Satellite Interception IV
Satellite Interception IV is a Special Raid mission in Ace Combat Infinity available at random to players during Online Co-Op Missions. Players are tasked with destroying the SOLG -Gould- military satellite and its defense squadron before the satellite crashes into Tokyo and causes catastrophic damage.
The SOLG -Gould- military satellite has started a descent. If it should fall into a residential area then massive destruction will ensure. Reports indicate that enemy forces have developed in the operation zone, and that there are new enemy fighters among them. This will be an extremely fierce battle, but you must destroy SOLG -Gould- and eradicate the threat that it presents.
Satellite Interception IV plays very similarly to Satellite Interception I, Satellite Interception II, and Satellite Interception III. Players spawn above Tokyo Bay, each team on each side of the radar, as SOLG -Gould- begins to fall towards the city. Four sets of targets must be destroyed, starting with Gould's Solar Array Wings (SAWs) and exterior MAG panels. The SAWs will be very resilient, more so than previous versions of the mission, but the MAG panels will be easy to destroy as always. All of these will fly backwards towards the players when they break off after being destroyed, and a large and damaging fire will begin at the front of the satellite after some SAWs are destroyed, so players must exercise caution to not get physically damaged.
After all SAWs and MAG panels are destroyed, all of Gould's Kinetic Energy Weapon (KEW) shells will be target-able. Its Tactical Laser System defenses will activate, however, so players must avoid being damaged by the lasers as they engage this set of targets. Smaller panels will also start falling off of Gould, just as damaging as the previous panels. About halfway through destroying the KEW shells, a squadron of F-22A Raptors will enter the area and engage the players. These are not mission-important, but should be destroyed for the S rank.
After all KEW shells are destroyed, a squadron of ADFX-01 Morgans will enter the operation area. These must be destroyed before the rest of the satellite can be damaged. All of the Morgans are equipped with Tactical Laser Systems and Multi-Purpose Burst Missiles and will use both of them as well as standard missiles and gunfire simultaneously. The MPBMs explode similarly to Stonehenge's fire or the Nimbus missiles deployed by Aigaion-class heavy command cruiser and Scinfaxi-class submarine, so players will have advance warning to avoid the danger zones on the radar before the MPBMs detonate.
After all of the Morgans are shot down, QFA-44 Carmilla and its MQ-90L Quox bis units will appear as in Moby Dick Pursuit IV and STONEHENGE RETURNS IV. The Carmilla must be destroyed in order to gain access to third wave of targets, the core units, on Gould.
As the core units become vulnerable, more laser units will activate on the body of the satellite, and the fire at the front of the satellite will still be burning, so players must continue to exercise caution.
After the four core units are destroyed, the back of the satellite will open up, allowing players to destroy the special artillery shell located within Gould. It is important to note that the barrel will now feature obstructing barriers, something which is not featured in previous SOLG missions. Destroying this artillery shell will bring an end to SOLG -Gould- and complete the mission.
The mission ends when time runs out or when the special artillery shell is destroyed, whichever comes first.
S Rank
E or D Rank
We were unable to completely destroy SOLG -Gould- and the operation ended in failure. All we can do now is pray that the separate allied unit that will take over the mission will be able to keep damage to a minimum.
C or B Rank
Luckily we were able to at least alter the trajectory of the target, keeping damage to a minimum. Things will be quiet for the time being, but the enemy forces still remain.
A Rank
Your actions directly resulted in the destruction of SOLG -Gould-. With practically zero damage caused by its fall, the results of this operation can be regarded as a complete success.
S Rank
SOLG -Gould- has been completely destroyed, and the enemy forces that were running interference have also been wiped out. Your swift and accurate actions have resulted in the complete elimination of this threat.
- The background music that plays during the mission is "The Unsung War" from the Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack.
- The satellite's name, Gould, is named after American astronomer Benjamin Apthorp Gould.
- The rewards from completing this mission is the "Satellite Interception - Medal of Valor (Black)" emblem and the "27+" nickname.
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