Missile (Ace Combat 3 weapon)

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A standard missile in flight.

The Missile is a weapon featured in Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.


The Missile is a basic homing weapon. It is capable of targeting both air and ground-borne targets which makes it an effective, multirole weapon. It has average power and medium firing rate, though with the longest targeting and firing range of any weapon in 3 (excluding directed-energy weapons like the OSL and Plasma Beam).

List of Compatible Aircraft

Aircraft Ammo
F-16XF Gyrfalcon 80
F-16XFU Gyrfalcon 80
F-15S/MT Eagle+ 112
F-15S/MT Eagle + D 112
F-22C Raptor II 104
F-22C Raptor II D 104
XFA-36A Game 184
RF-12A2 Blackbird 160
EF2000E Typhoon II 72
MiG-33 Fulcrum SS 80
Su-37 Super Flanker 120
Su-37 Super Flanker R 120
Su-43 Berkut 152
R-101 Delphinus 1 88
R-102 Delphinus 2 128
R-102 Delphinus 2 C 128
R-103 Delphinus 3 168
R-103 Delphinus 3 C 168
XR-900 Geopelia 192
X-49 Night Raven ???
