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The following is a transcript of Awakening, the first campaign mission of the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere, as well as the cutscenes prior to and following the mission. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.[1]

Pre-Briefing Cutscenes[edit | edit source]

News Report[edit | edit source]

Newscaster: Early this morning, a General Group flight squadron held a military training exercise in airspace over the troubled Meriton region amid continuing tensions. The maneuver is widely regarded as a hostile response to an earlier announcement by Neucom that an open demonstration is to be held in a Sandbury bioplant. A formal protest by UPEO Delegate Clarkson to General Resource regarding this act of intimidation —

Promo Reels[edit | edit source]

  • Neucom: Power for Life. Neucom.
  • General Resource: There for you in everyday life, General Group. Ushering in a new era with you, General Group. Building a better future with you, General Group. We're out there every day, and with you today.

General Resource Presentation[edit | edit source]

Take a look at this figure flying off into the wild blue yonder in a magnificent fighter. She is an ace pilot of UPEO, everyone's local hero and guardians of world order. Yet... this same pilot also bears the burden of a tragic fate. The pilot's name is Rena Hirose. She was diagnosed with Silverstone Disease at birth, and cannot survive exposure to sunlight. But now she has wings to fly with. Thanks to cutting-edge technology developed by General Resource...

Neucom Presentation[edit | edit source]

NVS Newscaster: A new science for a new era. It is common knowledge that a General Resource research team that produced some remarkable results, especially in the Electrosphere area, went on to form the core of Neucom. Ever since they announced their entry into the space development arena in 2032, Neucom has been at a continuing state of détente with General Resource. Already, in electronics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and other branches of engineering sciences, Neucom's expertise is said to top that of General Resource, leading to speculations that the age of General Resource, after many years of economic supremacy, is effectively—

Interview with Rena Hirose[edit | edit source]

  • Rena: ...Uh-huh, yes. My days off? Hmm... A walk in the park... isn't really an option. Reading, watching movies. Just normal stuff, really...
  • Interviewer: Your dreams?
  • Rena: Becoming a pilot like I have feels enough like a dream to me. But, recently... I've been thinking—that if the body is nothing more than a container for the mind, then it doesn't actually mean anything to me. I only use my mind when I fly. My body didn't come with wings, but my mind does... and it gave me the sky. At times all I want is to be a winged mind.

ITTC Transmission 1[edit | edit source]

  • Erich: —Oh... You're out, huh? That's all right, just one thing. I don't know what your intentions are. But if you want to keep flying for UPEO, then don't disobey Commander Park. Well, if we could protect the world through peaceful solutions like Clarkson's faction is always talking about, then General would have no need for UPEO in the first place. Either way, it's got nothing to do with us fighter pilots. Well, see ya next mission... Oh... Next time, please try and work around my support a little better. Don't just copy Rena's or Fi's maneuvers. I've got nobody covering my back but you.

ITTC Transmission 2[edit | edit source]

  • Fiona: This is a verbal communication of orders. Transmission of formal report will follow. All UPEO crew personnel is placed on indefinite standby as of today. Well, in other words, things are getting pretty damn dicey out there... Bye!

Emergency Broadcast[edit | edit source]

Newscaster: This is the breaking news. The ongoing tension between General Resource and Neucom has escalated into armed conflict, with fighting reported in the Faith Park area. Neucom's official announcement states, "This attack is only a retaliatory measure taken against General Resource for its violational act." ...according to them. Responding to the crisis, UPEO's Del. Clarkson held an emergency press conference just now where he announced the immediate deployment of peacekeepers to the area...

Briefing[edit | edit source]

At 0750 hours today, Neucom initiated a large-scale military operation against General Resource. We the UPEO, in order to prevent further escalation, must curb these activities. Should Neucom disregard our warning, use of force will be inevitable. We put our hopes in you, gentlemen. —Dismissed.

Mission Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Mission Start[edit | edit source]

  • Erich: Good thing Rena's flying a Flanker, eh?
  • Fiona: Cut the chatter.
  • Rena: Commencing attack.

After shooting down all TGTs in less than three minutes[edit | edit source]

  • Commander: Approach of reinforcements confirmed. Take interceptive measures immediately.

Debriefing[edit | edit source]

The operation was a success. We will be counting on you from here on out.

Post-Mission Cutscenes[edit | edit source]

When “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” achieved[edit | edit source]

ITTC Transmission 3[edit | edit source]

  • Fiona: So, it's finally begun. Depending on Neucom's response, Del. Clarkson's clout might already be of no use. It's inevitable that our... that UPEO's true worth will come into question here. —Oh, yeah. Weren't you flying differently than before? It was pretty good!

ITTC Transmission 4[edit | edit source]

  • Rena: Oh... hello. This is the first time I've sent you a mail. If this fighting continues, I'm sure that we might end up flying together more often. If you fly like you did today, and we find enemies... I think you'll be able to down them as you like. Well then... later.

When “MISSION OVER” achieved[edit | edit source]

ITTC Transmission 3[edit | edit source]

  • Fiona: It’s no longer a problem at a level Rep. Clarkson’s powers can resolve, is it? From now on, Commander Park will definitely be getting more turns, I suppose. Which means... we, too, should prepare ourselves for the worst. Well, that’s all I wanted to say. From now on, best regards for your next support, too.

ITTC Transmission 4[edit | edit source]

  • Erich: Oh man oh man. In the news, they’re starting to make a commotion as if world war has begun. And it seems they were even broadcasting our battle live... come to think of it, did the aviation pattern change? Flying felt a lot better than before. Oh yeah, and that Fii; she spoke unusually well of you. Well, if you keep up this rhythm the next time, too, I can rest easy, too. Later!

References[edit source]