Special Armed Response Force

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The Special Armed Response Force (SARF) is the armed branch of the Universal Peace Enforcement Organization. They are one of the main factions in the Intercorporate War of 2040.


The SARF was formed in 2040 as a rapid reaction and interdiction force in armed conflicts, with Rena Hirose and Erich Jager as its first members. Their base was New Ark Airport in Expo City, home to the UPEO's headquarters.

The SARF used a variety of aircraft, ranging from conventional models to export versions sold from the two main corporations. The latter, named with the "-U" suffix, led to accusations of the UPEO becoming a "puppet" of both groups, in particular of General Resource Limited.

Following the ignition of hostilities between Neucom Incorporated and General Resource in the aftermath of the Phase Park Dispute, the unit was mobilized to engage the former's private miitary forces. In the UPEO branch of the Nemo simulation, Gilbert Park declared the dissolution of SARF after unveiling himself as the man behind the Ouroboros conspiracy, prompting Nemo and Erich to raid the UPEO headquarters and assassinate him.
