Extra Mission 04

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Extra Mission 4 is a modified version of Fighter's Honor in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy.



The player is engaged by a Z.O.E ADF-01 FALKEN. It uses jamming on the HUD to display false targets. It can also fire its missiles and guns to the rear.

Once the player has damaged it enough, the HUD jamming and rear-firing weapons will cease to function. Shooting it down advances the mission.

Mission Update 1

The primary targets are two power plants, which are defended by SAMs and fighters. Destroying them allows the player to attack Fortress Intolerance, which is also defended by SAMs, AA guns and fighters.

The primary targets are four points on the fortress. Destroying them all opens a shutter on the front of the fortress. The player must fly in and destroy an ICBM inside. Unlike the standard mission, there is a SAM launcher and two AA guns inside the tunnel.

Once the player has destroyed the ICBM, they must pull a U-turn and exit out of the tunnel the way they came in. Successfully leaving the tunnel advances the mission.

Mission Update 2

The primary targets are a squadron of four Z.O.E FALKENS. Unlike the one fought at the start of the mission, these do not feature HUD jamming or rear-firing weapons. However, they all utilize the Tactical Laser System. Damaging a fighter enough disables it for a short time, during which it cannot be targeted. However, it will soon rejoin the fight and become a target again. Damaging it enough again will destroy it.

Shooting down all four fighters completes the mission.

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  • The squadron of four FALKENS uses Colour 5, one of the player's custom colours.