Special Supply/Temporary

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The items in this section only lasted for a maximum of two months each in the Special Supply Ticket Catalogue.

March 2016

The items in this set were added on March 1, 2016 and expired on April 30, 2016.
Special Supply Rafale M -Cocoon- MiG-35D Event Skin 01 Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 3 #03 "Commencing attack." 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #06 "Don't rely on thrust. Use your aerodynamics." 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #12 "Hey, can you hear me? Buddy?" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #13 "Aim for me!" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #18 "Read the maneuvers from the HUD!" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #19 "A bet is only fun if there's some risk!" 100

February 2016

The items in this set were added on February 1, 2016 and expired on March 31, 2016.
Special Supply B-1B -Razor- A-6E Event Skin 01 Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT JA #02 "Hmph, headhunting in the middle of battle?" 100
ACE COMBAT JA #05 "Four zero zero billion! Not one Euro less." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #08 "We shall prove we are the best!" 100
ACE COMBAT JA #09 "We're now the fastest in the sky!" 100
ACE COMBAT JA #11 "This so called plan means nothing to me." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #13 "The stronger the foe, the better the money." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #14 "It's time to decide who flies and who falls from grace." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #15 "Ah, I'm having so much fun!" 100
ACE COMBAT JA #16 "My honor! My pride! My life!" 100

January 2016

The items in this set were added on December 31, 2015 and expired on February 29, 2016.
Special Supply F-14A -Chopper- ASF-X -NY- Event Skin 01 Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Solvalou 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT ZERO #03 "They've come to greet us at the door." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #06 "We WILL survive!" 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #14 "This of course, can be found in any history book." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #15 "Dead men's words hold no meaning." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #17 "Survive." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #18 "They've all gone insane." 100

December 2015

The items in this set were added on November 30, 2015 and expired on January 31, 2016.
Special Supply MiG-1.44 -Sulejmani- and ADF-01 -OS- Event Skin 01 Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Galaga 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT X #02 "It's Nemesis!" 100
ACE COMBAT X #06 "Crux to Gryphus 1." 100
ACE COMBAT X #09 "We...severe jamm... ...radar...pletely useless." 100
ACE COMBAT X #10 "Lock-on's not...to work... have to...unguided weapons." 100
ACE COMBAT X #11 "Southern Cross! Take care of the enemy fighters above!" 100

November 2015

The items in this set were added on October 31, 2015 and expired on December 31, 2015.
Special Supply R-101 Neucom F-4E 20th Anniversary Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT AHL #02 "Lancers, charge!" 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #03 "Give 'em hell." 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #04 "Just hope he's worth the trip." 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #05 "And boys, behave yourselves." 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #06 "Guess that's checkmate." 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #07 "That's your third win in a row, sir. No one can match you." 100
ACE COMBAT AHL #08 "Let's see how long my next opponent lasts." 100

October 2015 Update 2

The items in this set were added on October 29, 2015 and expired on November 4, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins

October 2015 Update 1

The items in this set were added on September 30, 2015 and expired on November 30, 2015.
Special Supply Nosferatu Tiger Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #04 "Your eloquence is legendary." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #05 "Shoot the gun, not your mouth, wise guy." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #08 "Don't worry about your stalker. I'm on him." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #17 "Let's roast some marshmallows." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #18 "Take 'em out, all right? And live to tell about it." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #19 "It's raining fighters down here." 100
ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON #21 "Gracias, amigo." 100

September 2015

The items in this set were added on August 31, 2015 and expired on October 31, 2015.
Special Supply Osea Taurus Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins


Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 05 #01 "I won't die, sir." 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #04 "We can replace these things." 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #05 "Aaah... I'd better stick to the trail position, thanks." 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #06 "I'll cover your six." 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #07 "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #08 "I forgot, do you even like rock music?" 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #09 "I'm countin' on you." 100

August 2015

The items in this set were added on July 31, 2015 and expired on September 30, 2015.
Special Supply Griffon Aries Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Mappy 50
Goro 50
Gozenso 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT JA #01 "Hmph, enough talk. Let's go." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #03 "Don't wanna get hit by that thing." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #04 "But you still ain't got what it takes to shoot me down." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #06 "Haha, allow me to correct your assessment of us." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #07 "We are wolves, wolves who can chew through any leash!"[1] 100
ACE COMBAT JA #10 "Ugh, I screwed up..." 100
ACE COMBAT JA #12 "The more I kill, the more I earned." 100

July 2015

The items in this set were added on June 30, 2015 and expired on August 31, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Ki 50
Gilgamesh 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT ZERO #01 "There're three kinds of aces." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #02 "This is gonna cost you extra." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #04 "Fire away, coward!" 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #05 "C'mooon!" 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #09 "This is war." 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #11 "So, have you found a reason to fight yet?" 100

June 2015

The items in this set were added on May 31, 2015 and expired on July 31, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Solvalou 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 3 #01 "Good thing Rena's flying a Flanker, eh?" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #02 "Speak." 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #09 "I think... I'm still not back to full strength." 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #10 "Hah, hah hah hah hah!" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #11 "I'm pinned down!" 100
ACE COMBAT 3 #20 "Insubordination!" 100

May 2015 Update 2

The items in this set were added on May 18, 2015 and expired on June 1, 2015.


Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Jean-Louis 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 04 #15 "Oh! Jean-Louis' been hit!" 100

May 2015 Update 1

The items in this set were added on April 30, 2015 and expired on June 30, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Galaga 50
Omega 11 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 04 #16 Omega 11, bailing out! 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #17 Mobius 2 on standby. 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #18 Mobius 3 through 7 on standby. 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #19 Mobius 8 on standby. 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #20 Preparations are complete, ready for battle. 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #21 All aircraft follow Mobius 1! 100

April 2015

The items in this set were added on March 30, 2015 and expired on May 31, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT X #01 "Yee-haw!" 100
ACE COMBAT X #03 "Don't fall behind the Southern Cross!" 100
ACE COMBAT X #04 "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, impact!" 100
ACE COMBAT X #05 "Nemesis!" 100
ACE COMBAT X #07 "That was a little too risky, sir." 100
ACE COMBAT X #08 "Southern Cross, lead the way!" 100

March 2015

The items in this set were added on March 5, 2015 and expired on April 30, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT ZERO #07 Be ready to pay up. We'll be back before you know it. 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #08 Time to dive into the fireworks! 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #10 It's a great place for you filthy dogs to be buried! 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #12 I got a girlfriend back at the base. 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #16 Yo, Buddy. You still alive? 100
ACE COMBAT ZERO #17 Survive. 100

February 2015

The items in this set were added on February 1, 2015 and expired on March 30, 2015.
Feb 2015 Special Supply Items Catalogue - Infinity Banner.png

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins


Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 05 #02 I won't lose another flight lead. 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #03 Cut the chatter! 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #10 Yes. Kestrel. 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #11 I've lost time and time again... but now I've finally won. 100
ACE COMBAT 05 #12 Listen to our beautiful voice! 100

January 2015

The items in this set were added on December 31, 2014 and expired on March 4, 2015 (originally set to February 28, 2015 but later extended).

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Mappy 50
Goro 50
Gozenso 50
Jean-Louis 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 04 #09 "Victory here will come at a high price!" 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #10 "Give 'em all you got!" 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #11 "Is there no end to this war?" 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #12 "Today's my birthday!" 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #13 "You made it through alive." 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #14 "Sweep them from our skies!" 100
ACE COMBAT 04 #15 "Oh! Jean-Louis' been hit!" 100

December 2014

The items in this set were added on December 3, 2014 and expired on January 31, 2015.

Aircraft & Aircraft Skins



Nickname Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
Ki 50
Gilgamesh 50

Instant Radio Messages

Name Message Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png Tickets
ACE COMBAT 6 #01 "It's payback time!" 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #02 "Finally starting to feel like an air force." 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #03 "So many gentlemen in one place. Quite a spectacle." 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #04 "This war has already killed too many handsome men." 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #05 "Go dance with the angels!" 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #06 "It's time for me to dance with the angels!" 100
ACE COMBAT 6 #07 "No matter how dark the night, dawn always comes." 100


  1. The ACE COMBAT JA #07 radio message previously stated "We are wolves, wolves who can che through any leash!" This has been corrected.