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"Put the city on high alert! I don't want to see so much as a kitten out on those streets!"
― Port Patterson Commander

Prelude is the third campaign mission of Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception. The player must prevent a Leasath supply fleet from entering Port Patterson.

This mission marks the end of the Prologue section of the game[1], after which the Strategic AI System will give player open-ended choices on which missions to complete and in which order.

Briefing[edit | edit source]

Eugene Solano: The battle to retake Port Patterson is about to begin. Our scattered forces have come together for this battle. They're few in number, but we've managed to assemble a small ground force.However, the Leasath fleet continues to gather in Port Patterson, and the presence of the transportation corps has also been confirmed. Having lost Puna Base, it appears Leasath now intends to shuttle in troops and supplies over sea. If any more ships dock at Port Patterson, enemy strength will become more than our ground troops can handle. In order to prevent this, we need you to launch a preliminary strike on Port Patterson. Destroy all enemy supply vessels, landing ships, and freighters. In particular, try to keep as many landing ships from entering the port as possible. Battle supplies must not reach the enemy. The number of enemy landing ships inside the port will be displayed on the MPG in the upper right hand corner of your HUD. If the MPG reaches the MAX level, our forces will no longer be able to retake Port Patterson. This time, a substantial enemy counterattack is to be expected. It seems the loss of Puna Base has put them on guard. Please be careful.

Objectives[edit | edit source]

This is the first anti-ship mission in the game. The player must destroy all ships marked TGT in order to complete the mission. There are three waves of ships that appear sequentially after the previous one is destroyed.

This is the first mission to utilize the Multi-Purpose Gauge. The player cannot allow more than three TGT ships to cross the bridge and enter Port Patterson, or the mission will automatically end in failure.

The mission is accomplished when the player sinks all TGT ships.

Enemy Lists[edit | edit source]

The following enemy lists have been verified with the Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception - The Complete Guide.[2]

Standard Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Points Count Notes
Icon-AirEnemy.svg CH-47 100 1
Icon-AirEnemy.svg A-6E 260 1
Icon-AirEnemy.svg A-6E 260 1 [note 1]
Icon-AirEnemy.svg F-4E 280 2 [note 2]
Icon-AirEnemy.svg JA 37 300 3 [note 3]
Icon-GroundTGT.svg LNDG.SHIP 300 3
Icon-GroundTGT.svg LNDG.SHIP 300 3 Group 2[note 4]
Icon-GroundTGT.svg LNDG.SHIP 300 3 Group 3[note 5]
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg AA GUN 150 3
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg CONT SHIP 160 1
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg FLAK GUN 200 2
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg FRIGATE 320 5
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg FRIGATE 320 1 Group 2[note 4]
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg SUPPLY SHIP 160 1 Group 2[note 4]
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg CONT SHIP 160 1 Group 3[note 5]
Group 3[note 5]
Icon-GroundEnemy.svg FRIGATE 320 1 Group 3[note 5]

Special Units[edit | edit source]

Unit Points Minimum
Icon-AirEnemy.svg JA 37 "SABER" 600 Normal [note 6]

S Rank[edit | edit source]

Earning an S rank on this mission requires earning 9,000 points.[2] Without shooting down the ace, the player must eliminate almost every enemy unit in order to earn enough points for the S rank.

Debriefing[edit | edit source]

We've succeeded in destroying the enemy fleet gathered in Port Patterson. Our ground troops scored a major victory by using the chaos caused by our attack to storm in and secure the port. We've freed up Port Patterson from the hands of the enemy. It's still kind of hard to believe.

Footnotes[edit source]

  1. This A-6E will spawn after the player destroys one TGT, or after 3 minutes 10 seconds have elapsed from the start of the mission, whichever occurs first.
  2. These F-4Es will spawn one at a time after the player shoots down any one or two aircraft other than the CH-47. For example, if the player shoots down one aircraft, one F-4E will have spawned.
  3. These JA 37s will spawn one at a time after the player shoots down any three, four, or five aircraft other than the CH-47. For example, if the player shoots down four aircraft in total, two JA 37s will have spawned.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 These reinforcements appear when any of the following conditions have been fulfilled. The condition fulfilled here will affect the conditions for Group 3 to spawn.
    • COND A: If three TGTs have been sunk in less than 3 minutes 9 seconds
    • COND B: If two TGTs have been sunk in less than 3 minutes 49 seconds
    • COND C: If one TGT has been sunk in less than 4 minutes 29 seconds
    • COND D: If 4 minutes 30 seconds have elapsed
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 These reinforcements appear when any of the following conditions have been fulfilled. These depend on the condition that was fulfilled for the second group of LNDG.SHIPs:
    • If COND A spawned Group 2, Group 3 will spawn...
      • If two TGTs have been sunk in less than 3 minutes 9 seconds
      • If one TGT has been sunk in less than 3 minutes 49 seconds
      • If 3 minutes 50 seconds have elapsed
    • If COND B spawned Group 2, Group 3 will spawn...
      • If two TGTs have been sunk in less than 3 minutes 49 seconds
      • If one TGT has been sunk in less than 4 minutes 29 seconds
      • If 4 minutes 30 seconds have elapsed
    • If COND C spawned Group 2, Group 3 will spawn...
      • If two TGTs have been sunk in less than 4 minutes 29 seconds
      • If one TGT has been sunk after 4 minutes 30 seconds have elapsed
    • If COND D spawned Group 2, Group 3 will spawn when two TGTs have been sunk
  6. SABER will spawn after the player destroys any four aircraft (not including the CH-47) and any seven TGTs.

References[edit source]