Transcript:Ten Million Relief Plan

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This page includes a transcript of "Ten Million Relief Plan", the third and final DLC mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.

Pre-Mission Cutscene

08:13 AM
Sep 14, 2019
  • David North: Some individuals are exempt from rules that should apply to everyone. A hero is suddenly a risk factor the moment the war is over. So you murder him. Crude, but effective. In reality, they've no need for living heroes, just dead ones. Here's a question, Alex. Can we stop Captain Matias Torres?
  • Alex: Depends on if you treat the captain or Three Strikes as a singularity.
  • David North: Both are. What happens when two singularities exist on the same field?
  • Alex: That requires seven months calculation with current resources.
  • David North: We'll just have to trust the guys in the field.
  • Alex: [ping] David, evacuate.
  • David North: No. I still have to finish up here.


  • David North: The Erusean military finally sent part of the Alicorn's specs. Its basic capabilities listed here were as we predicted. What's interesting is... this over here. In addition to main guns, they have a 600-mm/128 caliber rail cannon. The barrel exceeds 70 meters! Its range is over 3,000 kilometers. That matches what we calculated from the bombardment on Anchorhead Bay. The mini nuke they seem to have obtained has a yield of one kiloton. It'll destroy anything within a 400-meter radius of ground zero. Casualties are to be in the tens of thousands.
  • Skald: I know some things are better left unsaid, but let me say it. That's less damage than I expected.
  • David North: Nice catch. Do you remember this speech?
  • Captain Torres (pre-recorded): This boat has the means to end this hideous war, in a definitive and elegant manner. The world shall be horrified by the number of lives we will take. Only then will they let go of their weapons... Weapons that would have taken the lives of ten million.
  • David North: The imagery invoked by those words and the actual predicted damage just don't match.
  • Count: So, here's a question!
  • David North: (chuckles) Sorry, got no quizzes for you today. They will launch the nuke on September 19th.
  • Húxiān: Why are you so sure?
  • David North: Because that's the anniversary of the end of the Continental War. Anti-war demonstrations and victory parades are in full swing in Oured. There's about a million participants in total. That number will rise on the anniversary. However, this nuke isn't that powerful. They'd have to thread through the eye of a needle to achieve their desired result.
  • Skald: Terminal guidance would be needed.
  • David North: Right. How do they intend to achieve it when even GPS won't work...?
  • Húxiān: You're all thinking too much. If we sink the submarine, it's problem solved.
  • David North: Crude, but effective.
  • Húxiān: Crude?
  • David North: Alright, look at this. The Alicorn's expected course. We know it was off Anchorhead Bay and it has to get to Oured within range before September 19th. They must avoid being detected by Osea and its allies' sound surveillance system and ships. Taking into account its maximum operating depth, this is the only possible route. The Alicorn will move along the Azalea seamount chain and reach a rather blandly named body of water called PX80443. The waters here are shallow due to an undersea mountain range and nearby islands. This is where it'll be. We also know roughly when they'll arrive in the area.
  • Lanza: Quite the prediction you have there.
  • David North: Indeed. But if it makes it through, then you're looking at Peony Trench. The sub's max operating depth is 600 meters. Tracking it would be impossible.
  • Wiseman: Right. Now I'm gonna give you the mission details, so listen up. Our mission is to cooperate with the patrol aircraft to find the Alicorn. In the first phase of the mission, multiple patrol aircraft will drop sonobuoys to build a sonobuoy barrier. Then, in the second phase, we narrow down the possible location of the Alicorn by analyzing the data obtained from the sonobuoys. The results of our analysis will be data linked and shown on an overlay on your radars. And for the final phase... Trigger, you're gonna look for the submarine. We acquired one special MAD—a Magnetic Anomaly Detector—for this. It will be on Trigger's plane. Fly over where we expect the Alicorn might be. If the submarine is right beneath you, your MAD will detect it. You'll also have nautical charts on your radars, so use them. Once it's found, our fleet will commence a unified attack with ASROCs and sink it.
  • Lanza: And if we miss?
  • David North: Four ships will be joining the operation. There won't be a second salvo.
  • Jaeger: So who's flying, Wiseman?
  • Wiseman: Everyone except myself.
  • Lanza: Woah!
  • Wiseman: This is an order. Now get your fat asses moving!

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • Strider 2 Count: Well, it's time for some treasure hunting, Trigger.
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Oh boy, I'm excited.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Hey, stop screwing around!
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't be such a hothead, Húxiān.
  • Strider 2 Count: We all know what'll happen if we screw up.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: This is patrol aircraft Specter 1. We'll deploy the sonobuoy barrier!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: We're all prepared to buy the farm, and that's why there's so many of us.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: According to calculations, just one needs to fly to locate it.
  • Strider 2 Count: Those aren't the sort of calculations we like, are they, Trigger?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Damn right! Same for the rest of us too!

If the player shoots down or collides with one of Specter Squadron's P-1s

  • Strider 2 Count: Oh, come on!

SACS Rafale Ms arrive at the AO

  • AWACS Long Caster: They're here as predicted!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Detecting hostiles! They're definitely aircraft from the Alicorn!
  • ! Wiseman !: Trigger, you take the lead! The patrol aircraft must be protected! All aircraft, follow Trigger!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Wilco.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Understood.
  • Strider 2 Count: Understood.
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Roger.
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Understood.
  • Strider 2 Count: Strider 2, engaging.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Strider 3, engaging.
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Cyclops 2, engaging.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: They must have been waiting for us in the air!
  • SACS: Three Strikes revels in the killing. Catch him while he's at it!
  • SACS: Go! Rip the wings off that degenerate!
  • Wiseman: David, here's a question. How many aircraft can the Alicorn carry?
  • David North: Twenty to thirty, depending on the type of aircraft... but it's unconfirmed intel. Could be more.
  • David North: With Three Strikes, you could reduce them to a single digit!
If the player has shot down one or zero SACS aircraft
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Nah, we can reduce them even more!
  • Strider 2 Count: Not sure it's because of Trigger, but those are calculations I do like.
  • Wiseman: We'll know the answer soon enough.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: 20% of sonobuoys dropped!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: We're detecting additional UAVs! Intercept them!
  • Strider 2 Count: So there were more hiding!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Trigger, can you get 'em?
  • Submarine Crew: Debris from the downed aircraft is landing in the water.
  • Captain Torres: Let me know when the bodies... I mean the debris stops raining.
  • David North: Do you have a moment?
  • Strider 2 Count: What's up?
  • David North: Two groups of demonstrators have clashed! People are running away!
  • David North: I see lots of signs held up! There are even banners flying in the air! They're advertising drones!
  • Strider 2 Count: What, you're in Oured?!
  • David North: Well yeah, I live here! I haven't solved the terminal guidance mystery either.
  • Strider 2 Count: I meant, why aren't you running?
  • David North: Hey, you guys aren't running, are you?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Damn right.
  • David North: Running?
  • David North: ...Wait, running?
  • David North: Yes, those drones aren't running away!
  • Strider 2 Count: What do you mean?!
  • David North: I'll call you back! ...Alex, I need you to check something!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: 45% of sonobuoys dropped!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Hostile confirmed down!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Told ya so! Three Strikes got our back!
  • Wiseman: Trigger, the other guys are standing their ground, but in the end it comes down to you. Do us proud!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: 70% of sonobuoys dropped!
  • Strider 2 Count: Just a little more!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: All aircraft, be advised. Our radars picked up new hostiles.
  • Submarine CDO: Should we clear the baffles, Captain?
  • Captain Torres: They won't chase by sea. Pursuers will be airborne.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: 95% of sonobuoys dropped!
  • Submarine CDO: They must be very frustrated right now. It's nearly impossible to find us in these open seas.
  • Captain Torres: Come if you dare, Three Strikes.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Confirming new hostiles.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: All sonobuoys dropped! Barrier completed!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Analysis complete! Data linking the Alicorn's navigable zones!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Knew it! I knew that captain was up to no good!
  • Strider 3 Jaegar: Nice kill, Trigger! The patrol aircraft can continue now!
  • Strider 3 Jaegar: The aircraft from the submarine are well-trained!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Was that Three Strikes? Thanks, buddy!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: This is Specter 2! We've been attacked by hostiles!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Dammit, they aren't meant to fly when we haven't secured air superiority!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: This is Specter 2! We've been attacked by hostiles!
  • Osean Fighter: We're their escorts! Shield them with your bodies!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: We've lost a TACCO!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Our patrol aircraft are in trouble!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: We've been hit by a missile! More incoming!
  • Osean Fighter: Specter's in trouble. We need to cover them!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: They got us! We'll fall out of the sky!
  • Osean Fighter: We lost another patrol!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: We're damaged! The hostile's still coming after us!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: They're coming after our patrol aircraft, alright!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Patrol down! Protect the remaining aircraft!
  • Strider 2 Count: No more on my watch!
  • Osean Fighter: Keep hostiles far from patrol aircraft!
  • Osean Fighter: C'mon, find that sub for us!
  • Osean Fighter: Doesn't matter how tough that sub is! Our job remains the same!
  • SACS: This is not a suicide mission! Shoot them all down and let's go home!

Checkpoint 3-1

  • AWACS Long Caster: Roger that! Displaying the search area on your radar map!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The Alicorn's somewhere inside that ring!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Activating the MAD!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Do you see the waveform indicator above your HUD?
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Fly over the search area and look for a location that induces a change in the waveform.
  • Strider 2 Count: We're treasure hunting for real, huh?
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft except Trigger, you're on contingent combat air patrol.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Go, Trigger. Leave these chumps to us.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: The MAD won't function at high speeds. Fly slower than 800 km/h.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, you need to slow down.
  • Strider 2 Count: Would've been so much easier if it could sing and let us know where it was.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: They were in silent running. Doubt they even breathed, let alone sang.
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: The submarine may be huge, but it's still gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  • Strider 2 Count: How did that huge thing hide from us all this time?
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: C'mon, sharky, where are ya?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Okay, Trigger. Your MAD's getting something. The waveform on your HUD should have peaked.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Turn and fly in the direction where the waveform peaks.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, your MAD's showing a stronger reaction. The Alicorn must be near.
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: You've set the hook; now you just have to reel it in!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Picking up a magnetic signature!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Signature lost! I'm seeing strong noise in the MAD's signal!
  • David North: Shit! They predicted we'd use a MAD!
  • Strider 2 Count: Seems like this is our contingency!
  • David North: Does anyone see the source of the noise on the ocean surface? It's likely similar to a buoy!
  • AWACS Long Caster: I don't have a window, so I don't know about buoys, but I'm detecting strong radio sources!
  • David North: Correct! That's it!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Sending the locations of the jamming devices. Destroy them!
  • Strider 2 Count: Trigger, let's destroy the jamming buoys!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: They think those cheap toys will help them escape our net?
After the player destroys one jammer buoy
  • Strider 2 Count: What the...?! A huge explosion just went off underwater!
  • David North: An explosion?! Patrol aircraft, what's happening underwater?
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Underwater listening is impossible! We're only hearing explosion echoes!
  • David North: The Alicorn will use the noise for cover and head out at full speed!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Destroy the jamming buoys before the enemy submarine escapes!
  • Captain Torres: Full speed ahead!
  • Submarine Crew: Aye, sir!
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't let 'em get away!
  • David North: Damn it! Specter, I need you to determine the sub's location again, as soon as the noise dies down!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Can we make it?
  • AWACS Long Caster: The last jamming buoy has been destroyed!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: How'd it go?
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Wait for the sonobuoys to respond.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān Goddammit!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Hey, you okay?!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Analysis done! Data linking!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Its location has moved! Trigger, I'm sending you the search area! Don't let it get away!
  • ! David North !: The Alicorn has almost reached the trench! Time's running out!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Hurry!
  • Strider 2 Count: It's okay, Trigger's already on the hunt!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Confirming more hostile UAVs! They just launched from the Alicorn!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: It can launch from underwater?!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: If you can splash even one, it'll be that much easier for Trigger!
  • Wiseman: Strider, Cyclops. We don't have much time left.
  • Strider 2 Count: Don't you worry! Trigger will find it!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Trigger's given me so much cover and I still... Shit, I'm just pathetic!
  • Wiseman: Double-time it, Trigger!
  • Wiseman: Counting on it!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Think we can find it?
  • AWACS Long Caster: You've reeled it in! Positive hit on the MAD!
  • Strider 2 Count: That's it!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1 found the submarine Alicorn!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Yeah!
  • Osean Fighter: Yeah!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: All that flying around paid off!
  • Strider 2 Count: We ain't done yet. Give it the finishing blow!
  • Osean Fleet: Target coordinates acquired.
  • Osean Fleet: Coordinates reentered.[note 1]
  • Osean Fleet: Commence preparations to fire the VL-ASROC!

Mid-Mission Cutscene

  • Osean Fleet: VL-ASROC ready for launch!
  • Osean Fleet: Line of fire is clear.
  • Osean Fleet: Ready!
  • Osean Fleet: Fire all missiles!
  • Osean Fleet: Fire!
  • Osean Fleet: Missile away!
  • Osean Fleet: All anti-submarine missiles launched.
  • Osean Fleet: Report the results!
  • Osean Fleet: Did we get 'em?
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Alicorn spotted; it's surfacing!

Checkpoint 3-2

  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Surfacing?! We haven't sunk it?!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: It's attacking our fleet!
  • Strider 2 Count: Son of a...! We didn't hit 'em!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What?!
  • Wiseman: You're wrong, Count! We've backed them into a corner!
  • ! Wiseman !: They're vulnerable now that they've surfaced! Follow up on Trigger!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Understood.
  • Strider 2 Count: Wilco.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Roger.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Wilco.
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Roger.
  • Osean Fleet: Crew, prepare to abandon ship!
  • Osean Fleet: We can't drain it! Evacuate!
  • Osean Fleet: We've lost Destroyer Seagull and Aegis vessel Canary!
  • Osean Fleet: The order is to abandon ship![note 1]
  • Captain Torres: The two years that we fought at the bottom of the sea... I will not allow our perseverance to be desecrated!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: You're being locked onto by the railguns! Increase your speed and run, Trigger!
  • Strider 2 Count: If one of those railguns hits us, we'll be torn into a million pieces!
  • Wiseman: They'll be looking for aircraft as well! Don't flutter about!
  • Strider 2 Count: Throttle up!
  • Submarine Crew: Fire!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The Alicorn fired its railguns!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: It's using its main guns for anti-air combat!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The Alicorn is diving!
  • David North: Its ballast tanks should be damaged! It will have to surface again soon!
  • David North: You need to shoot down the drones that have been launched!
  • Captain Torres: There's no means of retreat! We'll have to kill them all if we are to live!
  • Captain Torres: If you wish to live, then you must let go of your life!
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Specter Squadron will continue surveillance! We might be able to locate it if it's about to surface.
  • AWACS Long Caster: That's more than enough. All aircraft, position yourselves to hit the Alicorn as it surfaces.
  • Strider 2 Count: Righto.
  • Osean Patrol Aircraft: Sub spotted! Sending underwater coordinates!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The Alicorn has surfaced! Commence assault!
  • Captain Torres: Be not afraid! Did you not leave your fears behind at the bottom of the abyss?
  • AWACS Long Caster: The Alicorn has launched aircraft!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: That's some real skill there! They got serious guts to take off right now!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: It ain't guts! They're just damn crazy!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Flying objects have been launched from the Alicorn! They have different signatures from the UAVs we've seen!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: The small UAVs have activated EM barriers!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: I have visual! They look similar to the Arsenal Bird's defense system!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: What do we do then?! We don't have Stonehenge to bust through them, you know?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Submarine diving.
  • Captain Torres: My fellow submariners! Your lives carry weight! It gives you the right to take the lives of others!
  • SACS: We cannot let the enemy's attacks reach our brothers!
  • SACS: I'll go head-on with Three Strikes and take him down with me!
  • SACS: The aircraft with the three scars... We've lost many because of him!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What are they, a suicide squad? I'll make their death wish come true!
  • SACS: We're dead men walking! Why should we fear death?
After destroying one ballast tank
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Trigger's attack hit! Can visually confirm hull damage!
  • Strider 2 Count: Let's follow his lead!
After destroying all ballast tanks
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The enemy submarine's outer hull is severely damaged! It won't be able to dive like that!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Yes!
  • Strider 2 Count: Alright![note 1]
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: All right!
  • Captain Torres: We surrender.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What?!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: What's going on?!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: I know this voice.
  • Captain Torres: This is the submarine aircraft cruiser Alicorn. We surrender! Stop shooting!
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, cease fire!
  • Strider 2 Count: That's a con man talking, I should know.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Let's just sink it!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Negative! We cannot attack those that have surrendered.
  • AWACS Long Caster: That's a breach of international law!
  • Captain Torres: I repeat! We surrender!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: What do we do?
  • AWACS Long Caster: Weapon use is prohibited!
  • Strider 2 Count: Why hold international law so dearly?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We'll no longer be soldiers the moment we don't!
  • Strider 2 Count: Then I'll happily quit my career!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Do not attack!
  • Captain Torres: We will surrender!
  • Captain Torres: We are currently making preparations to be disarmed.
  • David North: I'm David North, an analyst at the Osean Intelligence Agency.
  • David North: Captain, we have already jammed your terminal guidance system over Oured. Your shot will miss the mark.
  • Captain Torres: ...Let me tell you a story. Back when I was a gunnery officer...
  • Captain Torres: I had to aim at an enemy ship 30 kilometers away in the middle of a storm.

Mid-Mission Cutscene

  • Captain Torres: The seas were rough that day, and still, I landed one of the two shots.
  • David North: Here's a question. Was your plan elegant?
  • David North: The answer is... yes.
  • David North: At least, until Three Strikes ruined it!
  • Captain Torres: What do you know of beauty?!
  • David North: They have no intention to surrender! Stop them, Trigger!

Checkpoint 3-3

  • ! David North !: Hit the barrel, Trigger! Hurry!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Wait, Trigger!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Stop attacking immediately!
  • Submarine Crew: Charged up!
  • Captain Torres: Target is the Osean capital of Oured!
  • Captain Torres: To take the lives of one million people, 5,000 kilometers away, with my very own hands!
  • Captain Torres: Commence firing!

Mid-Mission Cutscene

  • Cyclops 2 Skald: It fired!
  • David North: It's okay, the shell will miss!

Checkpoint 3-4

  • Captain Torres: What happened?!
  • Strider 2 Count: That's a blatant violation of orders, you dumbass!
  • Captain Torres: Load the next shell!
  • Submarine Crew: Aye, sir![note 1]
  • ! Wiseman !: All aircraft, destroy the Alicorn!
  • Strider 2 Count: Wilco.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Alright.
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Wilco.
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Wilco.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Understood.
  • David North: Aim for the base of the rail cannon!
  • Submarine Crew: FCS error! Can't raise the elevation of the barrel!
  • Captain Torres: Three Strikes in the sky is a sign of an ill omen...!
  • Submarine CDO: Captain?!
  • Captain Torres: All slow ahead! Flood the aft trim tanks!
  • Submarine CDO: Sir, the boat will sink aft first!
  • Captain Torres: And that'll give the gun the elevation it needs!
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see, Three Strikes? Ten million lives will be saved, at the cost of a mere million lives!
  • David North: You liar! You just want to kill people! We won't let you!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Good! Your attacks are hitting the base of the rail cannon!
  • Strider 2 Count: You just made a statement right there, didn't you, Trigger?
  • Submarine Crew: Supercapacitor charge at 45%!
  • Submarine Crew: Pitch angle at plus 2 degrees!
  • Wiseman: Trigger, you put an end to this!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Don't hesitate! They quit being soldiers the moment they faked their surrender!
  • Captain Torres: A powerful boat, a powerful gun, powerful ammunition! Add to that lots of people and a precise aim!
  • Captain Torres: Then sprinkle death over all of it, and the formula is complete!
  • David North: You're nothing more than a mass murderer!
  • Captain Torres: Then indulge me! What makes you and I any different?
  • Captain Torres: You want to kill the three hundred men on this boat to save a million. How is that any different?!
  • David North: Trigger, give him the answer! Have him take it to the bottom of the ocean!
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see?!
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see?!
  • Captain Torres: Landing a clean shot on a difficult target!
  • Captain Torres: That is what makes it elegant! That is true beauty!
  • David North: Finish him off, Trigger!
  • Submarine Crew: At plus 4!
  • Submarine CDO: Everyone, grab something!
  • Submarine Crew: At 60%!
  • Captain Torres: Alas, you don't see, Three Strikes! Of course you wouldn't!
  • Submarine Crew: At plus 5!
  • Submarine Crew: At full charge!
  • Captain Torres: Commence firing!
After destroying the core of the rail cannon
  • Strider 2 Count: Alright!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Target hit! Target hit!
  • Cyclops 2 Skald: Oh yeah! That's the stuff, Trigger!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: Confirming explosions! The rail cannon's been destroyed!
  • Cyclops 4 Lanza: Yeah, baby!
  • Yeah![note 2][note 1]
  • Captain Torres: Don't you see? One million! One million lives!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The Alicorn's hull is severely damaged! No, it's completely split in two!
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: He really pulled it off.
  • David North: And that's our final answer.
  • Strider 2 Count: [laughing]
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: I see loads of floating objects in the waves. I don't think there are any survivors, Wiseman.
  • Wiseman: Copy that.
  • Wiseman: The enemy submarine has been destroyed. Operation is complete.
  • Strider 4 Húxiān: That was unbelievable. Just... all of it.
  • Strider 2 Count: That's right.
  • Strider 2 Count: Yeah.
  • David North: There are some who send those around them to their doom.
  • David North: Like Captain Matias Torres, who was a devil incarnate. But there are others...
  • David North: ...Others who show to way to everyone else. Those who stand at the forefront to cast a light.
  • David North: Those who follow them can't help but feel that they're in the right hands. That they'll make it.
  • David North: This is an era where there isn't a singular answer like a quiz question.
  • David North: The world awaits a hero to keep the torch aloft, banishing the darkness.
  • Strider 2 Count: Quite the poet.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: That's a story I'm gonna have to tell my kid.
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft and David, the operation is complete. Return to base and get some rest.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Oh man, finally time for some munchies.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Could you hand me the burger over there? Oh, and the knife and fork too, please.
  • Strider 2 Count: Once I get back to base, I'm heading to the mess hall.


If the player fails to prevent the Alicorn from firing at Oured
  • Submarine Crew: Fire!
  • AWACS Long Caster: The Alicorn has fired the round!
  • OFS Silver Eye: This is satellite tracking ship Silver Eye! The nuclear shell is heading for Oured!
  • OFS Silver Eye: Target ID 2-2-4-1! Unable to intercept!
  • Strider 2 Count: One in two shots, he said… We can only pray.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Even if the shell doesn't impact Oured directly, the city will still be covered in radioactive material.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We can only pray. For the victims.
  • Captain Torres: Beautiful!


  • Wiseman: Operation is complete.
  • Skald: Can we celebrate now?
  • Wiseman: Yeah. Good work.
  • [cheering]
  • Wiseman: Your next mission's in 32 hours.
  • Lanza: Woah!
  • Are you crazy?!
  • Húxiān: That was something![note 1]
  • Jaeger: Not something I'll tell my son about.
  • Count: Gimme a break.

Post-Mission Cutscene

11:59 AM
Sep 19, 2019
  • Alex: [ringing]
  • David North: [hangs up] I'm good, Alex. Won't need that wake-up call every two hours anymore. (imitating deeper voice) "David, only the summary is fine. Give me the report ASAP. I'll hand it to the president." (normal voice) That's why I haven't slept in the last eighty hours.
  • Alex: [ping] 78 hours and 52 minutes.
  • David North: Okay... Well, now to the conclusion. Assuming that Three Strikes is a singularity, why not terminate him?
  • Alex: There is a fact that has been observed in all of the missions Three Strikes has taken part in. All dependent elements that either mimic or follow the subject have increased chances of survival.
  • David North: Try to be more sensuous.
  • Alex: Go Trigger's way, you'll make it. He leads the way.
  • David North: Really?
  • Alex: Significance is high.
  • David North: (chuckles) That's uncharacteristically illogical of you.
  • Alex: [ping] Hehehe.
  • David North: (laughing) Is that really how you laugh?


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 This line is not subtitled.
  2. Three different people say this line at this moment.