Transcript:The Round Table

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This page includes a transcript of "The Round Table", the third campaign mission of Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.


Head Operations has issued an emergency order for a reconnaissance mission to be conducted near the border. You will be monitoring the airspace B7R currently under Belkan control. Strong opposition is expected by enemy squadrons, and the presence of a magnetic field has been detected, which may interfere with communications. In short, this will not be a walk in the park. The B7R airspace is located above an area rich in subterranean resources, where many conflicts have been fought in the past. You're authorized to engage enemy planes upon contact. The time has come for your skills to be tested.

Opening Cutscene

  • Pixy: Belkan Priority One Strategic Airspace, B7R...
  • Pixy: aka the "Round Table."
  • Pixy: It was the grand stage where we pilots performed.
  • Pixy: We were all on equal footing, fighting under the same conditions.
  • Pixy: No affiliations or ranks to hinder us.
  • Pixy: Aces from every nation crisscrossed through those skies in pursuit of air superiority.
  • Pixy: The only rule of engagement was to survive.

Mission Script


  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Galm Team. This is Eagle Eye. Penetrate B7R and get a feel for the surroundings.
  • Pixy: Galm 2, roger. This kind of job is what we're all about.

  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Enemies on radar. Exercise caution.
  • Pixy: Dammit!
  • Belkan Squadron: Is something wrong with the IFF? Only two aircraft are showing up on radar.
  • Belkan Squadron: Don't they know about the Round Table?
  • Pixy: It seems they're on to us.

  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Galm Team, engage.
  • Pixy: We WILL survive, Galm 1.

After the player neutralizes enemies

  • Belkan Squadron: All damaged planes, disengage.
  • Belkan Squadron: Cover us from the rear.

  • Pixy: Ruthless attacks aren't gonna cut it with these guys.

After the player neutralizes or destroys a number of enemies

  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Galm Team. Penetrate B7R airspace.
  • Pixy (Knight): Cipher, we'll fly into the Round Table. Proceed with caution.
  • Pixy (Soldier): Galm 1, let's head of for the Round Table. Stay sharp.
  • Pixy (Mercenary): So those mountains in front of us make up the Round Table. I've heard my share of stories about it.
  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Warning! Radar shows additional craft approaching Area B7R at high speed.
  • Pixy: Galm 2 to Galm 1. Enemy reinforcements. Probably the main force.

Mid-Mission Cutscene



Belkan Air Force

7th Air Division 51st Tactical Fighter SQ

  • Indigo 1: Indigo 1 to all units.
  • Indigo 1: Target spotted.
  • Indigo 1: Commencing attack.



Belka Air Force

10th Air Division 8th Tactical Fighter SQ

  • Grun 1: Report.
  • Grun 2: This is Grun 2.
  • Grun 2: There's two of 'em.
  • Grun 1: Well, then, let's have some fun.



Belkan Air Force

2nd Air Division 52nd Tactical Fighter SQ

  • Rot 1: Rot 1 to all craft.
  • Rot 1: Time to hunt some wild dogs.
  • Rot 1: Down 'em all.
  • Rot Team: Roger.

Mission Script


  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Galm Team, we cannot authorize a retreat. Intercept them
  • Pixy: I figured you'd say that. This is gonna cost you extra.


  • Indigo 1: Unlike you mercenaries, I fight for a real cause.
  • Indigo 1: The ones who survive are those who fight for their convictions.
  • Pixy: This is the Round Table. Dead men's words hold no meaning.

  • Pixy: Looks like we've got some Gripens to deal with.

  • Indigo 1: The key to victory here is to stick to our flight pattern.

  • Indigo 1: Stay focused. This airspace isn't what we're used to.

  • Indigo 1: Don't show any weakness. They'll shoot you down.

  • Indigo 1: Ustio is holding their own in the Round Table.

  • Indigo 1: I know it's the Round Table, but we can do this. Just like anywhere else.

  • Indigo 1: Go for plane 1.

  • Indigo 1: What were those guide planes doing?

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Indigo Team: Damn Ustios! They're faster than I thought.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Pixy: Enemy fighter confirmed down. Apparently, that was their captain.
  • Indigo Team: Those mercenaries are crazy!

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Pixy: Now things are nice and even. Cipher, one for you and one for me.


  • Grun 1: Looks like you Ustio mercenaries made the wrong choice.
  • Pixy: This is the Round Table. Dead men's words hold no meaning.

  • Pixy: Hornets. Don't let them sting you in the ass.

  • Pixy: These guys know what they're doing. Don't let up, even when they're locked on.

  • Grun 1: All Grun units, set ejection handles to green.

  • Grun 1: It looks like they weren't joking. There's only two.

  • Grun 1: All units, don't let these pilots out-maneuver you.

  • Grun 1: This is an interesting opponent. Unorthodox to say the least.

  • Grun Team: I'll trap them.

  • Grun 1: They think they can survive in the Round Table?

  • Grun 1: I'm going for the throat. It's kill or be killed with these dogs.

  • Grun Team: All the planes are forced on defense. Who are they?

  • Grun 1: They fly a lot different than the Oseans.

  • Grun 1: I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

  • Grun 1: They're better than I thought.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Grun Team: Ustio Mercenary?!

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Grun 1: Those bastards. All planes, it's time to get serious.
  • Grun Team: Don't let these Ustio fighters get too cocky.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Pixy: There's one left. Cipher, I'll take care of this one.
  • Grun 1: Dammit! Both of 'em know what they're doing.


  • Rot 1: Mercenary dogs.
  • Pixy: This is the Round Table. Dead men's words hold no meaning.

  • Pixy: They're flying Typhoons. Don't underestimate these guys.

  • Pixy: Cipher, they're known for their long range attacks. Be careful.

  • Pixy: Here it comes. Let's fly into the center.

  • Rot 1: Don't think you can leave Area B7R alive.

  • Rot 1: That's all they are. Nothing like us.

  • Rot 1: Money-hungry dogs, without an ounce of honor.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Rot Team: One plane down! Looks like we underestimated them!
  • Rot 1: Enough playing around. I'll drive them into the flames.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Rot Team: Two of our fighters have been shot down! They'll pay for this!
  • Rot 1: Mercenaries are driven by money. They shouldn't be able to beat us.

  • Rot 1: Aren't there only two of them?!

  • Rot 1: You'll be the seventh plane downed in B7R.

  • Rot 1: How could Ustio's mercenary dogs fly so well?

  • Rot 1: I've never seen flying like that in Belka.

After the player destroys an enemy

  • Rot 1: I've been hit!...That low-life mercenary!
  • Rot Team: Our captain's down!
  • Rot Team: Impossible. Am I the last one?... Requesting backup!
  • Pixy: Those guys are history. Galm 1, let's wrap things up here.

Mission Script

After the player destroys the last enemy


  • AWACS Eagle Eye: All Belkan Reinforcements confirmed down. Mission complete. Return to base.
  • AWACS Eagle Eye: Incoming message from Allied Forces Operations Command.
  • AWACS Eagle Eye: "Allied naval force as begun its advance. We appreciate your work."
  • Pixy: Looks like we were just a couple of decoys.
  • Pixy: Yo, Buddy. You still alive?



It seems B7R is more heavily guarded than we thought. If it wasn't for you, this ploy of ours probably would have failed. Keep up the good work.


Thanks to your success, we managed to confuse Belka. You've caught the attention of Head Operations.


Well done. I'll make sure Head Operations hears about how you defeated an elite squad of enemy Typhoons. Now go rest up. You've earned it.