Transcript:Unexpected Visitor

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This page includes a transcript of "Unexpected Visitor", the first DLC mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.

Pre-Mission Cutscene[edit]

09:59 AM
Sep 19, 2019
  • Alex: [ringing]
  • David North: [hangs up] Hey, Alex. I've almost finished writing the summary for the report.
  • Alex: Perfect.
  • David North: I'm still unconvinced. So here's a question for you, Alex. How can we do this without killing Three Strikes?


  • Count: Fencer still hasn't recovered?
  • Lanza: He has, but the doctor won't let him fly.
  • Count: [chuckle] Guessed as much.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: How much longer are you going to make me wait?
  • Húxiān: Who's the self-important stiff?
  • Skald: He'll hear.
  • Lanza: And he really is quite important.
  • David North: We're connected. Ready now, sir.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: [sighs] I'm Brigadier General Howard Clemens. I'm in charge of this operation. Our objective is to capture an advanced submarine in harbor at Artiglio. The port of Artiglio and the surrounding oil facilities were mostly destroyed by another air operation.
  • Count: Oh, that port! Seems like such a long time ago.
  • Skald: You've been there?
  • Brigadier General Clemens: However, Erusean forces repaired the facilities and use[sic] them to resupply and maintenance a massive submarine.
  • David North: Here's a question. How long do you think this submarine is? If you guessed 495 meters, you're right. It also has a width of 116 meters and a submerged displacement of 810,000 tonnes. It's a super-sized nuclear submarine powered by two liquid metal cooled reactors.
  • Húxiān: I guess it really is huge. So, who's the quiz show host?
  • David North: David North. I'm an OIA (Osean Intelligence Agency) analyst from Advanced Weapons Analysis.
  • Húxiān: Why isn't he here?
  • Wiseman: Because he doesn't need to be. He can perform his analysis at his home office.
  • Jaeger: [chuckle] We've got ourselves an armchair detective.
  • Wiseman: Continue.
  • David North: I have come to call this super-submarine "the Alicorn." The Alicorn is a submarine... and yet it can stage aircraft operations like a carrier. It also boasts some serious firepower with its two main railguns. Their range is over 400 kilometers.
  • Lanza: A real monster, if there ever was one.
  • David North: The sub's force projection capabilities are equivalent to a carrier strike group. Furthermore, it can approach underwater or use aircraft and railguns to attack outside the enemy's range. It has an unusual history, befitting such a ship. It was launched four years ago. However, it went MIA on a sea trial after being outfitted. It was later found on the bottom of the ocean by chance, and of the 356 crewmen, 330 were rescued. Here's the question. For how many days was the Alicorn underwater? It was 698 days.
  • Lanza: Woah.
  • Count: They were down there two years?
  • David North: They were on the sea floor, at 15 degrees.
  • Jaeger: So why are they deploying it to the front lines now?
  • David North: I suspect it has to do with the loss of an Arsenal Bird and the IRBM cluster.
  • Lanza: Huh. Okay, so we just blow up the damn thing?
  • Brigadier General Clemens: We capture it. Don't make me repeat myself. We've had reports from local sources that there are weapons of mass destruction aboard the Alicorn.
  • David North: Source?
  • Brigadier General Clemens: If we can secure that evidence, we'll gain an advantage in the peace negotiations post war.
  • Wiseman: The Osean Navy has dispatched a fleet including a landing ship to capture the Alicorn. Our mission is to secure air superiority and protect this assault-and-capture task force.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: If we take too long, they'll scuttle the sub. The fleet will commence its actions while we seize the skies.
  • Count: Wouldn't it be risky to bring the fleet in before we secure air superiority?
  • Brigadier General Clemens: That is none of your concern.
  • Húxiān: So basically, you're putting our fleet in danger for political games.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: They should've taught how to address superiors in boot camp.
  • Wiseman: ...An EW squadron will be deployed. Their ESM will be a valuable asset. Stay within their range and you'll have a significant advantage over your enemies. The ETA for the EW aircraft is the same as H-hour.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Only Strider Squadron will sortie.
  • Lanza: Woah, I have to sit this one out?
  • Húxiān: Wait, Wiseman, you're not coming?!
  • Wiseman: I'll be assisting the brigadier general at HQ.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: This is by no means a difficult mission. Your squadron commander's absence shouldn't change that.

Mission Script[edit]

Opening Cutscene[edit]

  • Captain Torres: It's a requiem. Set off as soon as we're ready!

Mission Start[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: Here we go!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Do it with a bang!
  • Wiseman: Understood. Shit!
  • Strider 2 Count: What's up?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Friendly aircraft and EW aircraft will arrive 5 minutes late.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What?!
  • Wiseman: Retreat and wait for backup!
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Retreat not authorized. Gain air superiority at once.
  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger, what now?
If the player opens fire...
  • Strider 2 Count: [laughs] Trigger's already kicked off the game!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: We're going in! After Trigger!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: All aircraft, engage, weapons free!
If the player doesn't open fire...
  • Strider 3 Skald: We're already in range! It's kill or be killed!
  • Strider 2 Count: We doing this or not?![note 1]
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: They're right in our face! We ain't got no choice!
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Continue with the mission!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Fine. Engage weapons free!
  • Erusean Fighter: Just four aircraft? They've got some cocky nerve!
  • Erusean Fighter: Come on! It's time to fight a real pilot!
  • Wiseman: Sir, you didn't tell us there was a change in the H-hour.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: [chuckle] You mean our hotshots won't even last 5 minutes?

  • Osean Landing Ship: Don't slow down! Being late is not an option!
  • Strider 2 Count: I don't need no Wiseman to fly!
  • Wiseman: Then prove it, Count!
  • Strider 2 Count: Righto.
  • Strider 3 Skald: Hold tight! Just a little longer till the friendlies arrive!

If the player fires at the Alicorn[edit]

  • Brigadier General Clemens: The point of this mission is to capture it! Did you sleep through the briefing, you idiot?!

If the player targets an F-4E[edit]

  • Glamrock Squadron: Well, look who we've got here! This plane and I may be past our prime, but we're no pushovers.
  • Glamrock Squadron: Yee-haw! Here we go, cowboys! Surround 'im!

  • Glamrock Squadron: That's Three Strikes. I know his flying.

  • Glamrock Squadron: Got Three Strikes in my sights. Gonna take 'im down for one last moment of glory.

  • Glamrock Squadron: It takes an ace to down an ace.

  • Glamrock Squadron: Drones this, drones that... But flying calculators will never be enough to beat Three Strikes.

  • Glamrock Squadron: Your plane don't mean a thing, kid. Not without proper skills.

  • Glamrock Squadron: You're not dropping us that easily! We're flying on pride, not fuel!

If the player evades a missile from an F-4E[edit]

  • Glamrock Squadron: Huh, he dodged that? Flies likea[sic] true ace.

If the player targets an Su-57[edit]

  • Sigurd Squadron: This is Sigurd 1. 3 and 4, head to 305. Pincer attack!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Sigurd 3, wilco! 4, tail me! Fly like you're one with the plane!
  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger, I'm seeing advanced stealth fighters.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Su-57s, highly capable planes. Stay on your toes if you engage them!

  • Sigurd Squadron: You're all too close! Spread out!

  • Sigurd Squadron: We've engaged Three Strikes!
  • Sigurd Squadron: I can do this! I can do this!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Trust your aircraft!

  • Sigurd Squadron: I'll prove myself by taking him down!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Don't just follow him with your eyes! Predict his maneuvers!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Wilco!

If the player shoots down an Su-57[edit]

  • Strider 3 Skald: Trigger shot down an Su-57!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Damn you! That was our youngest pilot!

  • Sigurd Squadron: Sigurd 1, eject!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Not yet! I'll keep him hanging! You take him down!
  • Sigurd Squadron: Roger!

If the player shoots down an F-4E[edit]

  • Glamrock Squadron: It was fun flying with you guys for one last time-- [static][note 2]
  • Glamrock Squadron: That was a fine last flight, brother!

  • Glamrock Squadron: ...See ya later, cowboys! I'll be wait-- [static]
  • Glamrock Squadron: You won't wait for long!

  • Glamrock Squadron: We've lost aircraft.
  • Glamrock Squadron: Damn it. We're past our prime, after all.[note 3]

  • Strider 2 Count: You're good, but your plane's not doing you any favors.

If the player is shot down by an F-4E[edit]

  • Glamrock Squadron: That was some fine work, cowboy! So, how'd it feel to take down an ace?
  • Glamrock Squadron: The same as always, may his soul rest in peace.

If the player is shot down by an Su-57[edit]

  • Sigurd Squadron: Splashed Three Strikes! Chalk one up for Sigurd Squadron!

After 2 minutes and 15 seconds elapse[edit]

  • Wiseman: Strider Squadron, enemy aircraft have begun their assault on the fleet. Swiftly secure our air superiority.
  • Strider 2 Count: I know that, but we're outnumbered! They're pushing back hard!
  • Osean Landing Ship: Keep course! A few sparks are to be expected!

After three minutes elapse[edit]

  • Osean EW Aircraft: This is Enchanter. We've entered the AO!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Yes! EW aircraft and Drake Squadron are here!
  • Strider 2 Count: I didn't think you'd get here so quickly.
  • Osean EW Aircraft: Heh. We're here team!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: The EW aircraft have strong ESM onboard.
  • AWACS Long Caster: It can improve your dogfighting capabilities by enhancing missile range, homing, and more.
  • Osean Fighter: Drake 1, engaging!
  • Osean Fighter: Drake 3, engaging!
  • Osean Fighter: Drake 5, engaging!
  • Osean Fighter: Drake 8, engaging!

  • Strider 2 Count: Drake Squadron, follow me! I'll show you how the pros do it!
  • Osean Fighter: Copy that. Show us what you got!
  • Erusean Fighter: Take down the EW aircraft! They're giving us trouble!
  • Osean Fighter: We can't afford to lose our EW aircraft!

  • Erusean Fighter: Somebody take down their EW aircraft!

  • Osean Fighter: Don't let them get to Enchanter!

  • Osean EW Aircraft: Ignore enemy aircraft! Focus on ESM!

  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft! If you want to make it, take advantage of Enchanter's support!

If the player does not enter ESM within 50 seconds of Enchanter appearing[edit]

  • Wiseman: Trigger, do you see the ESM range displayed on your radar? Your capabilities will improve inside that area.

If the player flies into Enchanter's ESM range[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Receiving support from ESM.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Entering ESM range.

If the player shoots down an enemy aircraft under ESM coverage[edit]

  • Strider 3 Skald: Trigger splashed a hostile!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Good. The ESM's improving your aircraft's dogfighting capabilities.

  • Erusean Fighter: Keep your distance from their EW aircraft!
  • Erusean Fighter: Roger!

If an Enchanter aircraft is attacked by the enemy[edit]

  • Osean EW Aircraft: Incoming missile! We're targeted!

  • Osean Fighter: They're after our EW aircraft!

  • Osean Fighter: Enchanter's hit!

  • Osean Fighter: Those EW aircraft move too slow!

  • Erusean Fighter: Those EW aircraft are tough!

  • AWACS Long Caster: EW aircraft was hit! It's being attacked by an F-15E!

  • AWACS Long Caster: EW aircraft was hit from an enemy Typhoon!

  • AWACS Long Caster: EW aircraft is taking fire from a YF-23!

  • Erusean Fighter: Hit on the enemy EW aircraft!

If an Enchanter aircraft is shot down[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: Enchanter just exploded!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Goddamnit!

  • Erusean Fighter: Got their electronic-warfare aircraft!
  • Osean Fighter: The ESM's gone! EW aircraft's been taken out!

If both Enchanter aircraft are shot down[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: Damn it! They got our EW aircraft!
  • Erusean Fighter: Hostile ESM's gone! Thank God!
  • AWACS Long Caster: All electronic-warfare aircraft are down! ESM is no longer available!
  • Wiseman: Carry on with your mission! Don't let their sacrifice be in vain!
  • Strider 3 Skald: I know, damnit!

If all enemy aircraft near the fleet are shot down[edit]

  • Wiseman: Trigger, take out enemies away from our fleet too. Take control of the entire airspace.

After five and a half minutes have elapsed[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Multiple aircraft approaching this airspace. They're Harriers.
  • Wiseman: Any moves to attack our fleet must be stopped!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Alright.

  • AWACS Long Caster: I don't even have enough time for a snack on this operation!
  • Strider 2 Count: You just wait. I'll get you a break in a second!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Thanks!

If a TGT aircraft approaches the allied fleet[edit]

  • ! Osean Landing Ship !: Another enemy aircraft approaching our ship!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Be advised! Enemy aircraft nearing the landing ship!

  • ! Osean Landing Ship !: Anti-air stations! Target enemy aircraft!

If the allied fleet is attacked[edit]

  • Osean Landing Ship: Enemy missile detonated in the waters on the portside! Thank God!

  • Osean Fleet: Marked! Intercepting!

  • Osean Fleet: Don't bother reporting minor damages! If the landing ship makes it, we win!

  • Osean Fleet: Target is turning right! Firing SAM!

  • Osean Fleet: Ready... Fire!

  • Osean Landing Ship: Damage control to CIC! The engines are intact! We're still good!

If Puffin takes damage[edit]

  • Osean Landing Ship: CIWS failed, incoming!
  • ! Wiseman !: The landing ship is under attack! Keep the enemy away from our ships!

  • ! Osean Landing Ship !: Portside hit! Damage control!
  • Strider 3 Skald: This is bad. The damage is spreading!

If a non-critical allied ship is sunk[edit]

  • Osean Fleet: Cease all draining! Evacuate immediately!
  • Osean Fighter: We've lost a ship! It's the destroyer Kite!

  • Osean Fleet: Hard port! We can't block the fleet's path! All personnel, abandon ship!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Look, another destroyer's been sunk!

If Puffin is destroyed[edit]


  • AWACS Long Caster: The landing ship Puffin has been crippled! Capturing the submarine is no longer possible!
  • Wiseman: All aircraft, retreat! Abort mission!
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Our aerial forces are to blame for this failure.

When an AV-8B is shot down[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Harrier destroyed! Nice work! Those fighters are after the fleet! Take care of the rest!

When all AV-8Bs are shot down[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: Yes!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Harrier IIs have all been destroyed!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Good job!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Great work!

If the player targets a MiG-31[edit]

  • Erusean Fighter: No control. Returning to base.
  • Erusean Fighter: Don't forget to tell the mechanics you seem to have a problem every time Three Strikes shows up!

if the player shoots down a MiG-31[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: That bird over there flies pretty well. Didn't think pilots of that caliber were still around.

When eight and a half minutes remain[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Detecting hostile barrage jamming! They brought EW aircraft!
  • AWACS Long Caster: I'm displaying the jammed area on your radars.

If the player flies into an enemy jamming zone[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: My missile's not homing in properly!
  • AWACS Long Caster: When in range of enemy jammers, missile lock-on and homing capabilities are reduced.
  • Wiseman: This is gonna be trouble.

If the player enters an area covered by both jamming and ESM[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Effect of friendly ESM are negated inside the enemy's jamming zones. Be careful.
  • Strider 2 Count: No magic allowed, huh?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: And we're gonna make sure it doesn't come to that!

If Húxiān shoots down a jammer aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Bandit down! So that's their electronic-warfare aircraft!
  • Strider 2 Count: Got a much clearer view of the skies!

If Count shoots down a jammer aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: You see that? Splashed an enemy EW aircraft!
  • Wiseman: Nice kill, Count. We'll go over that one during debriefing.
  • Strider 2 Count: Righto!

When all jammer aircraft are shot down[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemy EW aircraft confirmed destroyed!
  • Strider 2 Count: That's good news!

If the player has scored over 50,000 points before 8 minutes remain[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: I'm impressed! You did really well out there.
  • Strider 3 Skald: Yes! That was one hell of a firework, Trigger!

If the player has not scored at least half their quota when 8 minutes remain[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, your performance is disappointing.
  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger, put on a show for us, will ya?
  • Wiseman: Yeah, show me what you can do, Strider Squadron!

When 7 minutes and 50 seconds remain[edit]

  • Osean Fleet: We've passed the third checkpoint! We're halfway there!
  • Osean Landing Ship: From Puffin to all ships. Change formation!
  • Osean Fleet: Full speed ahead! Move in front of the landing ship Puffin! We're going to be their shield!

When 7 and a half minutes remain or when all AV-8Bs are shot down[edit]

  • Captain Torres: Command Duty Officer. The approaching landing ship is to be considered hostile. Set it as your target.
  • Submarine CDO: Roger. Set primary target to hostile landing ship Puffin.
  • Captain Torres: Our target is the captain of the Puffin, Robin Airey.
  • Submarine CDO: Captain?
  • Captain Torres: Ah, you don't see it. Gunnery is about killing the people onboard.

When 7 minutes and 5 seconds remain[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: All aircraft, be advised! Enemy strike fighters are on the approach! They're Fullbacks, definitely faster than the ones before!
  • Wiseman: They'll pose a serious threat. Take them down!
  • Strider 2 Count: Righto. Trigger, let's get this done quick.

When 6 and a half minutes remain[edit]

  • Osean Landing Ship: Got a visual on the target submarine! That thing really is huge to be able to see it from here!

When an Su-34 is shot down[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: That's it! Trigger has splashed a fighter!

When all Su-34s are shot down[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Target eliminated! Good work!
  • Strider 2 Count: Looks like we'll have that beast captured in no time.
  • Strider 3 Skald: They'll be happy to see us. Spent two years at the bottom of the ocean. They wouldn't want to go back to that.

When the player reaches their quota[edit]

  • Strider 3 Skald: Their ranks are thinning!
  • AWACS Long Caster: At last, the light at the end of the tunnel. Continue with your mission.

When 5 minutes and 40 seconds remain or when all Su-34s are shot down[edit]

  • Mimic 1 Rage: I see Three Strikes!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: [laugh] I'll kill you!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: All aircraft, be advised. Two bogeys on the approach. Aircraft type... Su-47!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Berkuts? Erusea doesn't have many of those. Where'd they come from?
  • Mimic 2 Scream: Hey Rage can I kill him now? I've waited long enough!
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Use the confusion to get on his six!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: Like a true villain, huh? I like the way you think!
  • Erusean Fighter: Osean on my tail! Taking fire!

When an enemy fighter is shot down[edit]

  • Erusean Fighter: Can't ask for more than to die in the skies--[static]

  • Erusean Fighter: Friendly hit! Radzinsky!

  • Erusean Fighter: [groan] Help me! [static]

  • Erusean Fighter: Pilot ejected! Send rescue!

  • Erusean Fighter: I'm hit! [scream] [static]

  • Erusean Fighter: Lost a friendly!

If an allied aircraft is shot down[edit]

  • Osean Fighter: They got me! Bailing out! [static]
  • Strider 3 Skald: Rescue would be difficult out here.

  • Osean Fighter: Damn it! Missile hit! [static]
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: We're taking casualties!

  • Osean Fighter: They got my wingman!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Now it's my turn!

  • Osean Fighter: Going down! Going down! [static]

  • Osean Fighter: I'm hit, I'm hit! [static]


  • Strider 3 Skald: It's not every day you're in a battle like this!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: C'mon, try me! Nobody's got more combat experience than we do!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Being outnumbered is tougher than I thought!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Shut your trap and keep shooting!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Shit! Do it with a bang.

  • Strider 2 Count: I've downed quite a few, but haven't even made a dent!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Shut up. You see Trigger complaining?
  • Strider 2 Count: Well, he doesn't talk much, but fine, here I go!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: We've got tons of company above and below!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Come and get me! [groan]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: You ain't no match for me!

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: I'm gonna open this guy up!

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Well, they've sure brought a lot of friends!

  • Strider 3 Skald: Air combat's a lot harder without Wiseman!
  • Strider 2 Count: You sure? Our man Trigger was an absolute monster just now!

  • Strider 3 Skald: I should've switched with Lanza.

  • Strider 3 Skald: I'm in your debt, Trigger.

  • Strider 3 Skald: The party's just getting started!

  • Strider 2 Count: Come at me, bro! Catch me if you can!

  • Strider 3 Skald: That would've been way too close if it wasn't for Trigger!

  • Strider 2 Count: We're not fighting UAVs. It's just as hard on them as it is on us!

  • Osean Fighter: So many partners to dance with!
  • Strider 2 Count: Okay, I quit! Not counting their numbers anymore!
  • Osean Fleet: We definitely hit a hornet's nest.

  • Osean Landing Ship: Let the LRSSG take care of the enemy aircraft!

  • Osean Fighter: Numbers alone won't win you dogfights!

  • Osean Fighter: Keep your eyes on Three Strikes! You might learn a thing or two!
  • Osean Fighter: Roger.

  • Osean Fighter: Getting a real warm welcome here!

  • Osean Fighter: These guys aren't just a bunch of goons!

  • Osean Fighter: Keep track of your allies!

  • Osean Fighter: I'm glad you're up here with us, Trigger.

  • Osean Fighter: Going up! Going up!

  • Osean Fighter: Incoming! Get in the clouds!

  • Osean Fighter: Shake them off! Get in the clouds!

  • Osean Fighter: Break their coordination!

  • Osean Fighter: Even from here, that submarine looks huge!
  • Erusean Fighter: These guys are good!
  • Erusean Fighter: I'll take the one on the left. You take the one on the right.
  • Erusean Fighter: We're the last generation of fighter pilots! Show 'em just what we can do!
  • Erusean Fighter: My wingman says he saw Three Strikes.
  • Erusean Fighter: Damn it, I can't stop trembling!
  • Erusean Fighter: Yes! This is the air combat I've been waiting for!
  • Erusean Fighter: [chuckle] Y'all don't really care about the sub and just want a good fight, huh?

  • Erusean Fighter: Are you sure?!
  • Erusean Fighter: Damn sure! It's Three Strikes!

  • Erusean Fighter: So, is this the meeting place for pilots replaced by UAVs? [chuckle]
  • Erusean Fighter: This is it! This is the battlefield I've been craving!

  • Erusean Fighter: If we can destroy their landing ship, we can sink their plans along with it!

  • Erusean Fighter: You see the size of that sub? Why the hell was it not in action all this time?!

  • Erusean Fighter: Son of a...! Can he see through the clouds or something?!

  • Erusean Fighter: Watch your altitude! The ocean's right below the clouds!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Aim for the one our friendlies forced down!

  • Erusean Fighter: Stay one step ahead in the dogfights!

  • Erusean Fighter: I'll show you moves no UAV can copy!

  • Erusean Fighter: I get targeted the moment I try to close in on their ships!
  • Erusean Fighter: They're only human! They'll tire out soon enough!

  • Erusean Fighter: How'd we lost so many of our fighters?!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Don't hit friendlies engaged in dogfights!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Only fire at aircraft approaching the submarine! Leave the rest to our boys in the air!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We lost a bunch of friendly aircraft! Are they doing okay up there?!

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit]

  • Mimic 1 Rage: You idiot! I told you to ignore the Eruseans!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: Don't call me an idiot! I'd kill you if you weren't my brother!


  • AWACS Long Caster: The bogey shot down an Erusean bird!
  • Strider 2 Count: What do you mean?!
  • ! Wiseman !: There are no more reinforcements. They must be hostile. You are cleared to engage. Don't hesitate!

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Get 'im!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: I'm gonna screw you up so bad!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Who are these guys?!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: They're neither Osean nor Erusean. They're just filthy bats!

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Alright, Scream, keep them hanging!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: Okie dokie!

  • Strider 2 Count: They're going after Trigger again!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What do they want?!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: I'll be a goner if I let my guard down for even a second!

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Three Strikes and Osea can both burn in hell!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: I've always wanted to kill a man like you!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: I'll kill you!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: You're dead!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: Die!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: He's the real deal!
  • Mimic 1 Rage: That's why the pay's so good!

  • Strider 2 Count: Did you see that?! They've painted canopies on their bellies!
  • Strider 3 Skald: If they're thinking false canopies and decoys will save them, they're dead wrong!

  • Strider 2 Count: These guys are only going after Trigger!

  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger's already adapted to the situation!

If the player gets behind Scream[edit]

  • Mimic 2 Scream: [laugh] He's after me!
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Hang in there, Scream!

  • Mimic 1 Rage: I got him! We gotta get him here and now!

If the player gets behind Rage[edit]

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Get 'im, Scream!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: And he's on a silver platter!

  • Mimic 1 Rage: I got this guy! Take the shot!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: I'll tear him apart!

If the player attempts to target Mimic Squadron[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: Hostiles just popped out of nowhere!
  • AWACS Long Caster: It's an ECM, a type of saturation decoy.
  • Strider 3 Skald: Visually scan for the source!

If lock on Mimic Squadron is broken due to ECM[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, the enemy's switched up their ECM!
  • Strider 3 Skald: It's a lock breaker.

If the player is hit by Rage[edit]

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Bull's eye!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: He ain't dead yet, Rage!

If the player is hit by Scream[edit]

  • Mimic 2 Scream: Woo! Did we get him?[note 4]
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Not yet!

If the player hits a Mimic Squadron aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger hit the target!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Good! You're seeing right through their illusions!

  • Mimic 2 Scream: He hit me, damnit! That bastard hit me!
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Return the favor! Kill that Three Strikes!
  • Mimic 2 Scream: Oh, I'll kill him! I'll kill him alright!

If the player defeats Rage or Scream[edit]

  • Mimic 2 Scream: He hit me, damnit! That bastard hit me![note 5]
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Shit! Scream, we're pulling out!

If 4 minutes have elapsed since Mimic Squadron appeared and they have taken damage but have not been defeated[edit]

  • Mimic 1 Rage: Shit! Scream, we're pulling out! We can't take down Three Strikes with damaged planes!

If 4 minutes have elapsed since Mimic Squadron appeared and neither have been damaged[edit]

  • Mimic 2 Scream: Three Strikes won't even look our way!
  • Mimic 1 Rage: Scream, we're pulling out! There's too few Eruseans left to use as shields!

When Mimic Squadron retreats[edit]

  • Mimic 2 Scream: [grunt] Goddamnit! Three Strikes, I will have you! You will die!
  • Strider 2 Count: What?!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Am I hearing things?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Nah, I hear it too.
  • Strider 2 Count: Hey, those filthy bats are on the run!
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Let them go. Secure air superiority and protect your allies.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Wilco.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: That's what I like to see!

When 3 minutes and 10 seconds remain or when 30 seconds have elapsed since Mimic Squadron was defeated[edit]

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Additional hostiles confirmed.
  • AWACS Long Caster: We're detecting surface-to-ship weapons teams around the sub. Eliminate them!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Fire everything you've got! Don't even think about conserving ammo!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: C'mon! one round in the hull and we'll sink it!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Be advised! Enemy ground forces are preparing to strike!

When all ground TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: All ground targets destroyed!
  • Wiseman: This takes away the enemy's surface-to-ship capabilities. Fine work, Trigger!

When all Su-34s are shot down[edit]

  • Osean Landing Ship: A friendly shot down the Su-34 approaching the fleet. We owe you one!

If 3 minutes and 20 seconds remain and the ground TGTs have already appeared[edit]

  • Strider 2 Count: They're not retreating. That submarine must mean the world to them.

After all TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • Submarine CDO: Captain. They're ready for takeoff, sir. They're prepared to sacrifice their lives to carry the cargo.
  • Captain Torres: Beautiful!
  • Submarine CDO: Captain?
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see? A million lives are about to be snuffed our in senseless cruelty. How many must we sacrifice to put them to rest?
  • Osean Landing Ship: Captain, it's Three Strikes and his crew. They've tied down the enemy birds.
  • Osean Landing Ship: Our men just might make it through.
  • Submarine Crew: The supercapacitor's charged.
  • Captain Torres: Great!
  • Submarine Crew: Target in sights. Main gun manned and ready.
  • Osean Fleet: Stay in formation!

When 30 seconds remain and the player's quota is met[edit]

  • Erusean HQ: Alicorn, do you copy?! We cannot stop the enemy landing ship! Scuttle the sub immediately!
  • Captain Torres: Fools... As of now, this boat no longer belongs to the Erusean military!
  • Erusean HQ: What are you saying?!
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see?

When time is up and the player's quota is met[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Puffin, this is Long Caster. Enemy's resistance is dwindling and we've almost secured air superiority.
  • Osean Landing Ship: Puffin copies! Commencing capture operation!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The rest is all yours, Captain. Now I can finally have my sausage rolls.
  • Osean Landing Ship: [chuckle] That's the kind of food you eat up there?
  • AWACS Long Cater: Of course. Anything other than finger food would get in the way of my duties.
  • Strider 2 Count: That clearly wasn't what she meant.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Took longer than I expected. I'll be leaving now. You take command from here on.
  • Wiseman: Phew! Well done, pilot.[note 6]
  • Captain Torres: [chuckle] Then slow ahead both engines.
  • Osean Landing Ship: ...Are you sure? From landing ship Puffin to all active units! Enemy submarine has started moving!
  • Captain Torres: Commence firing!
  • Submarine Crew: Main guns, commence fire!
  • Osean Landing Ship: Bearing 180! Cruising at 5 knots! Movement on the decks, it's their aircraft-- [static]

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit]

  • Alicorn fired on her! With the railguns!
  • The landing ship is on fire! It's gonna sink!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Confirming launch of submarine-based aircraft! Four bird![note 7] It appears one of them is carrying a cruise missile!
  • Strider 2 Count: What?!

Checkpoint 1-1[edit]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What in the world...?!
  • Strider 3 Skald: What happened?!
  • ! Wiseman !: Listen up! You need to take that bird down! Hurry!
  • David North: Patch me in. Do you hear me? David North here.
  • David North: There's a possibility the cruise missile is a WMD.
  • Strider 3 Skald: Shit!
  • Strider 2 Count: Hey! What about the submarine?!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: We've gotta help our ship first!
  • Wiseman: Don't lose them! Shoot them down!
  • Strider 2 Count: Shit!
  • Captain Torres: Open vents! Fill all ballast tanks! Full speed ahead once we're underway!
  • Osean Fleet: Enemy submarine is going under!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Shit!
  • Strider 2 Count: That monster'll roam the oceans.
  • SACS: I hereby swear that I will be a proud, brave and vigilant soldier.
  • SACS: To uphold the honor of our nation and its military.
  • SACS: To submit to the orders of my superiors.
  • Captain Torres: Heed my words!
  • Captain Torres: This boat has the means to end this hideous war, in a definitive and elegant manner.
  • Captain Torres: We seek not a conflict, but rather a restoration of balance, a judgment.
  • Captain Torres: And it will be done with reason, from beginning to end.
  • Captain Torres: The world shall be horrified by the number of lives we will take.
  • Captain Torres: Only then will they let go of their weapons...
  • Captain Torres: Weapons that would have taken the lives of ten million.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: I can tell he's insane, even across the radio.
  • AWACS Long Caster: 12 miles until the aircraft leaves the AO.
  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger, go after them! Flying fast is your schtick, right?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Hurry! Take them down before they get away!
  • AWACS Long Caster: 6 miles until the aircraft leaves the AO.
  • Wiseman: Double-time it, Trigger! You're the faster pilot!
  • AWACS Long Caster: 3 miles until the aircraft leaves the AO!

Upon flying up to the SACS aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Trigger's caught up to them!
  • Strider 3 Skald: Scrap 'em, Trigger!

After destroying one non-TGT SACS[edit]

  • SACS: Captain--
  • [static]
  • Strider 2 Count: Got one!

After destroying two non-TGT SACS[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: Bandit down!
  • Wiseman: Keep it up!
  • Strider 3 Skald: They're not evading us!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: They're human shields! Crazy!

After destroying all three non-TGT SACS[edit]

  • SACS: For salv--
  • [static]

If the TGT escapes the area[edit]

  • AWACS Long Caster: We can confirm the target is now outside the AO. Further pursuit is impossible.

After destroying the TGT[edit]

  • Strider 3 Skald: Yes!
  • SACS: Salvation--
  • [static]
  • AWACS Long Caster: Target's destruction confirmed!
  • Submarine CDO: Seems he was downed by Three Strikes.
  • Captain Torres: The damn bastard ruined it.
  • Submarine CDO: Captain?
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see?
  • Captain Torres: He walked all over it with his dirty boots! Over the crisp, white sheets of my bed that I had just made!
  • Captain Torres: [panting] .................. [chuckle]
  • Captain Torres: Let's have him assist in the next plan...
  • Captain Torres: It'll make a fine sideshow for our scheme to kill a million people.
  • Captain Torres: Or was it the plan to save ten million lives, Command Duty Officer?


  • Brigadier General Clemens: The operation has been completed. Stand by for further orders.
  • Skald: Hold on, we still don't know who those bats were! Why were they after Trigger? They were using Osea's radio frequency. You mean they're on our side?
  • Brigadier General Clemens: Impossible. They didn't respond to our IFF. Or maybe... [chuckle] they were there to settle a personal score. There's nothing unusual about being shot in the back by an ally.
  • Count: Guess it might've been that way where we came from, but... You know what I'm sayin', Trigger?[note 8]
  • David North: Everyone, here's a question.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: That's enough. Remove him from the call.
  • David North: Wait, wait, don't hang up on me yet. How did they know that we had intelligence on their weapons of mass destruction? They never would've taken such actions if they didn't know.
  • Skald: ...They have a spy.
  • Brigadier General Clemens: [laughs] Better to be suspicious than not, I suppose.
  • David North: At the very least, we'll have to assume from here on out that they know everything that we do.

Post-Mission Cutscene[edit]

11:18 AM
Sep 4, 2019
  • David North: Another question, Alex. Captain Matias Torres, the captain of the Alicorn. What is his goal?
  • Alex: There are twenty-one likely targets. The number of main routes...
  • David North: Wrong.
  • Alex: the targets is 2405.
  • David North: You're being too logical.
  • Alex: Want me to define "main"?
  • David North: Alex, can you be more, uh... Sensory?
  • Alex: What do you mean?
  • David North: Make me a collage of Torres' quotes. Work freely. Keep my hypothesis in mind.
  • Captain Torres (simulation): "Life taken by cheap kills of forward projectional sea power."[sic]
  • David North: No good.
  • Alex: "No good"?
  • David North: Alex! Alright, let's go on. Try to be a little more... sensuous.
  • Captain Torres (simulation): "Monstrous sixteen-thousand seven-hundred fifty-two and salvation of passivity."[sic]
  • David North: Okay.
  • Captain Torres (simulation): "Vulgarity of six per minute a forward security."[sic]
  • David North: Good.
  • Captain Torres (simulation): "Will of nuclear retaliation on death."[sic] "160 millimeter guidance where massacre is placed by mass planning."[sic]
  • David North: More logically!
  • Captain Torres (simulation): "Salvation of ten million an elegant massacre upon the cage continents."
  • David North: Stop! That's... Ah. Correct... or is it?


  1. This line has a chance of playing in a different order to the other lines, or not playing at all.
  2. The English subtitles say "Was fun flying with you guys for one last time--"
  3. The English subtitles say "Damn it. We're past out prime, after all."
  4. The English subtitles do not include "Woo!"
  5. This line is only spoken if the player defeated Scream.
  6. The English subtitles omit "Phew!"
  7. The English subtitles correct this sentence's grammar by showing "Four birds!"
  8. The English subtitles end this sentence with a period (.) instead of a question mark (?).