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This page contains a transcript of "Realization", the second cutscene in Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation. It immediately plays after "Invasion of Gracemeria" during a campaign run.


Melissa Herman (narrating): Fire and smoke rises from the city before me. The King's Bridge is gone. ...Oh

Melissa Herman: Matilda!

Melissa Herman (narrating): I vaguely hear a scream of terror that sounds much like my own voice from afar. I feel as though the Golden King's gentle smile is moving, moving farther away from me. Every now and then, I'd tell my daughter the story of the night some years ago[sic] a night when the sky was radiant with shooting stars. That night, your[sic] father and I,[sic] made countless wishes together. An asteroid called Ulysses came into Earth's orbit, and disintegrated into millions of pieces, which poured down on the land below. As we watched the shooting stars that night, fragments from the asteroid rained down on our eastern neighbor, Estovakia, damaging a great deal of their infrastructure and devastating their economy. Soon after, the news reported that their nation had fallen into a civil war[sic] one that would last for years. Eventually, the internal strife was brought to an end when "The Generals" came into power[sic] in the midst of hardship, the citizens of Estovakia were convinced that the only way they could recover as a nation was to rely on a military government led by these "Generals." Before long, they went so far as to invade our nation, the Republic of Emmeria. Our military was forced to retreat to Khesed, an island far to the west. My husband, a fighter pilot, also hasn't come home since. I walk on. I am[note 1] unable to think. All I can do is follow the others. Ever since we came to the twisted remains of my daughter's school bus, my soul has left me. I am empty. Some of our tanks are parked at the approach to the bridge.

Louis McKnight: Move! Move! Let's pick up the pace people! There's a train still runnin' on the other side of the river! She goes all the[note 2] way out to the edge of the border! We've gotta blast this bridge before the enemy gets a hold of it! So move it or lose it, people!

Melissa Herman (narrating): Here I see the wreckage of a jet that was shot down. On what's left of the nose... I can make out some writing... "Melissa." It's my name. What a cruel twist of fate for me to see this. My pilot husband, who had left for work that day with the same loving look on his face as always... He had painted my name on his angel. I go into the crowd on the train, and endure two weeks of pure hell, before finally ending up at a refugee camp at the border. I don't know [sigh] any of the names on the list. My compatriots, who have now become refugees, gather around a single radio to listen to the broadcast. Even though the station is broadcasting out of Gracemeria, occupying forces have taken complete control of the airwaves. The enemy must have completely overtaken our capital, Gracemeria.

Radio announcer: ...And although newer parts of the city have suffered considerable damage, the castle and a significant section of the old quarter have escaped relatively unscathed...

Refugee: The castle's okay![note 3]

Refugee: Oh, thank God![note 3]

Melissa Hermann (narrating): However, the announcer went on to say that our castle was robbed of countless antiquities, that once were elaborately displayed in our castle—stripped bare.

Radio announcer: As the Estovakian military, it is our sworn duty to govern this crumbling nation, and get it back on its feet, starting right here in Gracemeria. I've found a group of street children in front of the Central Station here, where the area has literally been reduced to a slum. Step on up here little girl. What do you have to say about all this?

Matilda Hermann: Go dance with the angels, mister! [punch]

Radio announcer: Ow! Hey![note 3]

Melissa Hermann (narrating): My ears were not deceiving me. That voice belonged to my daughter, Matilda.

Opening Credits

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Lead Game Design: Toshiyuki Ishii
Level Design/Lead Designer: Satoshi Kawase
Radio System Design/Lead Radio System Design & Dialogue: Kazuma Nishiwaki
Radio System Design: Kenichi Fujiwara
Art Directors: Hiroyasu Hosoya and Masato Kanno
Cinematics Unit/Project Lead: Tomohiro Abe
Cinematics Unit/Director: Tatsuya Ikarashi
Visual Effects Unit/Lead VFX Artist: Keiichi Fujii
GUI & Graphic Design Unit/Director: Shoji Imamura
Aircraft & Weapon Design Unit/Director: Isshin Yabuki
Map Design Unit/Director: Eiji Senke
Program Lead: Katsuhiro Ishii
Tools & Technical Support/Lead Tools Programmer & Technical Support: Masanori Shima
System Program/Lead Programmer: Shigeya Muto
Game Program/Lead Programmer: Yoshitaka Inoue
Graphics Program/Lead Programmer: Tetsuya Ohtaguro
Sound Director: Tetsukazu Nakanishi
Music Director: Keiki Kobayashi

24 News


Civil war continues to spread throughout Estovakia. The death toll continues to rise with current estimates exceeding 5000 civilian d...


Has our future come to fruition through...

... Faction has ... Estovakia's ... effec- ... six year ...

... without ... gov- ... since the ... impact in ... econo- ... republic ... prospects ... to ... be- ... in ... in 2010 ... of the ... rise ... with ...

The Lyes United Front ... since retreated to West... Estovakia, and wh... rumors of a large-... counterattack remain, ... Eastern Faction's ...tionable domination of ... Estovakian sky stands ... powerful deterrent tow... any such action.

Specialists widely ag... that the establishment ... new Eastern Faction ...tral government is like... follow.

Known as the "Gener... six former Eastern D... Estovakian generals ...mand the Eastern Fac... The command was f... when three former A... Navy and Air Force g...als forged an alliance...

Hot News

Emmeria Independence Radio has today once again hijacked this frequency. Citizens of Estovakia should address all complaints to "The Golden King".

All right, listen up. We've just got our hands on some hot news here. Our very own Emmerian Forces have broken through the Grageo Canyon, home to the impenetrable Ragno Fortress. It looks like the Estovakian's[sic] had planned to...


  1. The English subtitles incorrectly say "I'm".
  2. The English subtitles incorrectly say "they".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 These lines are unsubtitled.