Transcript:Cape Rainy Assault

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This page includes a transcript of "Cape Rainy Assault", the fourteenth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


With the loss of an Arsenal Bird followed by the destruction of their ballistic missile base, Erusea is running out of ways to counter. This is a great opportunity for the Osean Army to bolster our power to eventually take down the Erusean capital of Farbanti. The special long-range strategy is entering its final phase. Our objective is to attack and capture the Eruesan air force base in Cape Rainy in Northern Erusea. This important base is at the forefront of our strategy to establish control of Farbanti. Under the cover of night, our plan is that all squadrons will invade from the valley to the south and mount an air assault on the area. The enemy's observation field has eyes on the skies above the valley, so your altitude will need to be restricted. If you go over a certain altitude, the enemy could spot you, ending the mission in failure. Keep that in mind. Once you arrive, you are to take out the enemy's air defense forces as soon as possible and prepare for the support squadrons. When the air defense forces are neutralized, the helicopter squadron should arrive carrying marines. The plan is to take control of the base. Getting through the valley is only half the job.

Mission Script

Aerial Refueling

  • Tanker Plane Operator: Beginning nighttime aerial refueling process. Be careful or reduced visibility.

Mission Start

  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, you have passed through waypoint 1.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: No weapons until you reach the enemy base.
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, reduce altitude. We have altitude restrictions from here on out.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Keep altitude below 600 meters.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Good. Maintain your current course.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Seachlight up ahead. Watch for it.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Stay out of their sight.
  • Basilisk Team: Strider, Basilisk 1. Our current ETA matches yours.
  • Basilisk Team: We'll catch them off guard, but can we secure the LZ quickly?
  • Strider 2 Count: We'll get you down safe. I'm worried you're short on men.
  • Basilisk Team: Everyone here's already signed their wills.
  • Strider 2 Count: That ain't funny.
  • Basilisk Team: [laughing] Never was good at jokes.
  • Basilisk Team: Okay, we'll follow you in. Good luck.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Understood.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, you've passed through waypoint 2.
  • AWACS Long Caster: The valley's about to get narrower. Be careful.

  • Strider 2 Count: When can we take on the final mission? I'm starting to get tired of all this.
  • AWACS Long Caster: This is the last step, Count. We'll take the enemy base and use it as a bridgehead.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Watch yourselves out there. We're going to need all of you in Farbanti.
  • Strider 2 Count: Without Wiseman here, everybody wants to give orders like they're the company commander himself.
  • Strider 2 Count: The best thing about Strider Squadron is that our leader keeps his mouth shut.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Watch your speed.

  • AWACS Long Caster: You've passed waypoint 3.
  • AWACS Long Caster: You're coming up on the base. Imposing radio silence.
  • AWACS Long Caster: We won't be able to talk again until you're over the base.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Continue to keep an eye on your altitude. There're plenty of dark spots that can sneak up on you.

Checkpoint 14-1

  • AWACS Long Caster: You just passed through waypoint 4.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Radio silence as been lifted! You're almost at the base!
  • Strider 2 Count: We made it. That was quite the roller coaster ride.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Visual confirmation on the air base! Reached destination.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Commence the attack. It's time for their wake up call!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The longer it takes, the worse off we'll be. Hurry up, finish them off.
  • Strider 2 Count: All right, let's give them a beating!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Enemies are attacking!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Where the hell did they come from?
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Fire up the searchlights! I can't see where the enemies are coming from!
  • Erusean Base: Wake the base commander! What're you waiting for?!

  • AWACS Long Caster: It looks like the enemy's air defenses are online. I guess they finally decided to wake up.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Keep up the attack. The sooner we finish this thing, the better.
  • ! Basilisk Team !: Long Caster, hostiles are still near the LZ! We can't make our approach!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Multiple helicopters spotted. Do you have a visual on 'em?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, I need you to take out those enemies at the LZ.

After destroying all air targets

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemy fighters down.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: I feel their pain, I really do. But this is war.

After destroying all SAMs

  • AWACS Long Caster: Okay, that takes care of all the SAM sites!

After destroying all AA guns

  • Erusean Base: That's the last of our anti-air guns! They've all been taken out!

  • Basilisk Team: This is Basilisk 1. We've arrived in the AO.
  • Basilisk Team: Landing now!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Roger that.
  • AWACS Long Caster: If the enemy is still present in large numbers when our ground forces arrive, the mission will be a failure.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Go help our allies.
  • Basilisk Team: Be quick. Gotta deliver on time, or the pizza's free.
  • Strider 2 Count: Your jokes haven't gotten any better.

  • Basilisk Team: Trust your allies and keep moving! This base is ours for the taking!

  • ! Basilisk Team !: We've engaged the enemy reinforcements. Requesting immediate close air support!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Copy that. We'll send some your way.
  • Strider 2 Count: Pizza guy's in trouble. Let's help him out.
  • Osean Ground Unit: It's alright! Those two Osean bigshots'll take care of 'em for us!

After destroying enemy reinforcements

  • Osean Ground Unit: Okay, that attack just took out the enemies on the front lines.
  • Osean Ground Unit: The way ahead has cleared up. You have our thanks!
  • Erusean Base: Give me a damage report!
  • Erusean Base: We've suffered heavy losses. This is more than a surprise attack!

  • AWACS Long Caster: Picking up an enemy squadron.
  • AWACS Long Caster: It must be the reinforcements they called in.

  • Erusean Base: We've confirmed at least one leader. It's the one with the three scratches!

  • Osean Ground Unit: Emergency! See the enemy reinforcements?! They're stomping us!
  • Osean Ground Unit: We can't do anything without their air power. We need support.

  • Basilisk Team: Ambush! Stay calm, reform the ranks!
  • ! Basilisk Team !: Long Caster, requesting close air support.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider Squadron, enemy reinforcements!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Get some goddamn support there now!
  • Eursean Ground Unit: The enemy numbers are small! Don't give in! Fight until the very end!
  • Osean Ground Unit: That's it! If we take out those two, we can force our way inside the facility!

After destroying enemy reinforcements

  • AWACS Long Caster: That air support was right on the money.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Keep pushing the enemy on their heels!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Okay, start running on the count of three!

  • Basilisk Team: Great. I get to finally send my boys in to ring the doorbell.
  • Basilisk Team: There's still quite a few enemies holed up in there. However, we can't afford to wait any longer.
  • Basilisk Team: Begin the assault. If anyone resists, kill them.
  • Osean Ground Unit: Contact! Two o'clock!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Go! Go!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Fire!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Charge! Tear down that barricade!
  • Strider 4 Lanza: How'd it go?
  • Basilisk Team: This is Basilisk 1!
  • Basilisk Team: The base is ours! We have control of all major functions.
  • Strider 2 Count: Glad the pizza was on time.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Phew. Roger that, Basilisk 1. Mission accomplished.


  • Basilisk Team: All prisoners of war will be treated in accordance with international law. We've even brought pizza.
  • Strider 2 Count: Looks like they can shred those wills.
  • Basilisk Team: I'm already getting an earful from the men over the needless paperwork
  • Strider 2 Count: [laughing] No joke.
  • Basilisk Team: [laughing] Okay, go ahead and begin your approach. We'll do the flight control.
  • Strider 2 Count: Roger that!


  • Basilisk Team: Strider 1, this is Basilisk 1. The runway is clear, you have permission to land.
  • Basilisk Team: The party is on as soon as you get here.

After landing

  • Basilisk Team: Strider 1 has landed. Let's go and greet him!


Excellent work on the night raid. Submarines have arrived from the Osean mainland and are refueling. This base will serve as a frontline platform for our mission to take Farbanti. We're almost at the end of this operation.