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Pretty much a nobody.

Previously known as "Dragranzer" until... who knows when. I'm just a guy from a far country that pretty much has less than 10% gamers owning a AAA Games. Finding an Ace Combat players? Try searching deeper in the social media. Meeting an Ace Combat players living in your city? Good luck with that.

Enough about that. Nice to meet you, whoever is reading this, username is "Lanzerince" (Don't ask how I came up with this name 'cause I myself don't remember). People calls me "Lanze" as in "lance" (yes, there's an ACZ F-4E Ace that has the callsign "Lanze"). a person with either no free time at all or a lot of free time due to projects. I guess that's enough about me, moving on.

History with Ace Combat

I have to go way back in time to explain this, so here goes.

My dad bought me a PS1 when I was very young. Along with it, comes several games he picked; Winning Eleven 5 (PES), Crash Team Racing, Spyro 2, Warpath: Jurassic Park, Gran Turismo 2 and Ace Combat 2. My dad mostly played PES, I played with all the games, but for some reason I don't recall, Ace Combat 2 sticks with me the most. I always played it over and over again after school, sometimes forgetting about homeworks (Don't be like me). I remember the amount of times I spent trying to figure out "how the heck do chase these dudes so high up?" before knowing that Speed can get you to high places. There's a time I found out about Expert Control, and then there's the time I saw the F-14 which I goes "Hey! It's that plane from the movie!" (The time I played AC2 was also around the time I watched Top Gun. However, the aircraft that actually made me fell in love is the Su-35. Since the intro movie and throughout the playthrough, I loved how it looks, I loved how it handles. She's a beauty, what can I say? The game also made me a Military lover today.

She's a beauty, c'mon.

Years later, Grade School was hell for me, so not much gaming until I graduated 6th Grade. I also sold my PS1 and all my games including AC2 to fund myself for stuff I don't remember.

Internet usage was rising in Indonesia, and I'm joining in the fun. A year passed by with me satisfying my gaming thirst with Asian F2P PC games. Then I saw it on the news one day: "Air Force purchasing Su-27SKMs and Su-30MK2s after US Embargoes". It got me thinking, "Huh, I wonder if the AC2 has sequels?". Enter 04, 5 and Zero. Played them and boy am I impressed. Storyline, gameplay, graphics, challenges, those things that 100% gets me into the franchise. And what more that I love? My Flanker baby returned on both 04 and 5! Along with her siblings too. Sad that it's not in Zero (and future ACs), but her older and little sisters would do.


Time passed, I have not touch Ace Combat 6 cause XBOX wasn't really a thing here in ID, or Advance ever, so... Timeskip!

2011. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon came out on PS3, insta buy, insta regret. I did not like the gameplay and the storyline, DFM can go and live in the alleyway. The only thing I appreciate about the game is its graphic and paint scheme customization (And Flankers). I did re buy it for PC, just to make use of the replay function, which sucks as it can only record the last 20 second for some reason and was never fixed. Still playing it with friends just to spend time.

That's cool and all, but the game still sucks

Handheld titles like X and X2, played on emulator. Played Xi, not fond of the purchases. Northern Wings? No device.

2014. Infinity came out. Played for the first half of its life, busy with life on the latter half. Spend most of the time having fun, except for those time getting seal-clubbed. Like Jesus Christ, those people just gets on my nerves, go play with people your levels, stop smurfing and ruin other's fun.

Then Skies Unknown came out, which is okay-ish I guess. I spent most of the time modding the game though, which you can find in NexusMods. I also accept mod commissions such as skins, visual mods and weapon swaps. Contact me on Nexus foe enquiry.

AC7 Aircraft of Choice

F-15C Eagle Rafale M Su-30M2 Flanker-G+ F-15J Peace Eagle - XFA-27
F-15E Strike Eagle Su-30SM Flanker-H CFA-44 Nosferatu
YF-23 Black Widow Su-33 Flanker-D
Su-34 Fullback
Su-35S Flanker-M
Su-37 Flanker-E2
Su-57 Felon
MiG-29 (9.12) Fulcrum-A
MiG-35D (9.67) Fulcrum-F

Aircraft I Wish to Return or to be Added

A-4F Skyhawk J 35J Draken MiG-21-93 Fishbed - Kfir C.7 ADF-01 ZOE
F-5E Tiger II AJS 37 Viggen MiG-23MLD Flogger-K FA-50 Golden Eagle ADA-01 Adler
F-8E Crusader Mirage 4000 Su-24M2 Fencer-D
F-15EX Eagle II Su-25TM Frogfoot
F-16F Desert Falcon Su-25SM3 Frogfoot
F-16V Viper Su-27S Flanker-B
F/A-18C Hornet Su-27SM Flanker-J
EA-18G Growler Su-27M Flanker-E1
F-20 Tigershark Su-57M Felon
F-35A Lightning II Su-75
F-35B Lightning II MiG-29SMT (9.19) Fulcrum-E
MiG-29K (9.41) Fulcrum-D
MiG-35S (9.61) Fulcrum-F
MiG-31M Foxhound
MiG-31BM Foxhound
MiG 1.44 Flatpack