UI-4052 Cralias

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The UI-4052 Cralias is a dirigible similar to the UI-4053 Sphyrna. Little is known about it other than it is capable of being loaded with hazardous materials as a suicide weapon.[1]


"Cralias" is a misspelling of Clarias, a genus of catfish. Like the Sphyrna, this is consistent with Neucom Incorporated's scheme of naming aircraft after fish, but no further connection between the blimp and the company is known.


The UI-4052 is mostly similar to the UI-4053, with notable differences being the main turbine engine of the Crailas being mounted at the very rear of the envelope, and the Crailas having 4 smaller turbines on its sides (2 on each side). It also has a much smaller gondola and no spoilers on its front or back.


The UI-4052 was first sighted over Axel Bay, a large industrial city on the Usean continent in 2040. A communication from an unknown source had informed UPEO that the Cralias blimp was on a crash course with the city in order to initiate a biohazard with its biological payload. Soon after, Nemo was sent to clear a path for the UI-4052 by destroying any obstacles in the blimp's way to prevent the biological threat.

As the pilot had cleared most of the Cralias' flight path, an unidentified fighter was sighted in the area, apparently monitoring the Crailas. Nemo had destroyed many obstacles in the UI's course, such as smokestacks and even a large section of a bridge on its path. Shortly after, the Cralias crash landed into a lake, not exploding on impact. A hydrofoil emerged from the crash site, being destroyed afterwards by Nemo.

Game Analysis

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

How to Unlock

This aircraft is not available to the player.


Orange with white ventral surface
