Transcript:Stonehenge Defensive

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This page includes a transcript of "Stonehenge Defensive", the 12th campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Our counteroffensive has changed the course of the war. However, the western part of the continent and the area around the space elevator still remain under Erusean control. As you all know, this is because they have those damn Arsenal Birds controlling the skies around the Lighthouse. So, we're going to use Stonehenge for a long-range attack against the Arsenal Bird.

In addition to helping to destroy the asteroid, Stonehenge was also utilized by the Erusean forces as a weapon in the Continental War. However, the majority of the artillery is out of action after an air raid by the Independent State Allied Forces. When that happened, the main base was being repaired from the damage caused by the asteroid, so it managed to escape the bombardment. The Osean Army continued the repairs in secret and managed to reactivate its base systems.

Once preparations are complete, it will be able to fire again. However, the officer in charge has yet to confirm whether it can be fired more than once. It other words, it is looking like we may have only one chance to be able to bring down one of those invulnerable Arsenal Birds.

We're going all in on this one plan. The Erusean forces have detected our movements and are marching on Stonehenge. The Arsenal Bird is closing in, but if our operation goes as planned, we should be able to shoot it down before it reaches the operation area. We've set up strongpoints we call "Menhirs" around Stonehenge.

Provide them with air support, while keeping air superiority. Our mission is to protect Stonehenge until it can shoot down that monster bird. If we can shoot down just one Arsenal Bird, it will significantly reduce the scale of the enemy's air defense network. Stonehenge is our only way of bringing down an Arsenal Bird. Missing is a luxury we cannot afford.

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • Maj. McOnie: Attention, all defensive and air support teams. In order to get up and running, what I need most from you is time. As long as you can provide me that, my program will bring down the Arsenal Bird.
  • WO Lehmann: That was Major Deanna McOnie. I'm Warrant Officer Lehmann, a specialist. We're now commencing the operation to destroy the Arsenal Bird.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: It's going to be a long fight. Don't waste any ammo.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: So that's Stonehenge, eh? It's bigger than I imaged. Uglier, too.
  • Strider 2 Skald: Look at that mess of cables. They're using generator trucks to run it.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Are we sure that thing's even going to fire? Seriously, I mean how old is it?
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: If it doesn't, then our luck has run dry. I'd get prayin' if I were you.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Well, if it works, it'll bring down even an Arsenal Bird.
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Big if. And it'd have to hit.

If the player attacks ground units approaching Menhir 6

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 6. Enemy tanks dead ahead.
  • Osean Ground Unit: Located an enemy tank. Long Caster, requesting close air support.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Menhir 6, request for air support confirmed. Help is on the way.
  • Osean Ground Unit: Listen up! Our job is to defend here. That's all, you got it? This should be easy. Go earn your paychecks!

When half of the enemy ground units facing Menhir 6 are destroyed

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We've lost half our forces.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: I've had it up to here with that damn enemy aircraft!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Remain calm! We must destroy Stonehenge!

When the enemy ground forces facing Menhir 6 are destroyed

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 6! The enemy ground forces have been eliminated. Much obliged for the air support.
  • Osean Ground Unit: All right, guys! This time, you get a whole 45 seconds. Grab some chow or something.

If the player does not go to support Menhir 6

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 5. Enemy air and ground forces approaching! We're outgunned!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Menhir 5, hang in there. We're sending some your way. Just hold on. Cyclops Squadron, Strider Squadron, provide whatever support you can.

When two enemy fighters are shot down

  • AWACS Long Caster: That's half of Menhir 5's aerial problems, but one is more than enough. Clear all threats.

When ground units facing Menhir 7 are destroyed

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 7. They're gone!

When half of the ground units facing Menhir 5 are destroyed

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 5. We've managed to drive off about half of the enemy ground troops.
  • Osean Ground Unit: That oughta show them!

When the ground units facing Menhir 5 are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemies facing Menhir 5 have been eliminated. Good job.

When 18 minutes and 20 seconds remain

  • Maj. McOnie: Powering main system. Cold boot. Skipping sequences 47 to 97.
  • WO Lehmann: Activating. We just need one shot.
  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 7. We've linked up with ground and air support and are ready to drive the enemy back!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Additional hostiles inbound! Great timing...
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Bombers! Bearing 190.[note 1]
  • AWACS Long Caster: Stonehenge won't survive a bomb run. You have to stop them.

  • ! Osean Ground Unit !: Allied aircraft don't worry about us! Take out those bombers!

If Menhir 6 loses its outer defense layer

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 6. We're taking heavy losses. I repeat, we need air support ASAP!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Any chance for that air support?!

If Menhir 6 is close to defeat

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 6. We're down to about half strength! Please! I want to save every last man possible! We need help!

If Menhir 6 is defeated

  • AWACS Long Caster: We've lost contact with Menhir 6. Protect Stonehenge for 'em.

When 17 minutes and 30 seconds remain

  • WO Lehmann: We've only got 60% green. We got 10% yellow, 10% is red.
  • Maj. McOnie: Well, it has been sitting here rusting away for the past 20 years. I'd say a few glitches are to be expected.[note 2]
  • Maj. McOnie: Hurry and verify the reds and yellows!
  • Osean Engineer: Roger!
  • Erusean Agent: This is Glitnir. target acquired. It's right where the briefing said it'd be.

When 16 minutes and 40 seconds remain

  • Maj. McOnie: Power level is at 40%. 42%. Come on, damn it!
  • WO Lehmann: Come on, baby. Be good, we need you.

If the first wave of bombers gets close to Stonehenge

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: More bombers approaching! Intercept them now!

When the first wave of bombers is shot down

  • AWACS Long Caster: Hostile bomber destroyed! Nice work. Keep Stonehenge safe for us.

If Stonehenge is hit by bombers

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Stonehenge is taking damage! Major McOnie, are you all right in there?
  • WO Lehmann: Major is busy with her work. We're gonna need you to please keep up the defense.

If Stonehenge is damaged

  • ! Maj. McOnie !: Stonehenge is taking fire! Remember, the mission relies on this place staying pristine!
  • Strider 2 Skald: The enemy is getting desperate. This operation is every bit as important to them as it is to us.

If Stonehenge is heavily damaged

  • ! Maj. McOnie !: This place is in shambles. I'm not sure it could take the shock of firing the railgun.
  • WO Lehmann: There's too much debris. We've got injured.
  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, do you copy? Protect Stonehenge now!

If Stonehenge is destroyed


  • AWACS Long Caster: Major McOnie isn't responding. Stonehenge is slient.

When about 16 minutes remain

  • ! Osean Ground Unit !: Menhir 7 here! Enemy aircraft approaching!
  • Osean Ground Unit: They're gonna clean this place out! If we don't get air support, we're dead!

When all A-10Cs have been shot down

  • Osean Ground Unit: Oh, baby! We're saved![note 3]
  • Osean Ground Unit: Whoever's flying the plane with three lines, I'm buying you a beer later![note 3]

If Menhir 7 loses its outer defense layer

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 7. We're getting overrun. We need reinforcements.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Menhir 7 is hot. Let's go give 'em some help.

If Menhir 7 is close to being defeated

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Menhir 7 looks bad. I don't think they're gonna make it.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Where's air support for Menhir 7?! We can't do anything!

If Menhir 7 is defeated

  • Osean Ground Unit: Medic! We've got a man down over here!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Bad news. Menhir 7 isn't responding.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Son of a bitch! We left 'em to die!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Just save who you can.

When about 15 minutes and 30 seconds remain

  • Cyclops 2 Count: More hostiles advancing towards Menhir 6! Ground forces haven't noticed yet!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Let's take out the enemy while our friends are still on their feet![note 4]

When half of the enemy reinforcements facing Menhir 6 are destroyed

  • Erusean Ground Unit: What the hell? We're supposed to be the ones on the offensive. How did they got us on the ropes?![note 5]
  • Osean Ground Unit: We've wiped out half of 'em! Keep it up!

When all of the reinforcements facing Menhir 6 are destroyed

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 6. That's the last of the enemy reinforcements!
  • Osean Ground Unit: I gave my men a 15-minute vacation. Sorry, I need a short breather myself.
  • Osean Ground Unit: I'll just be stitching on my lost limbs. Should be back before lunch.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: What did you say?

When 15 minutes and 20 seconds remain

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir7. Enemy reinforcements. They're attacking in waves.

When all pre-existing enemy fighters are shot down

  • AWACS Long Caster: New hostiles, bearing 210. Number unknown!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: More hostiles? Fantastic! My score is just gonna keep climbing.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: You'll never learn, will you?

When 14 minutes and 35 seconds remain

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: More bombers!
  • AWACS Long Caster: They're high! Altitude 8,000! Bearing 150.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The enemy's going all-out too.
  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 7. Enemy reinforcements. They're attacking in waves.[note 3]
  • Maj. McOnie: Railgun power supply is... Damn it! Numbers aren't going up.
  • WO Lehmann: Bypass through the auxiliary condenser.
  • Maj. McOnie: Come on, damn it!

When about 14 minutes remain

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 5. We've engaged with the enemy reinforcements. We're ready to take it to them.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: It's like goddamn whack-a-mole out here. I'm already exhausted.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Grit yo' teeth and fly. Remember that the fate of the whole war depends on this mission!

If the second wave of bombers approaches Menhir 5's line

  • Erusean Bomber: Visual on target. Prepare for bombing run.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Take out all bombers!

When 13 minutes and 50 seconds remain

  • Erusean Agent: I got the guards.

If the second wave of bombers gets near Stonehenge

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Strider, Cyclops. Intercept those bombers!

When the second wave of bombers is shot down

  • Osean Ground Unit: We can see the smoke from here! Did you get those bombers?!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Yeah, and single-handedly!
  • Osean Ground Unit: The bird with the three lines? It's gotta be him!

When all reinforcements facing Menhir 7 are destroyed

  • Osean Ground Unit: We successfully defended Menhir 7! Good work, everyone.
  • Osean Ground Unit: It's the LRSSG. Without them, we probably would've been the ones in trouble.

When 13 minutes remain

  • Erusean Agent: This is Glitnir. I shut that stupid alarm clock. It's time to bomb Stonehenge back to the Stone Age.

When 12 minutes remain

  • Erusean Agent: This is Glitnir. Mission accomplished. It looks like I made it in time. But that damn Osean army. Why do they have to go and use civilians as their survey techs? I've had to take them out.

When 11 minutes and 40 seconds remain

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: More guests. Bombers and their escorts. Bearing 170.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Shit. I wanna go smack 'em down, but those boys below are hangin' on by a thread![note 6]
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: You want me to chose?!
  • Maj. McOnie: Power level is at 80%. You think we should take our shot?
  • WO Lehmann: Patience. We don't want to waste everyone's hard work. Let's wait to 100.
  • Maj. McOnie: I guess you're right. Give the fire-control system one last check while we're waiting.
  • Osean Engineer: Roger!

If the third wave of bombers approaches Menhir 5's line

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: More bombers approaching!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Move it!

If the third bomber wave gets near Stonehenge

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Intercept them now!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Trigger, what the hell are you doing?!

When the third wave of bombers is shot down

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemy bombers have been destroyed!
  • Strider 2 Skald: Almost there. This should all be over soon.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: This is one ugly battle, but what a story for my kid.

If Menhir 5 loses its outer defense layer

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Menhir 5 is in really bad shape. Is anyone available to support?

If Menhir 5 loses its middle defense layer

  • Osean Ground Unit: This is Menhir 5. We're fighting back, but the odds are against us. Requesting immediate close air support!

When all enemy tanks and APCs are destroyed

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We've already thrown everything we've got at Stonehenge. What's it going to take?!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: If we're struggling, then so are they. We just need to hold out for a little longer.

When all ground units facing Menhir 5 are destroyed

  • Strider 4 Lanza: That should take care of the reinforcements facing Menhir 5. Good going.

When 9 minutes and 5 seconds remain or when a certain number of enemy ground units are destroyed

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Enemy rocket unit coming from the southwest, and helo-borne assault from the northeast!
  • AWACS Long Caster: They're planning a direct assault on Stonehenge! Stop them!
  • ! Cyclops 1 Wiseman !: Let's split up. Take whichever way you like.

When one minute has passed since the helos and rocket unit spawned

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Prepare to fire! They know we're here, so shoot them before they shoot us!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: How long till you're ready?! Once we fire, that cannon'll crumble and the battle will end!
  • ! Erusean Chopper !: Understood, commencing mission! Chopper is on the way to Stonehenge!
  • WO Lehmann: We're doing everything we can to fire as quickly as possible. Just buy us some time until then.

When 1 minute and 40 seconds have passed since the helos and rocket unit spawned

  • ! Erusean Chopper !: We're almost to Stonehenge! Perfect! Their rear is wide open!
  • Maj. McOnie: Just focus on doing your job. They will handle their job to protect us from the enemy outside!

When 2 minutes and 10 seconds have passed since the helos and rocket unit spawned

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Enemy rockets have hit Stonehenge! This isn't good!

If the helo unit gets close to Stonehenge

  • ! Erusean Chopper !: Closing on destination! Prepare to jump! We're taking Stonehenge!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Intercept them now!

  • ! Cyclops 1 Wiseman !: Okay, the helo unit's all yours, Trigger. Lead the way and eliminate the enemy.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops will take the rocket unit.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Roger that!

When the rocket unit is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Cyclops Squadron has eliminated the rocket unit. Keep it up.

When 50 seconds have passed since the rocket unit was destroyed

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Sorry to keep you waiting, Strider Squadron. Moving to rendezvous.

If soldiers from the choppers reach Stonehenge


  • AWACS Long Caster: Soldiers from the helos are infiltrating Stonehenge! Damn it! We can't do anything once they're inside! Our mission has failed!

If the player flies near the rocket unit

  • ! Cyclops 2 Count !: What are you doing, Trigger? You're supposed to be after the helos!

If the player attacks the rocket unit

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Fine. Do what you like, Strider 1. But you'd better keep our friends safe.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I told you I should be number 1.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: If Trigger screws up, you will be.

When one group of CH-47s is shot down

  • Erusean Chopper: Requesting backup and rescue!

When all helicopters are down

  • AWACS Long Caster: Helo assault unit is down. If they had infiltrated Stonehenge, it would've been all over. Good work.

  • ! Cyclops 1 Wiseman !: Roger, Trigger. We'll leave the rocket unit to your squadron.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops will knock out the helos.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Roger that!

When the helicopter unit is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Cyclops eliminated the helicopter assault unit. Keep it up.

When 50 seconds have passed since the helicopter unit was destroyed

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Sorry to keep you waiting, Strider Squadron. Moving to rendezvous.

If the player flies near the choppers

  • ! Cyclops 2 Count !: What are you doing, Trigger? You should be after the rocket unit!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, attack the rocket unit! It's a huge threat to Stonehenge!

If the player attacks the choppers

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Fine. Do what you like, Strider 1. But you'd better keep our friends safe.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I told you I should be number 1.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: If Trigger screws up, you will be.

If the rocket unit has not been destroyed within 3 minutes and 30 seconds of them spawning

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Rockets on Stonehenge! It's likely taken heavy damage!

If the rocket unit has not been destroyed within 5 minutes of them spawning

  • AWACS Long Caster: Stonehenge has been struck by rockets!

When the rocket unit is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Enemy rocket vehicles are wiped out. You're the only ones who could stop them. Way to go, Strider Squadron!

  • Maj. McOnie: You've given my program a lot of the time it needs. Stonehenge will be ready to fire shortly.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Stand by. I'm picking up something on my radar. The signal is massive. It's the Arsenal Bird!


  • Erusean Fighter: If Stonehenge's turret points towards Erusea, I'm afraid that we're going to be in for a long day.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We've gotta take out the enemy base no matter what. Send in the tanks!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: So that's the infamous Stonehenge. I had no idea it was so big. Surprised it's still around.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Kick it into overdrive! Your only focus should be Stonehenge.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The enemy is fading. Now's our chance to finish 'em off!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Smile! As long as you're not dead it's a good day!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: That fighter squadron is a real pain in the ass. Lure them away from the front lines with some sporadic fire!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Prepare to launch an all-out attack! Don't stop until Stonehenge is rubble!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The enemy air support knows what it's doing. They're pounding us.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Those fighters keep taking out our reinforcements.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Leave the enemy fighters to our flyboys. We only need to focus on taking down this base!

  • Erusean Fighter: Sorry to keep you waiting. We'll handle the air defenses.

  • Erusean Fighter: Don't let Stonehenge fire!

  • Erusean Fighter: Break off and set your sights on Stonehenge! We're sitting ducks if we stay together!
  • Erusean Fighter: Roger.

  • Erusean Fighter: There are some greenhorns out there, but their commander is covering for them.

  • Erusean Fighter: We're not up against any old pilot. Now buckle up and get after it.

  • Osean Ground Unit: We can't afford to let Stonehenge fall! We're really counting on that air support.

  • Osean Ground Unit: It'll be a while before the railgun can fire again. Pin down their ground troops until then.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Looks like the enemy has even more firepower. We must hold the front lines.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Our objective isn't wiping the enemy forces! It's defending Stonehenge!

  • Osean Ground Unit: There no way we're letting them take down Stonehenge!

  • Osean Ground Unit: Stay out of our line of sight. Avoid friendly fire.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Regardless of their reinforcements, it doesn't change our objective.

  • Osean Ground Unit: Leave the enemy aircraft to the LRSSG! Our target is on the ground!

  • Osean Ground Unit: They don't have a chance against those two. It doesn't matter how many they throw at them.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Try to think like the enemy. You should know what their next action is.

  • Cyclops 2 Count: A guy on the ground is shooting at me!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Watch out for anti-aircraft fire. We can't afford to lose anyone right now.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: There's still a ton of AA weaponry on the ground as well. Keep your eyes open!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Strider 1, keep an eye on Strider Squadron. Make sure everyone gets back alive.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Strider Squadron, if you get lost, head towards Trigger!

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Is that thing really gonna fire?

  • AWACS Long Caster: The enemy isn't lettin' up. There's just no end in sight.[note 7]

  • AWACS Long Caster: They're attacking in waves. It's gonna be a grind.

  • AWACS Long Caster: There's gotta be a cap on their numbers. We just have to hold on until the railgun fires.

  • AWACS Long Caster: I knew wave attacks were a thing, but I didn't think they'd be this effective. They just keep coming.

  • AWACS Long Caster: They're running around like headless chickens, Why don't we put 'em out of their misery?

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Let's fill 'em full of missiles before they give up.

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: One shot from Stonehenge and that Arsenal Bird will be cooked.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: I never thought I'd see numbers like this. Guess that's how you know it's important. Looks like we're helping shape history here.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Look at them scattering like ants!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: We're gonna crack 'em in half. They'll never wanna fight again when we're done.

  • Maj. McOnie: Stonehenge personnel, focus on your jobs. Don't stare out the windows!

  • Maj. McOnie: Zip it! You can go back to school after this operation is over!

Checkpoint 12-1

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: I have visual! Arsenal Bird confirmed!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Here they come!
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: A swarm of UAVs has launched from the Arsenal Bird! Keep them away from Stonehenge.
  • Maj. McOnie: The closer the target, fewer the variables. How long till we can fire?!
  • Osean Engineer: Firing in 60!
  • Maj. McOnie: Hear that? Keep us safe till then!
  • WO Lehmann: Fire-control system inspection complete. Radar error correction is good to go.
  • Osean Engineer: Josephine's not responding? She's over in the survey vehicle.
  • Osean Engineer: 45 seconds![note 8]
  • Osean Engineer: Releasing safety!
  • Osean Engineer: Cooling system active!
  • Maj. McOnie: Confirm voltage!
  • Osean Engineer: Voltage stable!
  • Osean Engineer: 30 seconds!
  • Maj. McOnie: We have confirmation. Live projectile is loaded!
  • WO Lehmann: Power level is at 100%!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 2 is hit!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Skald, stabilize the craft and get out.
  • Strider 2 Skald: Sorry, it's up to you now.
  • Osean Engineer: 15 seconds!
  • Maj. McOnie: Frame control?
  • Osean Engineer: All green!
  • Maj. McOnie: Initiate final countdown!
  • WO Lehmann: Understood! Commencing final countdown!
  • WO Lehmann: Ten, nine, eight...
  • WO Lehmann: Seven, six, five...
  • WO Lehmann: Four, three, two...
  • WO Lehmann: Stop the countdown! We've lost the target!
  • Osean Engineer: I'm starting the shutdown![note 8]
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Gone?! The stupid thing is flying in the open!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: What?![note 8]
  • Strider 4 Lanza: What happened?[note 8]
  • Osean Engineer: The survey data isn't updating! No response from our spotter!
  • WO Lehmann: Survey vehicle down!
  • Maj. McOnie: Those vehicles were Stonehenge's eyes. Without those... I'm... I'm sorry.
  • WO Lehmann: Don't give up yet, Major. We still have sensors. Our eyes. The oldest sensors in the book.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: What are you scheming?!
  • Maj. McOnie: They're too unreliable. But...
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Not bad.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: That's somethin'.
  • Osean Engineer: ...Impossible!
  • Osean Engineer: Rerouting circuits![note 8]
  • Osean Engineer: We can't do any more. At this rate, we can't carry out our mission!
  • Osean Engineer: Half the battery containers are out![note 8]
  • Maj. McOnie: Come on, damn it!

If the player shoots down two MQ-101s before the countdown begins

  • Osean Ground Unit: Another one down! That plane is amazing![note 8]

If the player shoots down four MQ-101s before the countdown begins

  • Osean Ground Unit: One more UAV down! That three-line bird did it again![note 8]

If the player shoots down six MQ-101s before the countdown begins

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Jeez! How many kills is Trigger rackin' up?![note 8]

If the player shoots down ten MQ-101s before the countdown begins

  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1 and Cyclops 1, you're gonna win in this competition.[note 8]
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Lanza, your boss is a real demon.[note 8]
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Flying behind a demon isn't so bad.[note 8]
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: I know the feeling.[note 8]


  • AWACS Long Caster: Engage at will. The UAVs won't hesitate to kill.[note 8]

  • AWACS Long Caster: They're targeting Stonehenge. Keep the UAVs away from it at all costs.[note 8]

  • AWACS Long Caster: They're not gonna fly like human pilots. Expect the unexpected. Stay cool and remain flexible.[note 8]

Checkpoint 12-2

  • Maj. McOnie: Attention, all personnel! We have a change in the mission. We will now be using direct fire to shoot down the Arsenal Bird. Listen. Attack the central propellers. If you can destroy them, the Arsenal Bird will slow down.
  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: Strider 1, Cyclops 1. Pair up and attack that propeller. Everyone else, defend Stonehenge from the UAVs.


  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Wilco. Jaeger, you take the lead!
  • AWACS Long Caster: It's readying its APS.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I'm going. The propellers are too much for Trigger alone.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: You damn glory hound! Do your friggin' job!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Count, we need someone who can take down those UAVs. It's up to you.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Ugh... Trigger, do not fubar this!
  • Maj. McOnie: Unbelievable. Stonehenge came with honest-to-goodness range tables? Well isn't that curious.
  • WO Lehmann: Guess they knew what they were doing.
  • Maj. McOnie: Power level is at 40%.[note 8]
  • Osean Ground Unit: This whole operation is crazy!
  • Osean Ground Unit: Well, only a total madman could bring down the Arsenal Bird.
  • Osean Engineer: Releasing safety![note 8]
  • Osean Engineer: Cooling system active![note 8]
  • Maj. McOnie: Give us the UTM coordinates under the Arsenal Bird, and we'll calculate the range. And I need you to be exact.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Those UAVs are our prey. There's no guarantee Stonehenge will have enough shots.[note 8]
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Cyclops 3, missile incoming! Look out!
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: I've been hit! I have to eject!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Long Caster, send a request for rescue. Conditions look grim. Expect some injuries.

If one minute remains and the main propellers have not been destroyed

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: 60 seconds remain!

When one minute remains

  • Maj. McOnie: Give me a second. It's been a while since I've used something this archaic. Does the angle on this table account for wind and Coriolis force?
  • WO Lehmann: We can see the Osean flag from here. Not much wind. The rest is just instinct.

If 40 seconds remain and the main propellers have not been destroyed

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: 30 seconds remain! Don't give up!
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Damn it! It's a battle of attrition! This is only gonna get harder.[note 8]
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Trigger, gonna take much longer?[note 8]

When 35 seconds remain

  • AWACS Long Caster: Cyclops 4 has been hit! Are you alright?
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: I'm fine. We can't lose any more allies.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Knock that off. Push yourself too hard, and you're dead. Get back to base.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: ...Wilco, over.
  • Maj. McOnie: Power level is at 80%. Confirm voltage![note 8]
  • Osean Engineer: Voltage stable![note 8]

If 20 seconds remain and the main propellers have not been destroyed

  • ! AWACS Long Caster !: We're almost out of time!

If a sub propeller on the Arsenal Bird is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Arsenal Bird propeller destroyed.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Arsenal Bird propeller stalled.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Propeller stalled.

When a main propeller has been damaged

  • AWACS Long Caster: Direct hit on the Arsenal Bird's central propeller.[note 8]

When one main propeller has been destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: The central propeller has been disabled. She's gasping for air now. She's losing lift.[note 8]

When both main propellers have been destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: All right, that takes care of the propellers. Arsenal Bird is slowing down!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: I knew my faith was well placed, Trigger.

When five seconds remain and both main propellers have been destroyed

  • WO Lehmann: Power level is at 100%!
  • AWACS Long Caster: We've done our part. Stonehenge, shoot!
  • Maj. McOnie: Understood. Begin final countdown! Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven... Six... Five...


  • Maj. McOnie: Four. Three. Two. One.[note 8]
  • WO Lehmann: Adjusting angle!
  • Maj. McOnie: Fire!
  • Fire![note 8]
  • Maj. McOnie: Hit, damn it!

After Cutscene

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Is it really over now?
  • Maj. McOnie: Reporting mission success. Lehmann, this victory belongs to you. That was a good lesson on the importance of manual control.
  • WO Lehmann: Today's MVPs are the LRSSG.
  • Osean Ground Unit: I'll say. Especially those two lead birds. They're the Osean Big Shots.
  • Osean Ground Unit: We can win if we follow them!
  • Osean Ground Unit: The Osean Big Shots?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: You mean the Osean Big Shot...
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Looks like we're on the offensive now. Ha. The enemy's defensive range dropped along with that Arsenal Bird.
  • AWACS Long Caster: That just means more pie for us.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Are we gonna eat the whole thing?
  • AWACS Long Caster: The brass is always hungry for more. They've got a bottomless appetite. But enough about that. Get some rest now before the counterattack.


  • Erusean Agent: Yeah. We got our hands dirty for nothing. The guys were babbling about a three-line marking. Look into that for me.


The mission succeeded, but at a great cost. This victory marks a strategic turning point. The enemy only has one Arsenal Bird left, and the defensive grid around the space elevator has been decimated. We can expect a counteroffensive by Osean forces everywhere.


  1. The subtitles say "More bombers! Bearing 190."
  2. The subtitles say "Well, it has been sitting here rusting away for the past 20 some years. I'd say a few glitches are to be expected."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 This line will only be spoken if Menhir 7 has not fallen.
  4. This line will only be spoken if Menhir 6 has not fallen.
  5. The subtitles say "What the hell? We're supposed to be the ones on the offensive. How've they got us on the ropes?!"
  6. The subtitles say "Shit. I wanna go smack 'em down, but the boys below are hangin' on by a thread!"
  7. The subtitles say "The enemy isn't lettin' up. There's no end in sight."
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 This line is not subtitled.