Operation Wisdom

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"The bustling energy that used to fill these city streets has been replaced by confusion and fear!"
― News helicopter

Operation Wisdom was a defense operation performed by Oured Capital District Air Command in response to a Yuktobanian terrorist attack in Bana City, Osea. The attack, involving multiple devices placed throughout the city that emitted unidentified gas, was carried out simultaneous to an attack on Apito International Airport, which Capital Air Command responded to with Operation Emerald.

The two attacks were carried out in retaliation for the Dresdene terrorist attack, believed to have been carried out by the Osean Wardog Squadron. Wardog, stationed at Oured for a hearing related to the attack, assisted in either Operation Wisdom or Emerald while the Capital District Air Defense Squadron assisted in the other. The squadron that joined Operation Wisdom flew in specialized Mirage 2000Ds equipped with a neutralizing agent and assisted the Bana City Police Department in neutralizing the gas and apprehending the terrorists.


  • Yuktobania using AH-64s to rescue the terrorists is an odd choice since the AH-64 is not designed for transport and can only hold a pilot and a co-pilot.


  1. Only if the player plays Reprisal.
  2. Debriefing, Reprisal, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.