Transcript:Pipeline Destruction (AC7)

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This page includes a transcript of "Pipeline Destruction", the eighth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Col. McKinsey: Attention! If you disobeyed orders in the previous mission, line up over there! You won't disobey a second time. Do not test my patience. The biggest threat to our forces is the enemy's enormous swarm of drones. In order for our forces to penetrate deep into Erusean territory, we'll need to help clear a path. You will destroy the enemy's fuel plant. HQ has found evidence that fuel is being moved intermittently inland from a refinery at the harbor in Artiglio. It's likely they're supplying fuel for the various drone bases. Those of you whose food privileges were taken away know how this goes: we silence the drones by taking their fuel. Enter via the estuary, take out their AA, destroy the fuel points on both sides of the river, and their oil tankers. Remember, you're not bona fide military; you're expendable.

Mission Script[edit]

Mission Start[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: Champ went down crying like a baby. I knew he was all bark and no bite. The coward.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: You're one to talk, running off with your tail between your legs.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I wasn't running away. I was retreating.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Well, I can't say I blame you. It was hell out there.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Man, I'm not in the mood for this shit today. I'm gonna blow stuff up to let off steam.[note 1]

  • Spare 2 Count: Target in sight. I see a lot of oil tanks. The boats aren't warships. There are plenty of buildings too.
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Destroy everything in sight.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I appreciate the simplicity of the operation, but they don't look like military.
  • AWACS Bandog: You think you look anything like military?

  • AWACS Bandog: I've got more bad news. The megastorm Inessa 2 that formed a few days ago is approaching our AO.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: No time to smell the roses, then.
  • Spare 2 Count: A fighter pilot needs to fight. Missions like this are too easy.

When an oil tank is destroyed[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Whoa! The show's well and truly started!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Damn! That's what I call fireworks! Ha.
  • Spare Squadron: Yeah!

If the player destroys a tanker[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Jackpot! The tanker's full of oil!
  • Erusean Transport Ship: Get the ships out of here before they're blown up!

If the player destroys two tankers[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Look at that oil just burn up the sea!

If the player destroys four tankers[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: When boats don't attack, I could sink them all day!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Their cargo's just fish food now.

When three minutes remain[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Inessa 2 entering AO in three minutes.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Shit, we're outta time.

When one minute remains[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Dust cloud is entering the area of operations. Finish your work if you wanna stay out of solitary.

If the player has not reached their quota when thirty seconds remain[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Destroy the targets. You're being slow.

When the player reaches half their quota[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Trigger, you're just quietly plugging away! You think you're the only sane one here?
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Bandog was right. We're no proper military.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Enough with the holier-than-thou act, Tabloid.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I belong in the penal unit. Trigger, you belong here even more than I do.
  • Spare 2 Count: It's all about where you're from.

When the player reaches their quota[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Hey Trigger, why do you think this stupid war keeps dragging on?
  • Spare Squadron: Here he goes.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: It's all because countries exist. Shouting that and throwing a rock is what got me in here.
  • AWACS Bandog: Well, you have free meals and a warm bed. You should thank our good citizens.


  • Erusean Facility Staff: Somebody help! [cough] Sixteen people are trapped inside!

  • Erusean Transport Ship: But we just got everything unloaded!

  • Erusean Facility Staff: The oil tank--Shit! There's no way we can extinguish it!

  • Erusean Facility Staff: We can't put the fire out! Get back! The fumes are too strong!

  • Erusean Facility Staff: Why are we getting hit after reinforcements came?!

  • Erusean Facility Staff: Protect the fuel storage! That's what the anti-air guns are for!

  • Erusean Transport Ship: This is hardly the time to worry about that! Just go!

  • Erusean Facility Staff: We'll lose more people if we try to help those trapped!

  • Spare Squadron: Another one's popped!
  • Spare Squadron: Take this!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Burn, bitches!
  • Spare Squadron: Are you guys all nuts? I thought at least one of you was sane!
  • Spare Squadron: This beats being stuck at the penal base!

  • AWACS Bandog: Start destroying facilities around the harbor one by one.

  • Spare 2 Count: I don't know what they were keeping in there, but it's all ashes now.

  • Spare 2 Count: It's like watching a fireworks display.
  • Spare Squadron: Burn, baby, burn!
  • Spare Squadron: Suck on this!

When time is up[edit]

If the quota has not been reached[edit]


  • AWACS Bandog: Spare Squadron, Inessa 2 has arrived. Sticking around will only ruin your planes.

If the quota has been reached[edit]
  • AWACS Bandog: Looking good.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I'll take jobs like this any day.
  • AWACS Bandog: Megastorm Inessa 2 is about to arrive.
  • Erusean Facility Staff: Right, bring out the trucks! Make sure their routes are split!

Checkpoint 8-1[edit]

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: It looks like some oil tankers loaded with oil got away.
  • AWACS Bandog: HQ saw them on satellite. Burn down everything that turns up.
  • Spare 2 Count: Why are they popping on and off of radar?
  • AWACS Bandog: Sand clouds. Sand breaks up here and there. That's when radar picks them up. If you detect something, strike fast.
  • Spare 2 Count: Staring at my radar and trolling. This is not my style.
  • AWACS Bandog: Even in sand, you can lock on if you get close enough.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Are you sure you can trust that intel?
  • Spare Squadron: Easy for you to say!

  • Spare 2 Count: You guys do whatever you want. I'm going off by myself.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Okay, if you think that's for the best.

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 2, Count, where the hell do you think you're going? You're approaching Erusean territory. Return.
  • Spare 2 Count: Just following orders to find tankers. So how about you go chew on a bone?

When about seven minutes and 45 seconds remain[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare Squadron, a new enemy is approaching. Bearing 350 from the reference point.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: They're coming from the north! Did they pick up Count's aircraft?
  • Spare 2 Count: Wait a sec! Don't go blaming me.
  • AWACS Bandog: They appear to be Erusean drones.
  • Spare Squadron: More UAVs?!
  • Spare Squadron: Why are they always after us?!
  • AWACS Bandog: The mission stays the same: destroy the tankers.
  • Spare 6 Full band: There's no way we can chase the damn tankers now! They're coming!
  • Spare Squadron: You're out of your goddamn mind!
  • Spare 6 Full band: A cat doesn't have enough lives to carry out your orders.
  • AWACS Bandog: Do your duty and take out the tankers.

When about five and a half minutes remain[edit]

  • Spare 2 Count: The weapon system's acting up. I can't fight like this. I'm gonna break off.
  • Spare 6 Full band: There he goes running away. And he is who drew the drones here.
  • Spare 2 Count: Say what you want. Have fun with your new friends.

When two minutes remain[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: It's possible the group's made its way north of the operation area towards Erusean territory. Time's running out. Find them.

If an allied aircraft is shot down[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: Allied aircraft downed by a UAV!
  • AWACS Bandog: Pipe down and keep your mind on the mission, Full Band!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: We gotta get those UAVs!
  • Spare Squadron: The mission's become way too dangerous.
  • Spare Squadron: Damn Count for dragging us into this shit.
  • Spare 2 Count: Shut the hell up. This has nothing to do with me.
  • AWACS Bandog: You guys are celebrating, but I don't hear anyone saying all targets have been taken down.

If an allied aircraft shoots down an MQ-99[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: This is Spare 11. UAV down! We got one!
  • Spare Squadron: Never turn your back on the enemy!

If the player shoots down an MQ-99[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger took down a UAV!
  • Spare Squadron: That dumbass it at it again. Now's our chance to retreat.
  • AWACS Bandog: Have you forgotten what happens to deserters? I'll send you out to dig up landmines with your bare hands.
  • Spare Squadron: I'm sticking around. You know why that political offender jackass is still alive, don't you?
  • Spare 6 Full band: Trigger?
  • Spare Squadron: Higher chance of living with him.

if the player shoots down two MQ-99s[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Nice kill, Trigger!
  • AWACS Bandog: Don't forget, you're trying to take down the tankers!

If the player shoots down three MQ-99s[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: UAV down! Was that Trigger?!
  • Spare Squadron: All right We might just get out of this alive!
  • AWACS Bandog: Don't tell me you're taking out drones for your squadron now, are you? They're not your friends. They're convicts just like you. Just worry about saving your own skin.
  • AWACS Bandog: You listening, Trigger? Target the tankers. The other idiots have their hands full with the drones.

If the player shoots down five MQ-99s[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger splashed a fifth bandit! He might get 'em all.

If the player shoots down seven MQ-99s[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Seven! Seven UAVs down!
  • Spare Squadron: Guess there's less of them now.
  • Spare Squadron: Glad I decided to stick around.

When a TGT containing Helios is destroyed[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Huh?!
  • Spare 2 Count: What was that explosion?![note 2]
  • AWACS Bandog: You can't stick around forever. Find those targets.

When both TGTs containing Helios are destroyed[edit]

  • Spare 6 Full band: That cheers me up! Not that I give a rat's ass.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: You sound like you know somethin'.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I don't just give intel away for free.

When five TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Tanker truck destroyed. Make sure you wipe 'em all out.
  • Spare Squadron: Take that!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Eyes like a jackal, Trigger.

When eight TGTs are destroyed.[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: The rising smoke marks their graves.
  • Spare 2 Count: Nice sentiment, Bandog.[note 2]

When ten TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • Spare Squadron: Column of smoke! Who did that?!
  • Spare Squadron: It was Trigger!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger, I like your style!

When twelve TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Tanker confirmed eliminated.
  • Spare Squadron: Haha! You can't run from us!
  • AWACS Bandog: Keep going. Burn it all.

When fourteen TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Trigger trashed a target!
  • Spare Squadron: Woo!
  • Spare Squadron: Trigger again?

  • Spare Squadron: It's really burning! That was some primo jet fuel!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: No, jet fuel doesn't ignite that easily. That was standard gasoline.
  • AWACS Bandog: How about taking targets down instead of flapping your gums?

When sixteen TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15! Target destroyed!
  • Spare Squadron: One more truck down!
  • Spare Squadron: Pop 'em all!

When eighteen TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Target is down! Well done!
  • Spare Squadron: Uncovered another one!
  • AWACS Bandog: That's a lot of fuel up in smoke, but there could be more hiding somewhere.


  • Spare 2 Count: Got one on radar! Moving!

  • Spare 6 Full band: They'll run out of gas, right?
  • Spare Squadron: They've got trailers full of fuel.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Trucks don't run on jet fuel.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I heard diesel engines can.
  • AWACS Bandog: Quit yapping and hunt down your targets!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: They pave desert highways nicely, you know. People drive fast to avoid bandits in the desert.

  • Spare Squadron: Damn, that truck just vanished into the dust!
  • AWACS Bandog: Chase it down, dimwit!

  • Spare Squadron: Can't see the highway unless you get way down!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Bastards picked a hell of a place to hide!

  • Spare Squadron: Brownout! I can't see a thing!
  • AWACS Bandog: Quit blubbering. Talk to me when you find a target.

  • Spare Squadron: Brownout! I've got no vision!

  • Spare Squadron: Target detected on radar.
  • AWACS Bandog: Target confirmed near Full Band. Dig around.

  • Spare Squadron: We're not gonna lose to damned robots!

  • Spare 6 Full band: I ain't losing to no drone!

  • Spare Squadron: Damn! I'm targeted! Maybe we shouldn't have stuck with Trigger after all!

  • Spare Squadron: Where are the tankers?

  • Spare 6 Full band: How can we be expected to deal with the surface and the air at the same time?! Trigger! Hurry up and take care of the enemy!

  • Spare Squadron: Searching on DH115.

  • Spare Squadron: Trigger! I need support! Now!
  • AWACS Bandog: Enough of this Trigger bullshit! All aircraft, destroy the tankers!
  • Spare Squadron: Let's just leave him to it!

  • Spare Squadron: Nothing but sand and rocks. Nice place to build a prison.
  • AWACS Bandog: We can toss you in it as soon as it's up.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: We can't attack the surface when our lives are on the line.

  • Spare Squadron: I'm being shot at! What is this bullshit!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: More people stayed behind than I though. Stick with Trigger and you'll make it. That's how I'm still alive.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Those trucks can't be all-terrain. They should be close to the roads.

  • AWACS Bandog: Got a target on radar. Trigger, it's near your position.

  • Spare 6 Full band: He's too quick!

  • Spare Squadron: Don't you go doing a Tabloid on me.

  • Spare 6 Full band: I heard drones can be hacked. So why aren't we doing that?

  • AWACS Bandog: Ignore the UAVs and go after the mission targets.
  • Spare 6 Full band: We have to take out the UAVs first!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: The tankers are getting farther away.

  • Spare 6 Full band: Spotted one! On my way!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: If we follow the tankers, our tails will be exposed. I guess I'll pick off the guys going after Trigger.

  • Spare Squadron: Trigger, I'm sticking with you.

  • Spare Squadron: Going after the tankers when all this shit is going down is suicide.
  • AWACS Bandog: Prioritize the tankers. Worry about the UAVs later.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Damn.

When all TGTs are destroyed[edit]

  • AWACS Bandog: Understood.[note 3]
  • AWACS Bandog: HQ sent a message. That was the last one. All aircraft, return to base. Burning up all those tankers will starve their drones for a while.
  • Spare Squadron: Woohoo![note 3]
  • Spare Squadron: I'm still alive!
  • Spare Squadron: Haha![note 3]
  • Spare 6 Full band: "Stick with Trigger and you'll make it." Worked like a charm.
  • AWACS Bandog: If you think that's all you need to survive, you might as well get your last rites now.
  • Spare 2 Count: Exactly. That was all dumb luck.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Wait. You were in earshot, Count?
  • Spare Squadron: Must've been straining to hear from high altitude.
  • AWACS Bandog: Seems you've learned nothing in the sky, Count.
  • Spare 2 Count: Well, yeah. It's not like there's anything I can learn from Trigger.



Col. McKinsey: The mission was a success. There's nothing else I need to say. Dismissed.

Col. McKinsey: So it looks like we're getting attention from above. If any credit is due, it should come to me. Prisoners deserve nothing.


  1. The subtitles say "I'm gonna blow some stuff up to let off steam."
  2. 2.0 2.1 The line will only be spoken if Count has not yet retreated
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 This line is not subtitled.