Damage Control (export)

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Damage Control is the 24th mission in the international version of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

General Resource mobilized its air force in response to Neuwork's actions on Megafloat. Fighting has broken out over Port Edwards airspace as a result. We've received reports that civiilian press choppers are in the combat zone. Stop the fighting between the two combatants while protecting civilians!

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Initial[edit | edit source]

All target aircraft must be destroyed.

Update[edit | edit source]

All reinforcements must be shot down.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Section Unit Count Notes
Initial Icon-AirTGT.svg R-103 Delphinus 3 3
Icon-AirTGT.svg XFA-36A Game 3
Icon-AirEnemy.svg R-102 Delphinus 2 3
Icon-AirEnemy.svg R-103 Delphinus 3 1
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-22C Raptor II 6
Icon-AirEnemy.svg XFA-36A Game 4
Icon-AirNeutral.svg V-22B Osprey 4 [note 1]
Mission Update Icon-AirTGT.svg F/A-32C Erne 2
Icon-AirTGT.svg R-103 Delphinus 3 2

Ranks[edit | edit source]

  • A: 22+ enemies destroyed.
  • B: 13-21 enemies destroyed.
  • C: 12 or less enemies destroyed.

Script[edit | edit source]

[Mission Start]

(The player shoots down all enemy aircraft to stop the fighting. Soon after all targets are shot down, reinforcements arrive.)

Command: Intercept incoming hostiles over Port Edwards.

(The player soon shoots down all reinforcements. After a few seconds, the screen fades to black.

[Mission End]

Debriefing[edit | edit source]

You succeeded in stopping the fighting between Neuwork and General Resource. Collateral damage has been kept to a minimum thanks to your effort. We are now investigating the cause of the conflict.

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. Destroying these enemies will lower the mission rank.

References[edit source]