Transcript:First Contact

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This page includes a transcript of "First Contact", the seventh campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Col. McKinsey: You know, I've received a medal for my ingenuity in finding a use for you cons. But just remember. If you disobey orders, there's a special place in solitary confinement for you. Your so-called right to complain was forfeited the moment you chose to break the law. Okay, then. Go make yourselves useful. An Osean Air Force squadron is currently entering Erusean territory for reconnaissance. Due to certain factors, their return route has been changed. The new return route will be through Yinshi Valley, a scenic and rocky karst area. The enemy's radar facilities and anti-aircraft weapons hidden on the mountainside pose a serious threat. Your mission is to destroy them and get our guys out in one piece, even if it puts your own lives in danger. And it is important to remember they will send up interceptors if you're detected. So you will need to choose something useful in a dogfight. The weather won't be on your side, but you're doing this whether you like it or not. Worry about the squadron's return route, not your own. Your mission is to get them back safely. Which I think is the perfect punishment for your crimes.

Mission Script[edit]

Mission Start[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare Squadron. This mission needs to be quick.
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Target radar facilities and AA weaponry.
  • AWACS Bandog: They're set up on rugged terrain and there's a lot of cloud cover. You will be near thunderclouds. Man, you guys were born unlucky.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Wait. Who's the dumbass who came up with this batshit plan?
  • AWACS Bandog: Just obey orders.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Air Force Base 444 Squadron, this is Cyclops 1. The Cyclops and Strider squadrons currently contain seven aircraft. Stand by. We'll be arriving shortly.
  • AWACS Bandog: Understood.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: We're low on ammunition. It'll be hard to take on hostiles. We'll have to rely on you guys to make it home.
  • AWACS Bandog: Cyclops 1, this is Bandog. We need the job done on time.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Bandog? Cool name. Nice working with you, Mr. Guard Dog.
  • AWACS Bandog: The terrain makes the airstream bumpy. Don't damage those planes.

When the player destroys a RADAR SITE[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Destruction of target facility is confirmed.

When the player destroys two RADAR SITEs[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Destruction of target confirmed. I'm surprised you survived. Looks like we got someone in our squadron who can see through clouds.

When the player destroys three TGTs[edit]

  • Spare 2 Count: The regular forces' secret reconnaissance plane is deep inside Erusea?
  • Spare 6 Full band: They're investigating the ruins. That's all I know.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: You sure found out quick. They got a secret weapon, maybe?
  • Spare 6 Full band: There's only so much I could find out.
  • AWACS Bandog: Enough talk.

When the player destroys five TGTs[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: This mission is crazy. All our commander thinks about is looking good for the General Staff Office.
  • AWACS Bandog: The mission doesn't require you to talk. Use your head as well as your hands.
  • Spare 2 Count: Righto.

If the player destroys all XSAMs before all RADAR SITEs[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: SAM sites down. Keep destroying radar facilities.

If the player destroys all RADAR SITEs before all XSAMs[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Radar facilities are silent, but those SAM sites are still a threat. Eliminate them.


  • Spare Squadron: I can't see in this soup! Gotta fly by instruments.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Don't panic! They'll crash on their own!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Fly between those rocks in this wind?!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Fire! They have nowhere to run!

  • Spare 6 Full band: Thunderclouds are common this time of year.

  • Spare Squadron: The wind! I can't fly straight!
  • Spare 2 Count: Use the winds to guide you, amateurs!

  • Spare 6 Full band: Are you telling us we have to dodge lightning?

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Anti-surface attacks in this weather? Gimme a break, man.
  • Spare 2 Count: Man, I need missions that can help me improve my score. Not this crap.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Visibility low!

  • Spare Squadron: Crosswind's gonna slam us into the rocks!
  • Spare 6 Full band: It's blowing me off course!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Enemy sighted! Closing fast!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: You sure? In this weather?

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Careful. Don't crash into the mountains.
  • AWACS Bandog: And unless you have a death wish, watch your altitude.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Do they have a death wish?!

  • Spare Squadron: I'd rather be back in my cell.
  • Spare 8 Champ: There's no way I'm going back to the brig. Don't get in my way.

  • Spare Squadron: Cliffs below me and clouds above! This is a joke. It has to be.
  • Spare 8 Champ: I wanna send Eruseans to hell, but I sure ain't joinin' 'em.

  • AWACS Bandog: It's real cloudy around there. Radar visibility is limited. Stay alert.

  • Spare Squadron: This wind!

  • Spare Squadron: I've never flown this close to a mountain!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The radar's working! We're under attack!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Don't wait for interceptors! Use missiles!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: They're flying between the columns!

When all TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: All targets destroyed. No complaints here.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Caution! Bandits inbound! Here come toe UAVs!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: We might have crossed the line.

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit]

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: There they are.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Leave this one to our friends.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Wish we'd used that hole to get home too.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Things don't always go perfectly.

Checkpoint 7-1[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: The drones have jumped on the recon team. Our friends aren't equipped for air-to-air. They need our cover.
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: All 444 aircraft, get them out of there. Not even one is to go down.
  • AWACS Bandog: Destroy the UAVs.
  • Spare 2 Count: That's impossible!
  • Spare 8 Champ: I'm not flyin' in there to help out some assholes I don't know shit about!
  • Spare 2 Count: As they say in my house, there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity.

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Help by getting in between them and the UAVs.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I don't even have time to check radar!

If the player doesn't shoot down any UAVs[edit]

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Prioritize recon squadron's survival.
  • AWACS Bandog: I repeat. Your top priority is to get them out safely, even if you die in the process.

If a Cyclops or Strider aircraft is hit[edit]

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: What was that!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Bide your time till there's a chance to get the hell out.

If the player flies into thunderclouds[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: Someone flew into the thunderclouds!
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15 has broken through the thunderclouds. Nice work for a dumbass.

  • AWACS Bandog: It's gonna be a long way around those thunderclouds.
  • AWACS Bandog: All cowards, go hide in the thunderclouds like Trigger.

  • AWACS Bandog: Radar confirms Spare 15 has come out of the clouds.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Trigger just flew into a thundercloud without even blinkin'.

If the player is struck by lightning[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Trigger's been struck by lightning!
  • AWACS Bandog: Calm down! Check your HUD for errors. You'll make it if you don't panic.

When the player saves an aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 2: Thanks. I owe you.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: All right, good start. Now let's get the remaining six out of there.

When the player saves two aircraft[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: UAV down!
  • Strider 4: Breakin' off.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Bandog, there are still five aircraft in the combat zone.

When the player saves three aircraft[edit]

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Wiseman, 444 Squadron support incoming! Sorry, but I'm using this chance to break off.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Jaeger, look after the survivors.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Roger.

When the player saves four aircraft[edit]

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: I owe you one.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops 4 has broken off. There you go! Things are looking up. Finally got some good guys in support.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Looks like there's one guy who's got everyone's backs.

When four MQ-99s remain[edit]

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Four to go!

When the player saves five aircraft[edit]

  • Cyclops 3: Got it!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops 3 has broken off. Bandog, it's just me and one more to go!
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15, you're the only one earning any redemption today. Make sure the rest of 'em stay alive.
  • Spare 2 Count: You'll let the devil with three sin lines go free after that?
  • AWACS Bandog: You're in no position to call someone a devil, Count. Don't make me laugh.

When the player saves six aircraft[edit]

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Cyclops 2 has broken off. All my guys managed to escape. Got big gratitude for you.

When the players saves all seven aircraft[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Cyclops 1 is breaking off. He could've broken off at anytime if he was by himself.


  • Spare Squadron: They're on me! Do something!
  • AWACS Bandog: Quit whining and finish them off.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Strider 2, enemy behind you.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Shit! This is bad. I wish I had some air-to-air missiles!

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Missile headed for Cyclops 2! You want a piece of me? You've got it!

  • Spare 6 Full band: Damn it. I've lost too much speed!
  • AWACS Bandog: Are you bastards flying just to waste fuel?
  • Spare 8 Champ: Go to hell!

  • Spare 2 Count: They move pretty good for machines.

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: The lightning short circuited those drones! How d'ya like that?!

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Strider 3, get that enemy off your ass!
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Dealing with 9 Gs is tough, but for those UAVs, it's just another day at the office.
  • Spare 2 Count: Why're we risking our lives to wipe someone else's ass?
  • AWACS Bandog: Start complaining when you can keep your own nose clean.
  • Spare 2 Count: Damn it!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger's holding up, but we've got our hands full.
  • Spare Squadron: I'm not stupid enough to fly into a thundercloud!

  • Spare Squadron: Break! Break! Shit! They're all over me!
  • AWACS Bandog: Maintain your element. Go at it in pairs.

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Cyclops 2! Hostile on your rear!
  • Spare 6 Full band: I'm not letting a damned robot shoot me down. Someone hurry up and rescue our hapless regulars.

  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: So I got a look at the support... just one fighter!

  • Strider 4: What is with the 444th? They're all over the place.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Hell, they don't even have a formation.

When all MQ-99s are shot down[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15, all UAVs in the vicinity confirmed destroyed.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Nice teamwork. Thanks. Who is that? Tell him I'm grateful.
  • AWACS Bandog: Copy that, Cyclops 1. Spare Squadron, mission is complete. Return to base.
  • AWACS Bandog: Wait a minute. Hold it.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Oh, give me a break. You got have chores for us?
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 8! Champ! Bogey approaching fast from the rear! All available units, support Spare 8!
  • Spare 8 Champ: I don't need any support! This is all mine. Damnit!

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit]

  • Spare 8 Champ: He's glued to my tail!
  • Spare 8 Champ: He's still not firing!
  • Spare 8 Champ: I ain't afraid of it!
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 8! No dogfighting!
  • Spare 8 Champ: Negative! I'm not letting this slide!
  • Spare 8 Champ: Woohoo![note 1]
  • Sol 2: You could have done that sooner.
  • Sol 1: I want to understand the enemy.

Checkpoint 7-2[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: He shot down Champ! He was toying with him!
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 10 lost! Another one.
  • AWACS Bandog: One recon aircraft lost! What's with this guy? That's an Su-30. All Spare Squadron aircraft, provide support for Cyclops and Strider. Keep the bandit off of them.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Negative! That's not possible![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: Hold on a second! [unintelligible][note 1]
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Get in there with that monster, Spare 15! We're gonna lose more friendlies!
  • Spare Squadron: You told us our jobs are done. I'm going home!
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Why are some of 444's craft flying out of bounds?
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Those damn cowards bailing on us?!
  • AWACS Bandog: I just sent back the damaged craft. We only need guys we can use. Spare 15, Spare 11. Form an element and take up the rear.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Forget it.
  • AWACS Bandog: Trigger's taking the beast head on. You two deal with support.[note 2]
  • Spare 6 Full band: So this is where Tabloid bows out.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Shit! Roger that. Will do.
  • Sol 1: Sol 2, Sol 3. They've got two rearguard. The better one's mine.
  • Sol 2: Copy that, King.
  • Sol 1: Don't call me that.

  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Wiseman, you see that color? And the way he's flying?
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: It's Mister X for sure.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: The pilot of the experimental squadron's X Plane.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Wiseman, we don't wanna mess with this guy! It's clear by the way he flies. Way outta my league.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Exactly the man we didn't wanna run into. Jaeger, if it comes to it, we'll act as a shield. Just get my guys out of here.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Understood.

  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: You're telling me, there's only two craft taking on the orange guy?
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: No, just one's taking him on.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: No way. I wouldn't last a minute.
  • Strider 3 Jaeger: Húxiān, do not engage. If he gets close, just run.
  • Cyclops 4 Húxiān: Copy that. Was gonna do that anyway.

If the player does not engage the TGT[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15, this is your fight! Spare 11 can't touch him!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger, kill the bastard that shot down Champ! I'm not good enough!

If the player flies low[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15, caution. If your plane gets beat up, you're a sitting duck.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Doesn't miss an opening. The guy's a goddamn flying wizard.

  • AWACS Bandog: Look after your craft! One mistake and you're a goner.

If the player is hit by a missile[edit]

  • Sol 1: Missile hit.
  • Sol 2: Is he down?
  • Sol 1: No, he managed to take it in a non-critical area. I'll teach you how to do that when we get back.

If the player is hit by two missiles[edit]

  • Sol 1: Missile hit. This may end sooner than I thought.

When the player hits the TGT with a missile[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Nice! Bandit hit! Spare 15 got him!
  • Sol 2: Sol 1, please respond. What's your status?
  • Sol 1: My status? Well, I'm feeling a little excited.

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Warning! Systems malfunction.[note 3]

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Warning! Warning![note 3]

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Warning! Systems malfunction. Warning! Systems malfunction.[note 3]

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Warning! Warning! Warning![note 3]

When the player hits the TGT with two missiles[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Yeah! Another hit! Confirm visual in the clouds!
  • AWACS Bandog: Go get him!

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Feedback filter damaged.[note 3]

  • Sol 1: Sol 2, this is Sol 1.
  • Sol 2: Sol 2 here. What's up?
  • Sol 1: Missile did not connect. That wasn't the plan.

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Alert! Systems failure. Alert! Systems failure.[note 3]

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Over-G! Over-G![note 3]

  • Sol 1: [Machine Voice] Please reboot systems. Please reboot systems.[note 3]

If the TGT flies into the clouds[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Bandit's in the clouds. Chase him down. You've got this.

  • AWACS Bandog: The enemy's in the clouds. Follow them , Spare 15. Do something or the entire recon squadron could go down.

After the TGT takes enough damage[edit]

  • Sol 2: Sol 1, this is Sol 2.
  • Sol 1: My status is fine. Do not interfere.
  • Sol 2: The clouds are moving in. Let's return to base.
  • Sol 1: Affirmative.
  • AWACS Bandog: Bandit is retreating. He managed to survive somehow.


  • Spare 2 Count: Trigger, kindness gets you killed.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Hey Guard Dog, who's the guy who worked his ass off at the rear?
  • AWACS Bandog: The biggest dumbass in the unit.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Makes sense. Only an idiot would be brave enough to pull off those moves.
  • AWACS Bandog: I'll guide you back to Air Force Base 444 though I doubt you have enough gas to make it.
  • Cyclops 1 Wiseman: Appreciate the help. Will he be at the base?
  • AWACS Bandog: I wouldn't get involved if I were you.


  • Control Tower: Runway is clear. You have permission to land. You made it this far. Don't screw up now.

After landing[edit]

  • Control Tower: Your work's still far from done. Stand by for further orders.

Ending Cutscene[edit]

Avril Mead (narrating): The crew said the enemy had one mean son of a bitch flyin' for 'em. Our team had a few Air Force hot-dogs, real experienced pilots. But this guy swooped in like a hawk, locked on and took 'em all out in the blink of an eye. Reminds me of a story Gramps told me once... He said a little while before he retired from active duty, he saw an enemy fighter wipe out an entire formation right in front of him. It was like seeing how a shark works, when it's going for its dinner. This enemy pilot stalked Gramp's pals from below, just like how a shark would. Then, one by one, he's put the bite on 'em. Sounds like what happened to our guys today. Kinda surprised so many made it back alive. I bet when they saw what was going on, they broke formation and left their buddies to the shark. Hang on. There's three extra planes here. They're foreigners too.


Col. McKinsey: You returned without permission and failed as escorts. So how about you rethink your value while in solitary. Take them away.

Col. McKinsey: Well, well, what do you know. Pilots made it back to base alive. Treat them well and feed them plenty. After all, we have to get a favorable report out of them. I've spent enough of my time being the commander of some worthless penal unit.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 This line is not subtitled.
  2. The subtitles say "You two deal with the support."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 The machine voice lines will alternate and repeat throughout the fight.