Paris Liberation War

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Paris Liberation War is an Online Co-Op Mission in Ace Combat Infinity. Players must liberate the city of Paris from the invading USEA Federation forces.


Enemy forces are being pushed back across Western Europe. Their forces have expanded in Paris and they are preparing to take a stand against us. Liberating Paris, one of the largest and most prominent cities in the world, will go a long way to advancing our operations to free all of western Europe. Coinciding with our allies' attacks, we need all units to eliminate the enemy forces in Paris.
All units, prepare for battle.


S Rank


C or B Rank

The enemy forces have retreated from Paris. It's unclear exactly why they retreated, but for now the operation can be called a success.

A Rank

Thanks to your efforts in battle, the enemy forces have been driven away and Paris has been liberated. Although some enemies managed to escape, they do not pose much of a threat to us.

