfound friendship and halted the self-perpetuating arms race that had plagued the global community for nearly two decades. It is also possible that the treaty opened other trading and economic channels between the two superpowers.

Reactions and results

The Yuktobanian Peace Treaty was likely welcomed by a majority of the Osean and Yuktobanian populations, who had lived under the near-constant threat of nuclear annihilation for almost 16 years. However, the treaty was met with opposition from hawkish nationalists in both countries. Sometime after the signing in 1996, the surviving members of the OADF's Wizard Squadron—under the leadership of Iosif Beletsky—revolted against the treaty and attempted to assassinate the incumbent President of Osea.[7][8]

In the years following the treaty's signing, Osea and Yuktobania began directing resources and funding towards collaborative projects involving manned and unmanned spaceflight.[9][10] The precedent established by the Yuktobanian Peace Treaty likely laid the groundwork for the numerous anti-proliferation and treaties enacted by Osea and Yuktobania throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s.[11]


  • There are two possible ways of interpreting the treaty's naming:
    • The document was physically signed in Yuktobanian territory, or
    • It is merely an Osean-perspective name that reflects the new peace pact with Yuktobania.


  1. Yuktobanian Peace Treaty (ユークトバニア融和政策 Yūkutobania Yūwa Seisaku)
