Transcript:Bunker Buster

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This page includes a transcript of "Bunker Buster", the 13th campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


The destruction of one of their Arsenal Birds has significantly reduced the scale of Erusea's air defense network. Osean forces have moved into the areas where we gained air superiority and freed over half the Usean continent. However, Erusea is feeling the pressure and is reacting by attempting to activate the ballistic missile base in the suburbs of Sierraplata. For the past 72 hours, they've put their resources and people into action. The missile silo is deep underground. To destroy it, we'll need a bomber to drop a huge deep-penetration bomb in a precise place. Unfortunately, that airspace is thick with clouds at the moment, so it'll be difficult for a bomber to hit the target accurately. Normally, we'd wait for the weather to clear, but with the situation being what it is, we don't have that option. So, we will be the bomber's eyes and find the missile silo. You'll all be equipped with targeting pods instead of special weapons. We need you to fly at low altitude, visually identify which silo they're activating, then acquire it with your targeting pod. Once you press the firing switch, the bombers will drop their payload based on the location data provided by the targeting pod. You will need to keep the silo in the center of your sight until the bomb hits its target, or else it will miss entirely. It takes a high level of airmanship to properly guide these bombs to their targets while flying a plane. Naturally, we assume the enemy has positioned anti-air artillery and aircraft in the area of operations, so stay alert. Additionally, we suffered human and material losses in the last battle, so Cyclops Squadron will sit this one out. Trigger, it's up to you to make this work with just Strider Squadron.

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • AWACS Long Caster: Erusea only has five IRBM silos in total. Therefore, the enemy's made a number of fake silos to try and throw our bombers off the scent.
  • Strider 2 Count: Did you say fake?
  • AWACS Long Caster: They're painted to look like the real thing from the sky. You can't tell the difference.
  • Osean Bomber: It's the wing of the LRSSG that brought down that Arsenal Bird. We've got the bombs. You do the terminal guidance.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: In order to use the targeting pods, you'll need to change weapons first.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Try to align the missile silo with the circle in the center of your HUD. When you're lined up, hit the firing switch and the bomb will drop. You're gonna need to keep the silo aligned until the bomb hits.
  • AWACS Long Caster: The enemy set up anti-air weapons in multiple locations.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We need to work together to take them down.

If no missile silos have been destroyed when 8 minutes remain

  • AWACS Long Caster: You're falling behind on the targets.

When 7 minutes and 30 seconds remain

  • Strider 4 Lanza: This is a serious mission. Was it Wiseman who gave Strider 2 to Count?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Our formation changes every mission. I'm sure he has a reason for it.
  • Strider 2 Count: I'll believe that when I see it. I'm just glad he won't be there to chew my ear off.

When 5 minutes remain or when two missile silos remain

  • Strider 2 Count: The sky feels open and free today. As a Cyclops, I felt like a bird in a cage. Once this mission's over, I guess we'll be back under the company commander's thumb again. [sigh] What a pain in the ass.

When 5 minutes remain

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We don't know when they'll launch.
  • Strider 2 Count: We'll be on time!

When 3 minutes and 40 seconds remain or when one missile silo remains

  • Strider 2 Count: I'm like a wolf that's been let off its leash. These guys won't know what hit 'em.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: I thought you were a bird freed from its cage.

When the player approaches a missile silo

  • AWACS Long Caster: Try to align the missile silo with the circle in the center of your HUD.

When the player calls for a bunker buster for the first time

  • AWACS Long Caster: Keep the targeting pod trained on that silo until the payload is delivered.

When the player calls for a bunker buster subsequent times

  • Osean Bomber: Bunker buster away!

  • Osean Bomber: Target confirmed. Dropping the bomb now!

  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, the bomb has been dropped.

  • Osean Bomber: Strider 1, we have the coordinates. Firing the bunker buster!

If a bunker buster hits a fake silo

  • Osean Bomber: That was a fake. No structures visible.

  • Strider 2 Count: Where's the explosion? Looks like that wasn't one of the real silos.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The bomb hit, but there's nothing but a big cloud of dirt. That silo must've been a decoy.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: It must've been a decoy. No fire or explosions on the ground.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Where is the real silo?!

If a bunker buster misses the target

  • AWACS Long Caster: The bomb was off its mark. The target is still standing!

  • AWACS Long Caster: The targeting pod failed to guide the bomb to the target.

If a bunker buster damages a silo but does not destroy the IRBM

  • Strider 2 Count: Hit! But it was off the mark! Let's give 'em another!
  • ! Osean Bomber !: The warhead should be exposed. Standard weaponry will suffice, but take your pick.

  • Osean Bomber: The warhead should be exposed. Standard weaponry will suffice.[note 1]
  • AWACS Long Caster: Hit it again! We'll knock out one at a time.

  • Osean Bomber: Hit confirmed! IRBM is still intact!

  • Strider 2 Count: All that's left is the IRBM!

  • Strider 2 Count: Hit confirmed! Missile silo is damaged! We need another hit!

  • Strider 2 Count: We tore the lid off that silo! Let's dig in!

If a bunker buster hits a real silo directly

  • Strider 2 Count: The bunker buster hit its mark! Time for fireworks!

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Look! There's fire shooting up from the ground!

After a real silo is hit or destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Dropping another bunker buster will take some time. Aim carefully.

When one silo is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Destruction of first missile silo confirmed.
  • Osean Bomber: The IRBM is aimed at the Osean garrison. Soldiers' lives are at stake. And we have no time.
  • Strider 2 Count: They've completely lost it.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: You can bet on it.
  • Osean Bomber: Let's end this madness.

When two silos are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Missile silo destroyed! That makes two! No launch signs yet.
  • Strider 2 Count: We might be able to pull this off.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Let's keep it up and get the rest of these silos.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Picking up an enemy squadron. It must be the reinforcements they called in. They don't appear to be going after our bomber. Take 'em out if they interfere with our mission.

If a Typhoon is shot down

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We did it!
  • Strider 4 Lanza: That takes care of that! Nice work!

If all AV-8Bs and Typhoons are shot down

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemy aircraft confirmed destroyed!
  • Strider 2 Count: Do we have time for the silos?!

When three silos are destroyed

  • Osean Bomber: All right! Now let's take out those remaining silos!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Missile silo destroyed!
  • Strider 2 Count: Where do we look next?

When four silos are destroyed

  • Strider 2 Count: Boom! Right on the money!
  • Osean Bomber: The fewer there are, the harder they are to find. Good luck.
  • AWACS Long Caster: We might make it! Just one silo left! || There's only one silo remaining.[note 2]

When all silos are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: All missile silos have been destroyed!

When all silos are destroyed or when time is up

  • Strider 2 Count: Wait... what the hell is that?!


  • Erusean Ground Unit: Where are the reinforcements?!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Their bomber is right on target. We need to take down the craft guiding the strikes!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Normal missiles won't even put a dent in these silos!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Shoot down those things up there!

  • Osean Bomber: With our bunker busters, it doesn't matter how much steel they load or how deep it is.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: That's a swing and a miss.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: It'd be a lot easier to find the silo if the weather was nice.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Enemy fighter approaching! Fill it full of lead!

  • Osean Bomber: The size of the missile launched from the silo is off the charts.
  • Strider 2 Count: Let's do this.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: They're taking out our silos one by one! This ain't good.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: It takes considerable manpower and supplies to launch the missile.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: All aircraft. Launch prep is nearly complete. Buy us more time.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: They're bombing us! Run and get out now!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Get the AA guns!

  • AWACS Long Caster: If you follow the roads, there could be a silo at the end of one of them.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Can they tell the difference?
  • Erusean Ground Unit: No! They shouldn't be able to tell the real silos from the decoys at that altitude!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Hopefully the decoys will work. Those decoys looks just like the real thing. They won't be able to tell.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Damn! They're pounding the silo with ballistic missiles!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The fake silos should buy us some time.

  • Erusean Fighter: There aren't many, but they're trained!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: To all aircraft, do you copy? I repeat, do not let them destroy the silos!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Hide behind the silo and vehicles!

Mid-Mission Cutscene

  • AWACS Long Caster: Alert! We've detected an IRBM launch! Confirmed signature on our radar! Launch site is...this dam!

Checkpoint 13-1

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Not from the silos?!
  • AWACS Long Caster: They certainly hid it well! We still have a chance!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Shoot it down before it reaches critical altitude!

If not all silos were destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: There'll be more missiles from the remaining silos!

If at least one silo but not all was destroyed

  • Strider 2 Count: That's what you get for half-assing it!

If no silos were destroyed

  • Strider 2 Count: Damn, we didn't even manage to take out one of their silos.

If an IRBM reaches 7,000m(23,000ft) altitude

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: The target will soon reach critical altitude!

If an IRBM reaches 11,000m(36,000ft) altitude

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: The target is about to reach critical altitude!

If an IRBM reaches 14,000m(46,000ft) altitude


  • AWACS Long Caster: The IRBM has disappeared from radar. It's pointless to follow after it now.

When the first wave of additional missiles launch

  • AWACS Long Caster: Confirmed signature on our radar!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Warning! We confirm another launch! Take it out!

  • AWACS Long Caster: New hostiles. All aircraft, confirm.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Confirmed signature on our radar!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Warning! We confirm another launch! Take it out!

  • AWACS Long Caster: Confirmed signature on our radar!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Warning! We confirm another launch! Take it out!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Now from the silos?!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Warning! We confirm two more launches! Take them out!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Now from the silos?!

When the second wave of additional missiles launch

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Additional launch confirmed!
  • Strider 2 Count: Incoming!

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Two additional launches confirmed! Can you make it?!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We have a choice?

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Multiple additional launches confirmed! There's three of them!
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Does anybody have eyes on it?!

When all IRBMs are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: All of the missiles have been destroyed!


  • Strider 2 Count: That was cutting it pretty close. I was starting to get a little nervous.
  • Osean Bomber: You're telling me. You had us sweating up here, and there wasn't even anything we could do about it. I'm glad we were partnered with you on this operation.
  • Strider 2 Count: That went about as expected. Be sure to include in the report how much ass I kicked while off the company commander's leash.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Roger that, and I'll be sure to include all the crap you said about Wiseman too.


We have successfully prevented an enemy ballistic missile attack. Strider Squadron, you did very well without your unit commander. We are now preparing for the final stage of our long-range operation: seizing the capital.


  1. This line will also be repeated from time to time until all exposed IRBMs are destroyed or time is up.
  2. One of these lines will be chosen randomly.