Transcript:Long Day

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This page includes a transcript of "Long Day", the sixth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Col. McKinsey: Your mission is to atone for your crimes by attracting the enemy's attention. First, I want you to head from the base to the desert region of Roca Roja to the northwest. And then second you'll attack the large Erusean base there. We've been unable to verify the base's ability to deal with fighters. You will attack and provoke the enemy into revealing their AA strategy. Get them to fire at you as much as you can. That way we can confirm where they're firing form. Then, it's a case of sending in our regular force to clean them out. For this mission, we've prepared a frontline base that can be used for ammo replenishment and aircraft repairs. However, this is not for you guys. Only the regular force has permission to use it. Even if you run out of ammo, don't forget that you're just decoys. You stay out there as targets for the enemy.

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • AWACS Bandog: Some welcome.
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: All aircraft, spread out and attack.
  • Spare 2 Count: We're clear to attack, right? I heard the regular forces were going to clean things up.
  • Spare 8 Champ: It's just like before. We blow the shit out of everything.
  • AWACS Bandog: Sharp as a tack, aren't you, Spare 8? Regular forces can reduce losses if you tenderize the base first. If you can't handle that, just fly and be a target.

  • AWACS Bandog: You're hitting three locations. Some have air power, so their threat levels vary. Think of the best way to rob them of their ability to respond. Use those empty heads of yours. If you die too fast, you won't even be useful as targets.

  • AWACS Bandog: Any regular aircraft that join later needing any repairs or ammo will fly over the return line. However, you guys do not have that luxury.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: So, what are we supposed to do?

  • Spare 2 Count: I'm out. Returning to resupply.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: How are we supposed to work without ammo? I'm heading back.
  • AWACS Bandog: Nice try. This stuff isn't for you guys.
  • Spare 2 Count: Let's be honest here. Irregulars like us aren't allowed to resupply. But in your heart, you want us to smash that base. Am I off?
  • AWACS Bandog: [sigh] You're gonna wish this mission never ended.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Looks like Bandog's finally come around.

If the player approaches the enemy airbase

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We're being attacked! Enemy aircraft! A whole squadron!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Ready the anti-air interceptors! Open fire!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Affirmative! We'll do what we can.

If the player destroys an enemy unit with an oil tank or gas tank explosion

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The fire set off a chain reaction! At least stop it from spreading!

  • Spare 8 Champ: Trigger, you're rockin' it hard.
  • AWACS Bandog: Cut the crap. There's work to do.

If a bomber takes off from the airbase

  • AWACS Bandog: A bomber has taken off. That's for us. Take care of it.

  • AWACS Bandog: That bomber is getting away. Chase it down like you mean it, morons.

If bombers escape the combat zone

  • AWACS Bandog: The bomber has left the AO. Do not pursue. Keep the enemy shooting at you.

If the player destroys all bombers before they take off

  • Spare 8 Champ: All bombers destroyed before takeoff. Who did that?!
  • Spare 2 Count: Scratch one hostile.
  • AWACS Bandog: That was fast. Keep up the good work.
  • Spare 2 Count: [laugh] Righto.

If the player destroys all hostiles in the airbase

  • AWACS Bandog: Hostiles in your area are nearly wiped out. Get moving to a more crowded area. Try to catch some more lead.

If the bombers were destroyed along with all hostiles in the airbase

  • Spare 2 Count: You're giving me another shot? Must be my lucky day.
  • AWACS Bandog: The enemy base is divided into three sections. You did nothing more than destroy just one of them. Why're you acting like some bigshot, Count?
  • Spare 6 Full Band: [laugh] Trigger's the one who did most of the work.
  • AWACS Bandog: Why're you so proud of that, Full Band?

If the player approaches a truck convoy

  • AWACS Bandog: Transport trucks spotted. They're not a threat, but feel free to take them out.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Leave 'em to me. Bullying the weak is kind of a specialty of mine.

If the player destroys a truck convoy

  • AWACS Bandog: The vehicles have been taken out. Move on to the next target.
  • Spare 2 Count: You're our official flyswatter now, Trigger.

if the player destroys two truck convoys

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger's destroyed all the trucks.

If the player approaches the central canyon section

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I finally have a read on the targets. They're in one hell of a place.
  • Spare 2 Count: I'll take it from here.

If the player destroys all hostiles in the canyon section

  • AWACS Bandog: Okay. All that's left below you is piles of rubble. Look for more enemies. Let's see if they can't hit you this time.

If the player approaches the western base

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: This is Spare 11. Enemy base dead ahead. Damn it, we can't do this from the sky. We need ground troops.
  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 11, just do your job.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Just give us a bomb big enough to blow the area![note 1]

If the player destroys a warehouse in the western base

  • AWACS Bandog: Trigger destroyed the enemy facility, while everyone else was sleeping.
  • Spare 7 High Roller: The murderer's done it again! I'm going to have to rethink the odds.[note 2]

If the player destroys the AA guns in front of the tunnel in the western base

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The anti-air guns are hit hard!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Our air defense capabilities are compromised!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Just grab whatever you can and return fire!

If the player flies into the tunnel in the western base

  • AWACS Bandog: Trigger crashed! Drooling idiot!
  • Spare Squadron: No, he flew into the tunnel! He's crazy!

If aircraft take off from the tunnel

  • Spare Squadron: Bandits in the tunnels! They're taking off from inside!
  • Spare Squadron: The tunnels? You gotta be kidding!

If the players destroys all hostiles in the western base

  • AWACS Bandog: Enemy base is crippled. That's enough. Go find some enemies that can kill you.

When nine minutes remain

  • Spare 7 High Roller: I know the base commander makes a big deal whenever a new mission comes in, but it's just one after another, like that was the plan all along or something.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Battle doctrines. Something happens, they tell you what to do next. Osea has one. It probably says where and when pawns like us will die.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: You mean, they already know the next strategy?
  • Spare 7 High Roller: Hold up, hold up. Let's make a bet. Whoever guesses the next strategy wins. You can get in on this too, Bandog.
  • AWACS Bandog: Maybe you guys need to cool your heads off in solitary.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: Let me look into this "doctrine" thing.
  • Spare Squadron: Man, your delusional.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: A bribe is all ya need to look into a terminal. It's amazing how many people write their password on a note by their desk. Gathering intel is all about getting access.

When six minutes remain

  • AWACS Bandog: Aircraft approaching at high speed! Bearing 280!
  • AWACS Bandog: They're drones!
  • Spare Squadron: Drones?! You're kidding me, right?![note 3]
  • Spare 6 Full Band: These must be the infamous drones!
  • Spare Squadron: They can dogfight without pilots?!
  • Spare Squadron: I heard about 'em on the news.[note 3]
  • Spare 8 Champ: Machines are not replacing humans.
  • AWACS Bandog: Calm down. They're just obstacles in your way. Don't forget your original mission!
  • Spare 6 Full Band: It's bad enough just dealing with the surface! Damn![note 4]

  • Spare 6 Full Band: Did the Jailer know about the shit storm he was sending us into?
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Penal units are just pawns.
  • Spare 8 Champ: That lying son of a bitch!
  • AWACS Bandog: Don't pretend like you deserve any better! Continue with the operation!

When about four minutes and thirty seconds remain

  • Spare 7 High Roller: This is Spare 7. Shit! Someone get this enemy off my tail!
  • Spare 2 Count: I can't. I've got my hands full too!
  • Spare Squadron: High Roller, missile! Shake it off!
  • Spare 7 High Roller: Goddamn it! I'm hit! I'm still at the table!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: High Roller is hit! High Roller is taking fire![note 3]
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: High Roller! Missile! Another one!
  • Spare 7 High Roller: I've got a bet on me getting out of this... [static] [OFFLINE]
  • Spare 8 Champ: Hey! Someone's down! Who is it?!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: It's High Roller! He's been taken out!
  • AWACS Bandog: Don't piss your pants over one aircraft being down.

  • Spare 6 Full Band: What happens to a bet when the banker's out?
  • Spare Squadron: It's voided, you moron.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Another man down!
  • Spare 6 Full Band: There's no point! Retreat!
  • AWACS Bandog: Follow your orders! Continue the operation! Deserters will be punished!
  • Spare Squadron: I'm hit! I'm hit! My aircraft's
  • Spare 8 Champ: This isn't even a fight. You wanna lose all your pilots?
  • AWACS Bandog: Shut up!
  • Spare 8 Champ: Try and stop me!
  • AWACS Bandog: This is how it works: You do whatever tasks you are given.[note 3]
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I'm getting behind Trigger. Stick with the best if you want to survive.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: If anyone wants to die, let 'em.
  • Spare 2 Count: Poor decision on your part. I've still got top score.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Count? Man, you're useless.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Everyone knows you inflate your numbers.

When about three minutes remain

  • AWACS Bandog: Engage or face punishment.
  • Spare 8 Champ: Keep yappin' away, little guard dog!
  • AWACS Bandog: You'll pay for this.

  • Spare 2 Count: Looks like we're the only ones having fun out here. Trigger, the one with the highest score wins. Let's settle who's best once and for all.

If they player has not reached the quota when two minutes remain

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Spare Squadron! You haven't done enough damage to the base! Regular forces will have trouble attacking.
  • AWACS Bandog: You cowards aren't even suitable as targets.
  • Spare 2 Count: You call us cowards when you bark at us from miles away?
  • AWACS Bandog: Enjoy yourself in your cell after this, Count.

When the player reaches their score quota

  • AWACS Bandog: You've done a fair amount of work to their ground units, but I see some of you still have ammo. Continue with the attack. Keep yourself nice and exposed till I say otherwise.
  • Spare 2 Count: You really are good at murdering people, Trigger. Too easy for someone who's used to killing presidents.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: Ex-presidents.
  • Spare 2 Count: So? What's the difference? Whatever, he's still got three sin lines.

If the player scores 27,000 points

  • AWACS Bandog: Never thought I'd say this, but you're doing a hell of a job, Spare Squadron.
  • Spare 2 Count: Adulation from the guard dog. I'm touched.
  • AWACS Bandog: Don't make me take it back. Eradicate the rest of 'em.

If the player shoots down three MQ-99s

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Spare 15 downed another! That's three!

If the player shoots down five MQ-99s

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Nice job, Trigger! That's five!
  • Spare 2 Count: I've shot down six.
  • AWACS Bandog: Bullshit. You're still on two.
  • Spare 2 Count: Hey! Are you sure your radar's working right?

If the player shoots down seven MQ-99s

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Seven down! That's more than an ace!

If the player shoots down ten MQ-99s

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Spare 15 is cleaning up! Ten crafts down!


  • Spare 7 High Roller: What're the odds of getting out alive?!
  • AWACS Bandog: That's for you to figure out, Spare 7.

  • Spare Squadron: Target confirmed destroyed. Trigger again!

  • Spare 7 High Roller: How can I run a gambling ring if nobody's betting on Trigger getting killed anymore?

  • Spare 7 High Roller: The only thing we keep hitting is the ground.

  • AWACS Bandog: Get closer to the ground!

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 6, you haven't attacked a single target yet.

  • Spare 8 Champ: Isn't dropping bombs on a passive enemy just an air raid?

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Our attack angles are limited.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: These guys creep me out. What's with the scratches on their tails?

  • Erusean Ground Unit: We don't have enough AA weapons!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Shit. All the batteries are dead.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: This is a whole new kind of war.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I can't get close enough to try!

  • Spare 8 Champ: This bastard wants a piece of me!

  • Spare 8 Champ: I wasn't trying to shoot nobody in the back. He just ran away.

  • Spare 2 Count: Maybe if we had some anti-surface weaponry...

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: If you keep flying straight, you'll get hit!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: There's no way this base can be attacked from the air!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Too low and you'll get fired from the ground.

  • Spare 2 Count: Nothing but trouble, this mission. I'm frayed.

  • Spare 6 Full Band: It's the mission and the ones who stayed that are crazy.[note 5]

  • Spare 2 Count: Is Trigger still alive?

  • Spare 2 Count: I'm finally finding my groove.

  • Spare 2 Count: If only I could bring a radio to lift my spirits.

Time Up

If the player has not met the quota


  • AWACS Bandog: Convicts, your time is up. Top brass wants you to head back. You'll have a nice time in solitary.

If the player has met the quota


  • AWACS Bandog: Okay, you've hit the enemy base enough. Operation is complete. Head back. The bastards who flew off are going to wish they were never born. You guys get a pass.
  • Spare 2 Count: Damn right.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I wouldn't be surprised if we're thrown in solitary too.
  • Spare 6 Full Band: Hey, who wants to bet who goes into solitary?! That's what that gambling nutjob would say if he were still here! [laugh]
  • AWACS Bandog: Where's your sense of humor, guys? Your buddy's making a joke. Laugh already.


Col. McKinsey: You lost planes, but the mission succeeded. However, some of you crossed the return line for supplies and for repairs. This will result in solitary. Take them.


  1. This line will only be spoken if Spare Squadron has not yet retreated
  2. This line will only be spoken if High Roller has not yet been shot down
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 This line is not subtitled.
  4. The subtitles omit the word "Damn"
  5. This line will only be spoken if Spare Squadron has already retreated