Two-pronged Strategy

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"Trigger, time to show the other guys that we get wet, wild, and do dirty, dirty things."

Two-pronged Strategy is the third campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. The player is introduced to the Arsenal Bird in gameplay for the first time.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

The surprise attacks carried out after the declaration of war, saw the peacekeeping forces of various countries, including Osea, suffer major damage. The ships moored around the space elevator and near Gandar Bay[note 1] have been hit particularly hard. Numerous ships have been sunk and abandoned. Fortunately, our cutting-edge aircraft carrier Kestrel II was at sea, so it was spared from the attack. Kestrel II is now preparing to launch another attack against Erusea's capital, Farbanti. The aircraft carrier Vulture also managed to escape Gandar Bay[note 1] safely. However, it lost all its aircraft, so it's sailing empty. Today the International Union Peacekeeping Force reclaims its bid to the space elevator. The Fort Grays Island Air Base Squadron will rendezvous with the carrier Vulture for a joint mission. The first objective will be to seize air superiority in Chopinburg in order to secure a route for the support squadrons. The enemy maintains air superiority over Chopinburg, so expect heavy resistance from enemy aircraft. There's more, so listen carefully. Right from the start of the war, the enemy has been deploying drones. They're using a new, advanced type of drone. The unmanned, airborne aircraft carrier the Arsenal Bird carries this new drone, MQ-101. The Osean Army headed up the development of the massive Arsenal Birds and dispatched them to the space elevator to provide support. However, it's been reported that the carriers may have fallen into the hands of the Erusean Forces. If that's true, it could be a significant obstacle for us. We need to regain control of the space elevator ASAP. Good luck out there.

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Initial[edit | edit source]

After playing an appropriate minigame (a take-off from a carrier if the player selected a carrier-based aircraft, a mid-air refuel otherwise), the player enters the fray between allied Osean and enemy Erusean aircraft. There are eight Erusean aircraft, including F-4Es and F-16Cs, all of which are labeled TGT. Allied aircraft will shoot some of the enemies down if the player fails to.

Upon shooting down all enemy aircraft, the player is suddenly ambushed by long-range missiles and must evade them.

Mission Update 1[edit | edit source]

The Arsenal Bird escapes a cloud and drops many of its MQ-101 UAVs. Some of the UAVs begin to engage the player and their allies while the rest provide cover for the Arsenal Bird. After a while, the player is ordered to destroy the Arsenal Bird, whose propellers will become labeled as TGT. Besides the UAVs, the player must also dodge the consistent barrage of missiles fired from the Arsenal Bird's AAM launchers. The UAVs providing cover can also intercept any missiles meant to hit the propellers and the launchers.

After 90 seconds of the player engaging the Arsenal Bird, regardless of the damage inflicted, the Arsenal Bird will activate a large energy shield. The player must remain outside of this shield to avoid damage. After a while, the entirety of the friendly Skeleton Squadron is shot down, forcing the IUN command to order a retreat.

Mission Update 2[edit | edit source]

A group of the Arsenal Bird's MQ-101s will chase down the player's allies. They are marked as TGT and the player must shoot them all down to help their allies retreat. The player will fail the mission if any allies are shot down.

During this stage, an unidentified Su-30 with orange wing tips will enter the combat zone and begin engaging Brownie.

Shooting down all of the MQ-101s in this update will complete the mission.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Section Unit Points Count Notes
Initial Icon-AirTGT.svg F-4E 220 3
Icon-AirTGT.svg F-16C 400 5
Mission Update 1 Icon-AirTGT.svg

[note 2]
Icon-AirEnemy.svg MQ-101 500 [note 3]
Icon-AirEnemy.svg MQ-101 500 8 [note 4]
Mission Update 2 Icon-AirTGT.svg

Special Unit[edit | edit source]

Unit Points Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-16C "BAYONET" 1,100 [note 5]

Debriefing[edit | edit source]

Unfortunately, the two-front offensive was a failure. The aircraft carrier Kestrel II was sunk during the attack on Farbanti. Carrier-borne aircraft mistakenly bombed urban areas, and this turned public opinion in neutral countries against us. Our own forces have also suffered heavy losses. If it weren't for a few extraordinary fighters, many of us wouldn't have made it home. The situation is grim. We have precious little time, however. We have to get to the space elevator.

S Rank[edit | edit source]

Earning an S Rank on this mission requires earning a combined score and time bonus of 44,440 points or more.

The maximum time bonus available is 27,640 for completing the mission in a total of 9 minutes or less. This includes time spent retrying from the checkpoint. If the player can complete the mission in that amount of time, they only need 16,800 points from destroying targets in the mission itself to earn the S Rank.

If the player goes past the 9 minutes threshold, the time bonus decreases by 40 points every second, so the player must compensate by destroying more targets to hit the 44,440 point threshold.

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Gandar Bay" is incorrectly named in the briefing. The area's name is actually Gunther. This was later fixed for the subtitles, but the voiceover still says "Gandar."
  2. The Arsenal Bird cannot be shot down in this mission.
  3. The drones will infinitely spawn in waves of 4 until the Arsenal Bird's APS triggers, and will physically defend its propellers.
  4. These MQ-101s turn into TGTs in Mission Update 2. The player can destroy some of them in Mission Update 1.
  5. The player must have completed this mission at least once, and must be playing on Normal difficulty or higher. Complete the first part of the mission by shooting down at least 7 aircraft within 100 seconds. BAYONET spawns in the northwest corner of the map.

References[edit source]