Su-43 Berkut

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The Su-43 Berkut is a modified Su-47 Berkut. It is the most advanced fighter in the arsenal of the Universal Peace Enforcement Organization, and was used in combat during the Intercorporate War.


The Su-43 has been fitted with a redesigned aft cockpit area (presumably for extra fuel/electronics), the COFFIN system, and new engines that allow it to fly at speeds surpassing Mach 2 in level flight. It also possesses the best mobility out of all standard aircraft, giving it a high level of survivability in a dogfight. However, it is slower and less stable than the latest fighters from Neucom and General Resource, requiring a more skilled hand to make the most of it.

Its specifications are as follows:[1]

  • Length: 22.6 m (74 ft)
  • Width: 16.7 m (55 ft)
  • Height: 6.4 m (21 ft)
  • Weight: 34,900 kg (76,900 lb)
  • Top speed:
    • Japanese version: 3,304 km/h (Mach 2.7; 2,053 mph; 1,784 kn)
    • International version: 4,513 km/h (Mach 3.7; 2,804 mph; 2,437 kn)
  • Armor: Normal


The Su-43 was created based on a prototype developed in secrecy. [1] It was fielded very late in the Intercorporate War, in response to the massive breakout of armed conflicts as a result of the false-flag operation devised by UPEO commander Gilbert Park. This advanced aircraft was deployed over Port Edwards to quell the massive firefight between Neucom and General Resource, forcing the battling parties to retreat.[2]

It was also used by the terrorist group Ouroboros in defense of their mobile base, the UI-4053 Sphyrna. They acquired the frames from defecting UPEO pilots who had joined Park.

Game Analysis

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

"An aircraft built to surpass the aerial fighting performance of the Su-37, which is known to be a balanced and easy plane to operate. Among actually deployed fighter aircraft, the Su-43 Berkut is the first to adopt forward swept wings. Thanks to its forward swept wing and three winged surface design, it maintains its aerodynamic performance at high angles of attack, and is capable of high mobility in dogfights."
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere - Namco Official Guide Book

How to Unlock

  • Japanese version:
    • UPEO: Available after "Pawns in the Game".
    • Ouroboros: Normally unusable, but can be made playable by using the "deadcopy" save file found in Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere - Direct Audio/AppenDisc.
  • International version: Complete "Conspiracy".


Power: 10
Attack: 14
Defense: 12
Stability: 8
Mobility: 15



  • UPEO: Black and gold
  • Ouroboros: Exactly the same, with Ouroboros markings



  • The Su-43's model number is lower than its real-life counterpart, the Su-47, unlike its fellow UPEO planes the MiG-33 Fulcrum SS and the Su-37 Super Flanker, which have higher model numbers than their base planes (the MiG-29 and the Su-30 respectively). This is because at the time of Electrosphere's release (1999 in Japan, 2000 in the EU and the USA), the real plane on which this is based was named S-37; Sukhoi redesignated it "Su-47" in 2002.
  • Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere - Mission & World View Guide Book specifically mentions that the Su-43 is based on a secret Russian prototype.[1] However, with Strangereal evolving in such a manner that real-world countries have been completely omitted in favour of fictional countries, where the Su-47 and Su-43 originate from in Strangereal is currently unknown.
