- "I almost feel bad for those guys. Key word, almost."
- ― Knocker during Operation Dual Wielder
Knocker is the flight lead of the Osean Air Defense Force's Golem Squadron and Mage Squadron. A pilot with a serious demeanor, he manages the pilots under his command strictly and does not allow them to show off.[1]
Knocker was among the first combatants in the Lighthouse War. He led the International Union Peacekeeping Force's Golem and Mage Squadrons in stopping Erusean bombers from destroying the Fort Grays Island Air Base. During the battle, he had a promising rookie under his wing named Trigger.
Later, during Operation Dual Wielder, he led Golem and Mage where he helped secure air superiority over the Chopinburg Rainforest. However, he was then forced to retreat along with Golem and Mage after Arsenal Bird Liberty arrived, and was helpless to prevent the death of Brownie, his wingman, at the hands of a mysterious Su-30. Clearly taking Brownie's demise personally, he asked AWACS Sky Keeper for the location of the aircraft to presumably kill them himself, but Mihaly had already left the area.
During the events of Operation Lighthouse Keeper, he was in charge of escorting Sea Goblin while they rescued former President Vincent Harling. However, the operation was deemed a failure when Trigger allegedly hit Harling's MV-22 with a missile and killed the former President. Knocker then berated Clown, the leader of Mage Squadron, for not keeping Trigger on a tight leash.
Knocker's whereabouts after Operation Lighthouse Keeper is unknown. It could be assumed that he led Golem and Mage Squadron for the remainder of the Lighthouse War, but any assumption would just be conjecture.
Knocker was a no-nonsense leader. He kept his rookie pilots under strict control in fear of them dying. Brownie's death most likely reinforced his viewpoint. When Trigger was accused of killing Harling, Knocker rebuked Clown for not keeping an eye on him. This also probably made Knocker even more paranoid of his pilots' inexperience.
The Captain had a desensitized view on war. During Operation Eastern Wind, Brownie advised that any Erusean aircraft shot down could send debris into residential areas, causing civilian casualties. Knocker replied, "That's just how war is these days," and Clown repeated the exact statement later in the mission.