Transcript:Rescue (AC7)

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The following is a transcript of Rescue, the fourth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

As proved by the failure of our previous strategy, the Arsenal Birds have bolstered the enemy's anti-air network. This'll be difficult to overcome. However, we still need to get swiftly to the space elevator no matter what it takes. Someone there is counting on us. The hero of the Circum-Pacific War and the man who spearheaded the construction of the space elevator. Osea's former president, Mr. Harling. Mr. Harling was inspecting the elevator when the war broke out. He's been classified as missing since the elevator was taken over by the Erusean forces. However, according to the latest intel, a military officer accompanying Mr. Harling hid him inside the facility. Both are waiting for a chance to escape. Enemy anti-air radar network has been set up around the space elevator.'s likely a large squadron would be detected. We will send a single aircraft through the network, and send in a rescue team soon after. A number of anti-air radars have been set up around the space elevator. However, our reconnaissance suggests their network is weakest along the southeastern coast of Selatapura. So, we can elude the enemy's observation. There are a lot of rain clouds this time of year. Flying through the clouds will enable us to stay hidden from their radar. If you happen to be detected by their radar, we will be forced to abort the mission. The lone pilot who will head up this strategy is you, Trigger. After you bust through, secure the rescue craft's landing zone by taking out the anti-air weapons. Golem and others will arrive shortly for support. Provide escort for Mr. Harling's craft after rendezvous. Good luck out there, everyone.

Mission Script[edit | edit source]

Starting Cutscene[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Entering operation area. Imposing radio silence.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: We'll radio you, but you are not permitted to make contact.

Mission Start[edit | edit source]

  • ! AWACS Sky Keeper !: If you're spotted, the mission is over. Stay out of enemy radar.
  • ! AWACS Sky Keeper !: Use of weaponry is also strictly forbidden.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Okay, you're heading up the Harling rescue mission. The success of this mission depends on you. Good luck.

When the player is one third of the way through[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Trigger, you're a third of the way to the rendezvous point. Good job, but stay focused.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: Situation normal. Nothing sighted.

When the player reaches the first split in the path[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Trigger, you got two directions you can take up here. Just go with your gut. Don't worry. We're watching over you.

When the player is halfway through[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: You're making good progress, Trigger. You are currently halfway to your rendezvous point. Look, I'm not gonna lie. It's just going to be you and your radar out there. Just know you've got a bunch of people pulling for ya.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: And I'm one of them.[note 1]
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: Are we under attack?
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: No change.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: What's happening? Give us orders![note 2]
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: Increasing alert. Watching radar.

When the player is three fourths of the way through[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: You're three-fourths of the way. Been a long flight, but you're nearly home.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: still the president in my eyes. He ended the war, built the space elevator, and launched a spaceship from it. Despite his success, he remained a humble hero. I'll do my best to save him. Lend me a hand, Trigger.

When the player reaches the second split in the path[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Rendezvous point dead ahead. Hand in there.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: No problems. Situation normal.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: No change.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: RTB. Going home.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: Situation report. Something's happening.
  • Erusean Surveillance Unit: Nothing to report here. Everything's quiet.

Checkpoint 4-1[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Radio silence is now lifted. The auxiliary craft will be arriving shortly.
  • ! AWACS Sky Keeper !: Destroy the anti-air around the space elevator.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: We're securing Sea Goblin's landing zone.

  • Mage 1 Clown: Trigger, sorry 'bout the wait. Cavalry's here.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Golem Squadron, Trigger jumped through the fire. Now it's our turn.
  • Golem 4 Footpad: Understood.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Gargoyle Squadron, stay focused. You all know your jobs.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All aircraft, eliminate the enemy before they can respond!

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Sea Goblin will arrive shortly. Eliminate all hostile anti-air before then.
  • Sea Goblin Team: This is Sea Goblin. We've arrived. Do we have a clear LZ?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mission still in progress. Stand by.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage 2, rescue team can't land until anti-air weapons are down. Destroy them.

When half of the SAMs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Half of the SAM sites are down.

When half of the AAGUNs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Half of the anti-air guns are down.

When all SAMs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All SAM sites down!

When all AAGUNs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All anti-air guns destroyed!

If all SAMs are destroyed before the AAGUNs[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: There are still AA guns. Destroy them and secure the LZ.

If all AAGUNs are destroys before the SAMs[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Destroy the remaining SAM sites and secure the LZ.

When all TGTs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: The landing zone is secure. Sea Goblin, you are cleared to land.
  • Sea Goblin Team: Roger! Rendezvous point in sight. We're almost there.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Multiple bandits over Selatapura harbor! They're container-launched UAVs.
  • Sea Goblin Team: Sea Goblin here. Going up to meet our two VIPs.

Mid-mission Cutscene[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: The rescue craft's tagged on. Initiate.

Checkpoint 4-2[edit | edit source]

  • ! AWACS Sky Keeper !: Rescue craft on the ground is defenseless. Golem and Mage, destroy all hostiles.


  • Mage 1 Clown: It's been a long journey, but you're on the home stretch.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Gargoyle will stand by near the space elevator!
  • Sea Goblin Team: This is Sea Goblin! Heading over to the ex-prez's location now.
  • Sea Goblin Team: Run for the container!

  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Ambush! Fire from the far shore! They're targeting us! Get behind the chopper!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Return fire! Sierra 2, hold position!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: We're cut off!
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Golem 2, hang in there!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Taking fire! We're pinned down!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Shoot back!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Ex-prez identified! Behind the gantry crane!
  • Sea Goblin Team: Mr. Harling! Stay right there!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Jacob's been hit!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Incoming rocket! [explosion] [static]
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Sea Goblin! All survivors! Respond! Is Mr. Harling alive?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Eliminate all enemy UAVs. Don't let up.

If an MQ-99 approaches the space elevator[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: UAVs approaching the space elevator! Stop them!

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: UAVs moving away from the harbor toward the space elevator! Shoot them down!

When half of the TGTs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: That's 'bout half! Mop up the rest.
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: They got the chopper and Sierra 2!
  • Sea Goblin Team: That was thermobaric!
  • [gunfire]
  • Sea Goblin Team: Shit! Rocket! [explosion] [static]
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Damn![note 3]
  • Col. Johnson: This is Colonel Johnson. Do you copy? I am with President Harling.
  • Col. Johnson: Rescue unit down, along with the soldier who had this radio.
  • [gunfire]
  • Col. Johnson: I will get Mr. Harling out of here.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Sir, we feel the same way. We'll figure something out.
  • Col. Johnson: We found an Erusean transport craft. Its engines are on.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: I heard you were in the air force, Colonel. Can you fly?
  • Col. Johnson: Better than Mr. Harling.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: It'll do.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All squadrons, be advised. This call sign is Mother Goose One. I've sent the information via the data link.
  • Col. Johnson: Mother Goose One? That's the best you can come up with?

When three TGTs remain[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Three remaining!

When one TGT remains[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: One remaining!

Random[edit | edit source]

  • Mage 1 Clown: Yeah! Mage 2 destroyed the target!

  • Mage 1 Clown: They're swarming! There's no way we can provide adequate cover!

  • Gargoyle Squadron: We'll pass out from exhaustion before the enemy wears out.

  • Mage 1 Clown: You inspire me, Trigger. I learned how to deal with these guys by watching you.

When all TGTs are destroyed[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All UAVs have been splashed!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: All aircraft, Former President Harling's transport is ready to take off.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One, take off!
  • Col. Johnson: All right, Mother Goose One taking off!

Checkpoint 4-3[edit | edit source]

  • Col. Johnson: Mr. Harling wants to extend his thanks to you beforehand.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Let's wait till we're home safe.
  • ! AWACS Sky Keeper !: Mage Squadron, Mother Goose One is heading south. Provide support.


  • Golem 1 Knocker: Sky Keeper, bogeys on my radar! Bearing 220!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Sighting confirmed as MQ-101, forerunner for Arsenal Bird!
  • Golem 1 Knocker: The big bird is comin', huh?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage, protect Mother Goose One. Shoot down any UAVs! Golem, intercept the UAVs.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Golem 1, wilco. That last battle taught me a lot about those a-holes.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Golem 2! Don't stray off on me! Always maintain element!
  • Golem 2 Faun: Wilco. Forming up.

  • Arsenal Bird Controller: Roger. Sending UAVs at the transport. Orders are to fire warnings.
  • Arsenal Bird Controller: Yes sir, he's an old-timer. Has no clue how UAVs are used.
  • Arsenal Bird Controller: Understood. And Arsenal Bird is on its way. Strategic AI chose Liberty over Justice. Courses have already changed.

If a UAV approaches Mother Goose One[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One, UAV on your tail! Take evasive action!
  • Col. Johnson: I hear you, but this isn't exactly a fighter.

If the player quickly shoots down at least four UAVs[edit | edit source]

  • Golem 1 Knocker: Woah! Again, Trigger?! Can't let you have all the glory!

After about 90 seconds have passed since the Mission Update[edit | edit source]

  • Gargoyle Squadron: Gargoyle 1, where's the signal?
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Gargoyle Squadron. Stand by for my order.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: But without the lighthouse...I mean the harbor, they won't be able to get home.
  • IUN-PKF HQ: That ship isn't one of ours.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Where's the signal?
  • IUN-PKF HQ: Gargoyle, change radio frequency.
  • Col. Johnson: Mother Goose One, here. We're about to leave the airspace. Keep your fingers crossed.
  • IUN-PKF HQ: Gargoyle, it's time.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Attention, Gargoyle Squadron. Babel. Babel. Babel.

Mid-Mission Cutscene[edit | edit source]

  • Gargoyle Squadron: Gargoyle 3 to Babel.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Babel, roger.

Checkpoint 4-4[edit | edit source]

  • Golem 1 Knocker: Sky Keeper! What the hell was that?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Gargoyle did their job.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: I figured, but weren't we informed?!
  • Mage 1 Clown: The IUN can't coordinate between branches, as usual.
  • IUN-PKF HQ: Gargoyle Squadron, report!
  • Gargoyle Squadron: HQ, one hit was scored. The rest were intercepted by UAVs. The elevator's windbreak took a scratch, nothing more.
  • IUN-PKF HQ: Roger. Continue to maintain air superiority.

  • Mage 1 Clown: Mother Goose One hit!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One has been hit! Colonel Johnson, respond!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage Squadron, assess the situation.
  • Mage 1 Clown: This is Mage 1. I have Mother Goose One in my sight. Cabin's fine but the cockpit's not looking so good.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Colonel Johnson, are you okay?
  • Col. Johnson: Don't worry about that... Just send help this way...
  • Col. Johnson: I'm sorry. Get Mr. Harling... Please...
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One, respond. Mother Goose One!
  • Mage 1 Clown: Sky Keeper. Should we continue providing cover for Mother Goose One?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Of course!

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One is turning. What's going on? They're heading to the space elevator.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: What the hell? Why are they still in the air?[note 3]
  • Gargoyle Squadron: (unintelligible) they're headed straight for the space elevator.[note 3]
  • Mother Goose One: (inaudible)
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Did he lose control?![note 3]
  • Mage 1 Clown: It's flying at a steady altitude. Who's at control?
  • Gargoyle Squadron: (unintelligible) Why isn't he leaving?[note 3]
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: It's not the colonel. Mr. Harling's the only one on board.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: There's still drones in the way. Trying to fly to it would be suicide.[note 3]
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One, respond!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mr. Harling, please respond!
  • Mage 1 Clown: We can't protect our objective if it sticks around here!
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Now's not the time to freak out, fellas. We've still got a job to do, so let's do it! Keep your mind focused!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mr. Harling, we are not giving up on you!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: The UAVs are approaching Mother Goose One!
  • Mage 1 Clown: Let's go, Trigger.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Take 'em down now, Mage Squadron!

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One, turn 180 degrees and exit combat airspace!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One! Mr. Harling! Are you piloting that plane?
  • Arsenal Bird Controller: Arsenal Bird Liberty, passing waypoint 2.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: The UAVs are continuing their attack!
  • Mage 1 Clown: They're obsessed with that transport.
  • Arsenal Bird Controller: UAVs launched from Arsenal Bird Liberty headed toward the AO.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Is the former president still alive?
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage, destroy those UAVs and keep Mother Goose One safe!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage 2! Clear out the bogeys near Mother Goose One!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Protect Mother Goose One! Destroy those UAVs!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Arsenal Bird is entering the AO. We cannot continue the rescue mission.

Ending Cutscene[edit | edit source]

  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mage 2! [echoed]
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Oh my god! Mother Goose One has been shot down!
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Where'd the missile come from?!
  • Mage 2 fired that!
  • Gargoyle Squadron: It was Osean. A friendly missile hit them.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Verifying the situation. Stop speculating.
  • Friendly fire! I saw it.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Mother Goose One exploded in air. No one could have survived.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Looked like it tried to protect the elevator.
  • Gargoyle Squadron: Erusean bastards. They just killed a hero.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: Mage 1, was it Trigger?
  • Mage 1 Clown: ...Trigger was the closest.
  • Mage 1 Clown: UAVs were crawling all over our objective.
  • Golem 1 Knocker: I told you to keep a goddamn eye on the hatchling.
  • Mage 1 Clown: ...It must've been a mistake.
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Arsenal Bird is entering! All aircraft, withdraw immediately!
  • AWACS Sky Keeper: Trigger, you can't fly for a while. You understand why.

Debriefing[edit | edit source]

The operation to recue Former President Harling has failed. Sadly, there is no hope he survived. Trigger, you are suspected of assassinating the former president. There will be an inquiry. There will most probably be a court-martial.

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. The subtitles omit the word "And"
  2. The subtitles say "What's happened?" instead of "What's happening?"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 This line is not subtitled