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  • Radar Vehicle Jamming - Multiple radar vehicles spread across six sites, with a reinforcement group to the north
  • Enemy Fleet - 1x Battle Cruiser, 1x Destroyer, 2x Cruisers, 2x Aegis
  • Meteorites - 10x Ulysses meteorites
  • Cruise Missiles - 11x cruise missiles
  • Jamming Facilities - Multiple jamming facilities

2. Select Warning

Tokyo Martial Law / Tokyo Martial Law (HARD)

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Pipeline Destruction / Pipeline Destruction (HARD)

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Aerospace Center Defense

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Alps Air Corridor

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Dubai Night Assault / Dubai Night Assault (HARD)

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Weapons Base Assault

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Moscow Battle

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Multiple unidentified flying objects are approaching.
Area B7R Dogfight Battle

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Avalon Dam Invasion

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Adriatic Sea Landing Operation

Now, click the warning displayed in the Aircraft Set selection screen.

Multiple unidentified flying objects are approaching.

Intelligence suggests that new enemy weapons are being transported in the area.

1. Select Mission

First, click the mission you are about to sortie in. Please note that HARD missions have the same Mission Updates as their normal counterparts, so if you are playing a HARD mission, select the normal variant below.

Tokyo Martial Law.png
Tokyo Martial Law
Pipeline Destruction.png
Pipeline Destruction
Aerospace Center Defense.png
Aerospace Center Defense
Alps Air Corridor.png
Alps Air Corridor
Dubai Night Assault.png
Dubai Night Assault
Weapons Base Assault.jpg
Weapons Base Assault
Moscow Battle.jpg
Moscow Battle
B7R Challenge.jpg
Area B7R Dogfight Battle
Avalon Dam Invasion.jpg
Avalon Dam Invasion
Adriatic Sea Landing Operation.jpg
Adriatic Sea Landing Operation