Transcript:Faceless Soldier

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This page includes a transcript of "Faceless Soldier", the ninth campaign mission of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.


Col. McKinsey: It seems headquarters is starting to view some of you in the penal unit as a valid military force. Or at least that's what the rumors are saying. But that's bullshit. The only reason you're here is to atone for your crimes by carrying out missions.

Spare Pilot: While you sit on your ass and get medals.

Col. McKinsey: You! Solitary, now! Okay, onto the briefing. In this mission, you're going into Erusean territory. We know the Erusean forces' communications facility to the north in the Waiapolo Mountains is liked to the swarm of drones. Your mission is critical. You will destroy the facility and then weaken those drones. As it's important, the enemy won't go down without a fight. The area is watched over by spy satellites, if discovered, expect AA missiles. Unless you have a death wish, you must use the clouds for cover around the sides and base of the mountains. Use the clouds to hide from their satellites, and you just might have a chance to shake off their missiles. If you do find a missile on your tail, head to the clouds and pray. Let the missile kill you, or crash into the rocks. That much freedom I will give.

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: The enemy is watching from above. Stay in or below the clouds to keep hidden.
  • AWACS Bandog: That means no missiles. Even you lot should understand that.
  • Spare 2 Count: Talk about an enclosed space.
  • AWACS Bandog: What's more enclosed than solitary? Commence operation.

When the player approaches a radar tower

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: That's your target radar. Destroy the anti-air weapons around it too.
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Enemies are attacking! Enemy aircraft are heading this way!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: Just drive them away! Chase them upward! Lead them into the missiles!

If the player flies above the clouds

  • AWACS Bandog: You're in plan view, Spare 15! Get back to the clouds!

When the player returns under the clouds

  • AWACS Bandog: Cancel alert. Remember that satellite is up there.

If a satellite-guided missile is fired at the player

  • AWACS Bandog: Hide in the clouds, Spare 15!

  • AWACS Bandog: Missile! Evade!

  • AWACS Bandog: Into the clouds! Missile!

  • AWACS Bandog: Spare 15! Missile incoming!

  • AWACS Bandog: Here comes the anti-air missile!

  • AWACS Bandog: Missile incoming! Spare 15, evade!

When one radar tower is destroyed

  • AWACS Bandog: Destroy radar sites. You're still under satellite observation. Watch out for missiles.
  • Spare 2 Count: It feels like I'm being watched by a pack of Bandogs.
  • AWACS Bandog: Their missiles are guided by a combination of the satellite and the radar facility. So if the facility is destroyed, their missiles should stop hitting their targets.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Are you sure you can trust that intel?
  • AWACS Bandog: Who knows? Only one way to find out.

When two radar towers are destroyed

  • AWACS Bandog: Radar site confirmed destroyed. However, not all radars have been taken out. The satellite's still in operation.
  • Spare 2 Count: They sure aren't making things easy for us.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Damn it, they're making us do something, but just what? It's a dangerous operation, but it's better than running through a minefield blind, I guess.
  • Spare 6 Full band: You're so naive, Tabloid. What we're doing is exactly like running through a minefield blind.
  • AWACS Bandog: Silence! If you've got time to yap, you're not doing your job right.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Got in using a trick any amateur could think of. Picked up a bunch of intel.
  • AWACS Bandog: Full Band, that's your second strike. There won't be a third.

When three radar towers are destroyed

  • AWACS Bandog: Target destroyed. Two to go.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I got my hands on a password, and after some digging around, I found a bunch of stuff.
  • AWACS Bandog: I'm not sure you understand what you're saying, Spare 6.
  • Spare 6 Full band: I'll let you in on it when we're home, Bandog. In this war, intel is a life-or-death matter.
  • AWACS Bandog: I think you might be right.

When four radar towers are destroyed

  • AWACS Bandog: Radar site destroyed. Show the last one the same hospitality.


  • Spare Squadron: So we're using the clouds to escape.
  • AWACS Bandog: No, you're using them to fight.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: The clouds are blocking the satellite.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Bandits in the clouds!
  • Erusean Ground Unit: If we keep our distance, they'll eventually fall out of the sky.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: Bring them down with the anti-air guns! What happened with the missile?

  • Spare 2 Count: You're best shaking off missiles by going into the clouds.

  • Spare 2 Count: What if the radar isn't under a cloud?
  • AWACS Bandog: Destroy it. And then scurry for cover if you value your life.
  • Spare 2 Count: I thought you'd say that.

  • Erusean Ground Unit: When is that damned cloud gonna move?!

  • Spare 6 Full band: I'm starting to feel guilty about leaving everything to Trigger.
  • AWACS Bandog: In that case, use yourself as a decoy for the surface-to-air missiles.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Shit!

  • Erusean Ground Unit: They used the clouds to slip in undetected!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: The enemy is packing a lot of anti-air weaponry!
  • Spare 2 Count: I know! I can't focus on attacking like this!

When all five radar towers are destroyed

  • AWACS Bandog: All targets destroyed. That's the last of the radar sites we needed to destroy. That probably put a stop to their satellite's missile guidance capabilities. Someone fly above the clouds.
  • Spare Squadron: How about you do it?
  • Spare 6 Full band: I like the sound of that.
  • Spare Squadron: You could do with the exercise.
  • AWACS Bandog: Wait a minute. Hold it.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: What's going on, Bandog?
  • AWACS Bandog: This is the Air Force Base 444 Squadron. What is your affiliation?

Mid-Mission Cutscene

  • AWACS Bandog: Nobody told me there were this many nearby.

Checkpoint 9-1

  • Spare 2 Count: The regular forces don't want anything to do with the penal base.
  • Spare Squadron: Hey! They have radar lock!
  • Spare 2 Count: The IFF says they're allies!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Whoa, time out. Don't tell me they're barrier troops.
  • Spare Squadron: They're firing![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: What?! A missile?![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: They're picking us off![note 1]
  • Spare 6 Full band: Someone's on me! Is he an enemy?!
  • Spare 2 Count: Evade!
  • AWACS Bandog: Osean fighters, do not attack! Shit!
  • AWACS Bandog: These guys aren't allies!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Are they spoofing our IFF?!
  • AWACS Bandog: Modern IFF connects to our strategic system via satellites. It can't be decoded!
  • Spare Squadron: What the hell?
  • Spare Squadron: I'm hit! I'm done!
  • Spare 2 Count: Hey, the enemy is working in coordination!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Who's on my tail? Is he an enemy?
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: How do they know?
  • AWACS Bandog: At this rate, no one's gonna get out alive! All aircraft, head into the clouds. Get out of the enemy's sight!
  • Spare 2 Count: And then what?!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Information regarding IFFs is top secret. There's no way they could make a fake!
  • Spare 2 Count: What about markings and craft type?
  • Spare Squadron: There's no time!

  • Spare Squadron: The enemy's showing no mercy!

  • Spare Squadron: This is close combat! I don't know who's on whose team!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: All aircraft, gather around me--I mean Trigger!
  • Spare 2 Count: What?!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Bandog! Can you register Trigger and the blips around him as friendlies?
  • Spare Squadron: What are you thinking?!
  • Spare Squadron: What good is that?!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: What other choice do we have?
  • AWACS Bandog: Sure.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: All right, all aircraft, form up on Trigger! Nice and tight!

Checkpoint 9-2

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Bandog, it's on you.
  • AWACS Bandog: Full Band, what's your location?
  • Spare 6 Full band: The tail end!
  • AWACS Bandog: Understood.
  • AWACS Bandog: I've sent new ID data. Enemies will be marked as enemies.
  • Spare Squadron: Yeah. My radar display's been updated.
  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Shoot them all down!
  • Spare Squadron: On 'em!
  • Spare 6 Full band: No way I'm dying out here.
  • AWACS Bandog: This is the penal unit. I decide when you die.
  • Spare 6 Full band: Shit!

When 40 seconds have passed since the checkpoint

  • ! AWACS Bandog !: Projectile incoming!
  • Spare Squadron: New blips on radar!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Tell us what's happening! Come on!
  • AWACS Bandog: God damn it! Not right now.
  • Spare 2 Count: That doesn't sound good.
  • AWACS Bandog: Air contact coming in at high speed! It's too fast to be an aircraft.
  • Spare Squadron: If it's not an aircraft, what is it?!
  • Spare 6 Full band: What do we do?!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: What's going on?!

  • AWACS Bandog: Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Here it comes!
  • Spare Squadron: Son of a bitch!
  • Spare 6 Full band: Hm... that shockwave!
  • Spare Squadron: My aircraft's gonna break up!
  • AWACS Bandog: Huh?!
  • AWACS Bandog: Incoming transmission from HQ. Their weapon is codenamed "Helios"! It's a long-range missile carried by Arsenal Birds.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Arsenal Birds?!
  • Spare Squadron: Why are they aiming for us?!
  • AWACS Bandog: Sending over the predicted impact zone. It's coming in hot!
  • Spare 2 Count: Damn, you're working quick today, Bandog!
  • AWACS Bandog: Get too chatty and you'll die!

  • AWACS Bandog: Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
  • Spare Squadron: Don't get caught!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: How can they fire like that when they've got allies in the airspace? Don't they care about the pilots?

After the third Helios impact

  • Spare Squadron: No! I'm hit![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: I got hit but it's no big deal![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: It's a matter of time before we're all dead.
  • Spare Squadron: How did Erusea get their hands on shit like this!

After the fourth Helios impact

  • Spare Squadron: We can't avoid it![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: I've lost control![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: I'm hit! My aircraft's[note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: Shit. This is bad!
  • Spare 2 Count: A direct hit and we're done.

After the fifth Helios impact

  • Spare Squadron: Was that a new weapon?!
  • Spare Squadron: The mission's become way too dangerous.
  • Spare Squadron: We lost one! Stop screwing around!
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: We're screwed no matter what we do!
  • Spare 2 Count: The hell do we do?!

After the sixth Helios impact

  • Spare 6 Full band: What next?[note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: They got me! I've lost control! I gotta eject![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: Eject! Eject![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: That's not enough distance.
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: I felt the shockwave this far from the impact zone!

After the seventh Helios impact

  • Spare Squadron: I'm hit! I'm going down![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: Friendly lost![note 1]
  • Spare 2 Count: Where's the order to retreat?!
  • Spare 6 Full band: We're dead meat out here!

After the eighth Helios impact

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Where'd the attack come from?!
  • Spare 2 Count: They're hitting us while out of our attack range.

After the ninth Helios impact

  • Spare Squadron: Who was hit? An ally?[note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: I've lost control! It's up to you now![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: They got me![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: How're we gonna deal with something like that?!
  • Spare Squadron: Retreat!

Helios warnings

  • AWACS Bandog: Helios spotted!

  • AWACS Bandog: Another projectile incoming! It's a Helios again!

  • AWACS Bandog: Projectile on radar!

  • AWACS Bandog: Damn. Helios inbound![note 2]

Squadron responses to Helios warnings

  • Spare Squadron: Watch your radar. I can't find a way out![note 1]
  • Spare 2 Count: There's nowhere to run![note 1]

  • Spare 2 Count: Evading!
  • Spare Squadron: I can't!
  • Spare Squadron: Help me! Help![note 1]

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Warning! Missile in the air!
  • Spare Squadron: Why does it have to be me?!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Missile!
  • Spare Squadron: We can't outrun it!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Break, god damn it! Break![note 1]

Helios impact alerts

  • AWACS Bandog: Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

  • AWACS Bandog: Prepare for impact!

  • AWACS Bandog: Helios incoming!

  • AWACS Bandog: All aircraft, scatter!

  • AWACS Bandog: Impact now!

  • AWACS Bandog: Nearly there!

When half of the hostiles are shot down

  • AWACS Bandog: Half of the targets remaining.

When three hostiles remain

  • AWACS Bandog: There are a few targets remaining. Concentrate! Shoot down the remaining hostiles!


  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Count! Missile!
  • Spare 2 Count: Breaking! Chase them down!

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Okay, Count! Chase 'em down!

  • Spare Squadron: Is someone guiding those things in?!
  • Spare Squadron: I need help!
  • Spare Squadron: I'm on it!

  • Spare Squadron: Yeah! Keep killing 'em!

  • Spare 2 Count: I'm not checking out yet.

  • Spare 2 Count: Now I finally get my chance to show off.

  • Spare Squadron: This is way easy now!

  • Spare Squadron: Trigger, I'm sticking with you!

  • Spare Squadron: Get 'em! No one leaves here alive!

  • Spare Squadron: Fly along Trigger.

  • Spare Squadron: Careful! No more friendly fire, guys!

  • Spare Squadron: At least now we know who to aim at.

  • Spare 11 Tabloid: The enemy's not letting up!

  • Spare Squadron: Gotta do what it takes to survive.

  • Spare 6 Full band: Now that we know who the enemy is, we might just get through this.

  • Spare Squadron: Our sin lines are difference than those convicts'.

  • Spare 6 Full band: "Stick with Trigger and you'll make it."

When all hostiles are shot down

  • AWACS Bandog: Count, one to go. Get get him.
  • Spare 6 Full band: One to go. Where is it?!
  • AWACS Bandog: Count!
  • Spare 2 Count: Righto. This is it!

  • Spare 2 Count: All right! I got the last one!
  • Spare Squadron: Oh yeah![note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: You like that, you dirty fake?![note 1]
  • Spare 6 Full band: Damn it! Goddamn it! Why does this [explosion] [static] [OFFLINE]
  • Spare 2 Count: What?! Full Band?!
  • Spare Squadron: What the hell?[note 1]
  • Spare Squadron: Full Band's down!
  • Spare Squadron: Friendly fire?!
  • Spare Squadron: Didn't we get all the bandits?[note 1]
  • Spare 11 Tabloid: Full Band got tagged as an enemy.
  • Spare Squadron: What?!
  • Spare 2 Count: You did that on purpose, Bandog.
  • AWACS Bandog: Did what?
  • Spare 2 Count: Don't play dumb! Full Band!
  • AWACS Bandog: ...It was an accident. It got out of control.
  • AWACS Bandog: Return to base.
  • Spare 2 Count: Son of a bitch!



Col. McKinsey: The mission was a success. There's nothing else I need to say. Dismissed. Hold on, Count. It looks like your kill numbers are going up every day. You know what happens by giving false reports. Anyway, you other pilots should learn from him. I'm getting the hell out of this dump. And when I do, their kill count will make my star shine brighter.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 This line is not subitled.
  2. The word "Damn." is not subtitled.