Transcript:Fleet Destruction

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This page includes a transcript of "Fleet Destruction", the eleventh campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Trigger, Count, we've received official confirmation about what we're supposed to do with you. The company commander has made it clear he'd like you both to officially join our squadron. This is an unprecedented move. It seems like you've got some people looking out for you. Still, I think it's because of how you've conducted yourselves. I believe you'll be an asset to us. Okay, time for your briefing. For a long time, our counteroffensive has been overpowered by the Erusean drones' auto-intercept system. If a craft enters their airspace and doesn't respond to their IFF, drones automatically take off and move to intercept their target. However, we've discovered that the system has a blind spot. We have acquired this valuable information by sending our other squadrons on dangerous missions to scout in the whole area and initiate combat. Of all the pilots assigned to us only two managed to survive the mission. If we don't act now before the enemy can fill in the blind spot, those pilots will have sacrificed themselves for nothing. So, we've been ordered to carry out a long-range strategic strike. Operating separately from the main forces as the Long Range Strategic Strike Group, we've been developing a strategy in secret. Cyclops Squadron and Strider Squadron will sortie deep into Erusean territory and will be carrying out... specialized long-range attack strategies. You will carve your way through the territory from the north to the capital of Farbanti, attacking important targets along the way. The first operation will involve striking the enemy's main naval force, the Njord fleet, which is gathered in Northern Usea. We've known for some time that there's a large supply base utilized by the enemy fleet in the waters around Snider's Top. At present, the enemy fleet is concentrated there. Naturally, they intend to attack Eastern Usea where Osean forces are stationed. If we can surprise the enemy with a long-range attack, we could potentially do devastating damage to them. Still, it's highly likely that their advanced fleet is prepared and has started to move, so combat with the enemy is probably unavoidable. We've verified the existence of a large supply base in the sea, as well as a medium-sized one in a valley by an estuary. It's a wide operation area, and there are a number of places you can expect large-scale combat, so we've set up a return line for replenishing supplies. Use it proactively. Any time you feel the need to stock up on ammo or make repairs to your craft, it's there. While aircraft and ammo can be replaced, the lives of our pilots cannot. We don't want any casualties out there. Remember that. The counterattack has begun. Brace yourselves!

Mission Script

Aerial Refueling

  • Tanker Plane Operator: Your first mission is to refuel mid-air. I'll provide you with instructions, so follow my lead.

After connecting to tanker

  • Tanker Plane Operator: Refueling initiated. Maintain your current position.

Starting Cutscene

  • AWACS Long Caster: Trigger, your call sign is Strider 1. You will be leading Strider Squadron. Count, you'll be Cyclops 2. You'll be under Cyclops 1.

Mission Start

  • AWACS Long Caster: Sorry, but I'm gonna east while I work. My judgement goes fuzzy when I'm too hungry.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: How can you talk about food?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Trigger, how come you're number one and I'm stuck and number two? Oh well, I guess I can let it slide for now.
  • Strider 2 Skald: And we're just supposed to follow you? I heard you're spectacular, captain... At least with your last squadron.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: I don't want you slowing us down out there.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Strider 1, head back to the return line if you need repairs or fuel. Aircrafts need to eat too in order to be effective.

When the player begins engaging enemies

If the player has not scored at least 10,000 points when 10 minutes remain

  • AWACS Long Caster: All aircraft, your performance is disappointing. Pick it up or the attack will fail!

If the player approaches a platform for the first time

  • Cyclops 2 Count: We're supposed to smash up that whole thing?
  • AWACS Long Caster: That'd be a tall order. Just destroy the boats, aircraft, and AA weaponry.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Nah, let's do what the chick said.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: Woah! Roger.

If Wiseman destroys a platform section before the player

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Bull's-eye! Target has been destroyed!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Impressive.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Mass damper destroyed!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: I went for the structural reinforcements. They're small, but not impossible to hit.
  • AWACS Long Caster: I've sent the data. Make like Wiseman and serve up a sandwich.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Righto.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Copy.
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Roger!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Loss of the platform was not anticipated! Without this base, we'll have to rethink our whole strategy!

If the player destroys a platform section before Wiseman

  • AWACS Long Caster: What just happened?!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: He destroyed a structural support. That's remarkable skill.
  • AWACS Long Caster: I've sent the data. Make like Trigger and serve up a sandwich.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Righto.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Copy.
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Roger!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Loss of the platform was not anticipated! Without this base, we'll have to rethink our whole strategy!

When the player destroys a platform section after the first platform section

  • AWACS Long Caster: Platform purge confirmed! You just put the meat in between those buns, and that burger is well-done.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Weren't we serving a sandwich?
  • AWACS Long Caster: I'm happy to eat both.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Whatever you say, man.

When a platform section is destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Platform purge confirmed!

  • AWACS Long Caster: Nice shot! Joint section destroyed.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Platform successfully purged!

If both platforms are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Well done. That takes care of both of the platforms. But best of all, we've taken zero losses. Stay alive people.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Which is why I've taken the liberty of ordering dinner for you guys from the nice Italian bistro near the base.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: We've got some people calling for that special squadron! Yes, of course I told them that but

If all pre-existing enemy fighters are shot down

  • Erusean Fighter: Our fighter squadron is down to 40%! Most downed by the two enemy aces!

When the player clears or flies away from a main enemy area

  • Strider 1 Skald: Trigger, what're the marks on your plane? Three lines... Scratches?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I don't like 'em. They're like sin lines.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: What are those?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Nothing.

When the player clears or flies away from a main enemy area for the second time

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: One of the new recruits talks a lot. Swears a lot too.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: That girl swears more than me.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: It's not just the swearing either. She's got quick fists too.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I thought you'd say that.

When the player clears or flies away from a main enemy area for the third time

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Trigger's one of the pilots who's been up against the demon in that experimental squadron. Chased 'em off solo, too, since support ran off. I was there myself. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for Trigger. You see what I'm getting at?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Yeah, well... I wish I'd been there too.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: If you were one of those escorts that flew off.. you should watch your back.

If the player crosses the return line and returns to the battle

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Is Jaeger teaching our hatching how to fly?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Hey, knock that off, would you?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya. It's about a great war hero...
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing...
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: "Scary."
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.

When the player scores 7,000 points

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops 2, stop fluttering about and stay glued to my ass.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Stop treating me like a new born chick. I've shot down my fair share of enemies.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Chirp, chirp, chirp, little chick. Just stick with your mother hen, and you'll get back to the roost safe and sound.

When the player scores 18,000 points

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Keep your eyes peeled, Trigger. You never know when that experimental squadron might show up.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Jaeger, he knows that better than anyone. He's one of the few with the skills to face Mister X and live to tell.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: That ain't funny.

When the player scores 25,000 points

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Damn! Why can't that experimental squadron show up here?!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: You might as well be praying to the heavens! Now get out there and shoot them down yourself!

When the player reaches their quota

  • AWACS Long Caster: We've put quite a dent in their naval power! The results are better than expected!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: We still have more time! Don't let up! Knock 'em down for good!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: C'mon! That's enough, right? Let's get outta here.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Want more? We'll wipe 'em all out!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Gimme a break!

If the player scores 40,000 points

  • AWACS Long Caster: You did good today. The new recruits certainly pulled their weight too.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Heh, you never know until you're up in the air, do you?
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: We can look into who did what later. Right now we need to mop up the rest!

Enemy Fleet

When the player approaches the fleet

  • AWACS Long Caster: We have visual confirmation of the enemy fleet. You're cleared to engage!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Wilco. Let's go.
  • AWACS Long Caster: Enemy Aegis vessel intercepting incoming vessels with their CIWS. Counteract CIWS with a low approach or use missiles outside intercept range.
  • Erusean Fleet: All ships! Prepare for anti-air combat! Swat any dumb ass that flies near our fleet!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: They're already firing! They think they can hit us.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Make a low approach or dive to avoid their fire when you move in!
  • Erusean Fleet: We've got the advantage in range and CIWS. Stay calm and take 'em down one at a time.[note 1]

If the player sinks the aircraft carrier before a second group of planes can take off

  • Erusean Fighter: Begin taxiing. Damn, looks like they struck before we could take off!
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Nice job, Strider 1! We stopped them before they could get airborne!

If aircraft take off from the aircraft carrier

  • AWACS Long Caster: Enemy aircraft has launched. Engage it.

If the aircraft carrier is sunk after planes take off

  • Erusean Fleet: Njörðr has heavy damage! Catapults are no longer working!
  • Erusean Fleet: We'll go down! We have to retreat!
  • Strider 2 Skald: Nice job out there. I guess the rumors we heard about you were true.

When the western Aegis ship is sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: Aegis vessel Hœnir is sunk!

When the eastern Aegis ship is sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: Aegis vessel Freyr is sunk!

When one Aegis ship is sunk

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Hell yeah! That thing was huge!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Don't get cocky. You're a hunting dog. Soften up the other target.

When all carrier-launched Su-33s are shot down

  • Strider 2 Skald: Enemy fighters down by 30%.
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: The enemy's arrogance will be their downfall! It's time we take the fight to them!

When the cruiser is sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: Missile cruiser Skaði has been sunk! Well done!

When one destroyer in the fleet is sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: Destroyer sunk! Clear the rest!
  • Erusean Fleet: There's extensive flooding in critical locations! We can't keep up!

When both destroyers in the fleet are sunk

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Look at 'im go! Destroyer sunk!
  • Erusean Fleet: Lost engine control!

When two ships are sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: The enemy has lost 30% of their fleet. If you don't stay sharp, you'll be meeting Davy Jones. They're giving us all they got! Slip through that fire! Keep hittin' and runnin'!
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Got it.

When half the fleet is sunk

  • Cyclops 2 Count: I think we've sunk most of the enemy fleet but I can't tell because of all the smoke.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops 2, stay sharp. Half the enemies are still around. Work by the numbers, Count.
  • Erusean Fleet: No enemy bases are close enough to strike our supply lines.
  • Erusean Fleet: They flew in from far away, like a flock of snowbirds!

When one ship remains

  • Erusean Fleet: We've lost 80% of our fleet! We can't do anymore! Prepare the lifeboats!
  • Erusean Fleet: We should've had the strategic advantage! Just who are these guys?

When the entire fleet is sunk

  • AWACS Long Caster: Enemy fleet has been neutralized. You guys just downed some serious firepower.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Eh, it was a piece of cake.
  • AWACS Long Caster: It's nice to have some fresh talent we can count on.


  • Strider 4 Lanza: Guess there's no choice but to go in low like Strider 1.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Yeah, that's a nice idea, but I can't fly any lower than this.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: That's the way! We've got to set a good example for all of the new recruits!

  • Strider 2 Skald: There are additional targets just beyond the smoke. Go get them.

  • Erusean Fleet: Where the hell is our aircraft support? What's keeping the Njörðr?!

  • Erusean Fleet: Don't rely too much on the CIWS. It won't stop all of the missiles.

  • Erusean Fleet: If we have to use CIWS early on, we're sunk!

  • Erusean Fleet: Enemy approaching at very low altitude! Shoot any approaching aircraft.

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Just throw as many missiles at 'em. Some are bound to get through.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Okay, Cyclops Squadron will provide support. We'll work together to sink them one by one.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Strider 1, be a good shepherd. Some of us are struggling to keep up.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: The enemy's focused on Strider 1. This is my chance to rank up my score!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Strider 1, I see you're good against boats too. I'm impressed.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: If you die, it's all over. Move and stay alive!

  • Strider 2 Skald: Don't get too close your your wings will get clipped.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Seriously, nothing worse than being outranged.

  • Erusean Fleet: Have all of our aircraft withdrawn? We need air support or else we're done for.

  • Erusean Fleet: Ship-to-air missiles ready!

  • Erusean Fleet: We're hit! There's another one incoming!

  • Erusean Fighter: Press them from both sea and sky!

  • Erusean Fleet: My body's going numb from the sea water! I need assistance now!

  • Erusean Fleet: Medic! We need you over here! At this rate, we'll lose the ship!

  • Erusean Fleet: Fire too early or too late and they'll miss! They've got ten seconds intercept time!

  • Erusean Fleet: Hold defensive formation!

  • Erusean Fleet: Cover retreating ships and continue AA combat!

  • Erusean Fleet: Prepare the anti-air missiles! They keep coming!
  • Erusean Fleet: Missiles, rapid-fire guns, CIWS, and planes! Defend with everything we've got!

  • Erusean Fleet: Detecting radar lock! They've locked on!
  • Erusean Fleet: We've still got rounds ready! Shoot them down!

  • Erusean Fleet: No rounds ready to fire! Hurry up and reload! They're coming!

  • Erusean Fleet: We can't hold out! Get the life boats!

  • Erusean Fleet: Activate the EPIRB! Send out a signal and wait for rescue![note 2]
  • Erusean Fighter: Is there even a home to return to?

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Strider 1, those were some fancy moves out there. Where did you learn to fly like that?

Valley Platform

When the player approaches the platform

  • Erusean Fleet: Half of us are resupplying! We need time![note 3]
  • AWACS Long Caster: We're near the valley platform.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Damn it! They caught us getting ready to deploy! Hurry it up!

If a ship begins moving

  • Erusean Controller: Clear for emergency launch!
  • Erusean Fleet: Tugboat separated. Full speed ahead!

  • Strider 2 Skald: It looks like a ship is trying to escape from the lower level.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Looks like we caught them by surprise.

  • Erusean Fleet: We've disengaged from the mooring buoy! Shove off!
  • Erusean Controller: Hurry! We can't afford to be targeted right now!

When all fighters around the platform are shot down

  • Cyclops 2 Count: That looks like the last of 'em. Time to finish the rest of the job.

When enemies around the platform are attacked

  • Erusean Fleet: Stop any more damage to the base! Overwhelm them with our superior numbers!

  • Erusean Controller: The platform is under attack! Launch the helicopters and the ships at once!
  • Erusean Fighter: We have to protect the airspace above this valley.

  • Erusean Fleet: The platform is taking heavy fire! Heading to its aid! All ships, full speed ahead!

  • Erusean Fleet: How dare they attack this base. We'll make them regret that decision!

When half of the warships around the platform are sunk

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Over half the enemy's fleet is destroyed. Just keep hitting them, so there'll be less anti-aircraft fire to worry about.

When all non-drydocked warships around the platform are sunk

  • Erusean Fleet: What?! We've lost the entire fleet?! I'll need to inform headquarters to watch out for planes bearing that emblem.

if the player does not destroy the platform cores

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Okay, we need a pinpoint hit on the platform's support section. Aim true.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: I'm the chef this time.

  • AWACS Long Caster: Aim for the joints! There's no other way to bring the platform down!
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Anti-air is tight! It's hard to get in!

When one-third of air defenses are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: A third of the air defenses have been eliminated! Stay cool, keep piling on the heat!

When two-thirds of air defenses are destroyed

  • Erusean Controller: We've lost 60% of our air defense weaponry! We can't hold out much longer! Call for help ASAP!

When all air defenses are destroyed

  • Erusean Fleet: It's no use! We've lost all our air defenses!

When two platform sections are destroyed

  • Erusean Controller: We've lost 30% of the platform. Get your act together! We can't afford to take any more damage!

When three platform sections are destroyed

  • Cyclops 2 Count: We've already taken out half of the platform.

When six platform sections are destroyed

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The platform has lost most of its anti-air capabilities! Time to stick a fork in it!

When all platform sections are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: The platform has been destroyed! Didn't think it would go this well. Nice work, team.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Go easy on the praise. Their helmets are tight enough already.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Man, how long you've been under this guy? Must be a pain.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Count, this mother hen plans to keep you alive for a long time, so get used to it.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: [sigh] What a pain in the ass.


  • Erusean Fleet: Evacuate all non-combatants!

  • Erusean Chopper: Helicopters excel in tight spaces. No way we'd lose to fighters.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: If they come in low, push them up higher, so we can shoot them down!

  • Erusean Fleet: Don't miss. We don't want to bring the whole valley down on us.

  • Erusean Fleet: Shoot them down when they climb. Got it?

  • Erusean Fleet: We're taking on water! We need to evacuate!
  • Erusean Fleet: Wave the white flag! We surrender! There are non-combatants aboard this ship!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Shit! The raid is causing serious problems!

  • Erusean Chopper: The tail rotor's hit! I've lost control! Preparing for a water landing!

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Break! We're sitting ducks if we're together like this!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: You actually think you could hit me?

* Cyclops 4 Húxiān: You want a piece of me? You've got it!

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: We'll keep the defenses busy! Use this chance to knock out the platform!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Use this chaos to your advantage. They will hesitate to fire if you keep one of 'em close.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Watch your altitude. Going too high will invite missile fire.

  • AWACS Long Caster: They picked a hell of a spot to build the place. Then again, what else did you expect?
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Why not just bomb the whole damned valley from high altitude? That's what I would do.

Marine Platform

When the player approaches the platform

  • AWACS Long Caster: We're approaching the marine platform.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Get those planes off the runway! We have to send up fighters now!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: All right, scramble!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Enemy fighters have just taken off from the platform. Eliminate those fighters with extreme prejudice before they can threaten the mission.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Wilco. We'll swat those flies down into the drink.

When three of the platform's fighters are destroyed

  • Strider 2 Skald: It looks like we've taken out a third of the enemy fighters. And it's mostly thanks to Strider 1.

When half of the platform's fighters are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Half of the enemy fighters are gone. Keep it up.

When all of the platform's fighters are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: All enemy fighters have been eliminated. There's always a chance for reinforcements, so stay sharp.

When half of the air defenses are destroyed

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Half the AA guns and SAM sites are still alive and kicking. Not good.

When two non-drydocked warships near the platform are sunk

  • Erusean Fleet: Our damage is minimal and 70% of our fleet is still operational. We're not done yet!

When three non-drydocked warships near the platform are sunk

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: That's half of their operational ships. Keep at it, everyone!

When all non-drydocked warships near the platform are sunk

  • Erusean Fleet: That missile was a direct hit to our bridge! All of our ships are crippled!

if the player locks on to a platform core

  • AWACS Long Caster: That's a platform's joint! Hit it, you'll cause a chain reaction!
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: If we can knock down that platform, it will take them all down with it!

When three platform sections are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: You've taken care of about a third of the platform. The other side is still buzzin', so keep an eye out.
  • Erusean Controller: They're aiming for the platform's support?!
  • Erusean Fleet: The upper section of the platform has been destroyed! Watch out for falling debris!

When five platform sections are destroyed

  • Erusean Controller: We've lost half of the platform! Prepare the anti-aircraft batteries!

When three platform sections remain

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: The platform has been destroyed! Be careful not to get caught up in the collapse!
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Holy hell! Was that for real?

When two platform sections remain

  • Cyclops 2 Count: Just a bit more and that platform is goin' down! I call dibs on the final shot!

When all platform sections are destroyed

  • AWACS Long Caster: Destruction of marine platform confirmed. Good job.
  • Erusean Controller: Yes, it's confirmed that it's been destroyed! Nobody could've predicted they'd target the support sections!
  • AWACS Long Caster: Move on to the valley as before.[note 4]


  • Erusean Fleet: Our anti-aircraft weapons are taking heavy damage! Bring down those fighters!

  • Erusean Fighter: They've really done a number on our base.

  • AWACS Long Caster: It can get a little sketchy in there. Avoid friendly fires.

  • Erusean Controller: Concentrate your fire on those two fighters! They're the best!
  • Erusean Fleet: Concentrate on that fighter!

  • Erusean Fleet: We can't afford to lose this base!

  • Erusean Fleet: God damn it! There are only two squadrons!

  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: The enemy shows no signs of letting up. I think I've had just about enough of this courtship.

  • Strider 4 Lanza: Just keep letting 'em fly! You're bound to hit something!

  • Cyclops 2 Count: That was a warm up. Let's get this done. You better be keeping track of my kills!

  • Strider 2 Skald: This is going much easier than I expected. Let's have some fun.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Teamwork will keep us alive. Victory don't mean much if you're dead.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Who knows what'll happen if we take too much time! Let's end this as fast as we can!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: The enemy attacks are slowing down! Time for one last push to the finish!

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Aim for the joint section. It's a tough shot, but not impossible.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: There's no way this craft can do that. That order's just insane!

  • Erusean Fleet: No one expected an attack in such small numbers. They're insane.
  • Erusean Fleet: Wake the reserves! Scramble the auxiliary fighters!

  • Erusean Fleet: They must have really drawn the short end of the stick to participate in the attack on this base.

  • Erusean Controller: The enemy is two squadrons divided into multiple flights. Take them down one at a time!
  • Erusean Fighter: This is our town! Use your familiarity to beat back the enemy assault!

  • Erusean Fleet: Gift them our anti-aircraft batteries and SAMs!

Time Up

If the player has not reached their quota


  • AWACS Long Caster: We're out of time. The mission is a failure. All aircraft, withdraw. We'll have to bet on next time. If there is one.

If the player has reached their quota


  • AWACS Long Caster: Attention, all aircraft. Operation complete. The enemy won't recover from this one. You did great out there. I think tonight's the night we finally open that bottle.
  • Strider 4 Lanza: I think I understand the new boss' style.
  • Cyclops 3 Fencer: Our other newcomer is a...unique character.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: [sigh] The old squad was bad, and I guess it's no different here. I could really perform if only I had some partners I could trust.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: No need to worry. I got your back. Relax and do your thing.
  • Cyclops 2 Count: Gimme a break!


The mission was a success. You did more to hobble the enemy's sea power than we first expected. Outstanding work. This should free up our allies who have been bogged down on the east coast. In addition, this success allows us to finally move on and initiate the operation to shoot down the Arsenal Bird. We have a long road ahead of us. Get some rest while you can.


  1. The English audio pronounces CIWS by spelling it, instead of the correct pronunciation "sea-whiz"
  2. The subtitles say "Send out a signal and wait for a rescue."
  3. This line is not subtitled.
  4. This line is only spoken if the valley platform has not yet been destroyed.