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Unlike some of my peers, I am not keen to posting info on my profile; it's just one of those seemingly meaningless things that never really interest me. However, for the sake of your sanity and curiosity, I will just this once.

And no, "Marshall" is not my name. Neither is "Devereaux" or "Corsair".

About Me

Sidenote: This section is basically fanfiction, done in a wiki style. I tried to weave my ideas into the story of the Ace Combat universe as best as I could, but there are a few inconsistencies, sorry :P

"Mobius 8 on standby."

-Corsair as Mobius 8 in the battle of Megalith.


Marshall Devereaux Corsair is a former test pilot for the Erusian Air and Space Administration (EASA) and ace of the Erusean Air Force Special Activities Division (EAFSAD). He is most notable for his role in the development and testing of the famous Erusian fighter aircraft, the X-02 Wyvern, in which he logged over one thousand flight hours total. He also is recognized for his conception of the Wyvern's variants, the X-02A, C, G, and R, as well as that of the UI-4054 Aurora.

Early Life and Career in the War

Born in the capital city of Farbanti at an unknown date, Corsair's name appear in EASA records as far back as 1993, and was heavily affected by the planetfall of the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroid, with both of his parents and one of his two siblings being victims of the event. Unlike so many other citizens however, he spent little time as a refugee due to his position in the EASA, which required that he reside primarily in the far-away Altoora Desert. Despite this, Corsair was deeply broken over the whole incident and frequently assisted refugees until the Usean Refugee Dispute of 2000.

After the expiration of his career in the EASA due to massive economic turmoil in the country and seeing no other possible opportunities for his qualifications, Corsair joined the Erusian Air Force (FEAF) as a trainer for new pilots. Frequently bemoaned by his students due to a certain "vagueness" of his training initiative, though praised by other instructors for his smashing success rates, Corsair was met with a certain amount of wonder from both parties. Because of this, he was then transferred to the FEAF base at San Salvacion as an advanced-level training instructor.

Quickly learning to hate both the city and country (as well as the war, for forcing him to reside there), and finding no comfort whatsoever in the military any longer, Corsair became extremely secluded from all that knew him, especially his friends and family. He became consumed by his work, leaving only to visit the bar "Sky Kid" in the city where he was stationed, which was frequented by other FEAF pilots. Ironically, it is through his time here that he meets and befriends three Erusian aces, Clement Halley, James Gunn and Tamara Smirnova who were squadmates at the time. Eventually through forming relationships with each, Corsair soon learned to forget the problems of San Salvacion and the war. However, due to the surplus of pilots created by the fantastically-successful war efforts, the instructor began to fall back into his previous rut, until eventually Halley persuaded him to quit and become part of his squadron, the 11th Tactical Interceptor Squadron, also known as Black Squadron. Corsair accepted, eager to move away from the depravities of San Salvacion and start anew in the EAFSAD.

Flying with the 11th TIS for over a year, Corsair quickly advanced up the ranks to Captain, until a massive aircraft chain-malfunction injured both Halley and Smirnova, who were subsequently transferred back to Farbanti for medical evaluation. Gunn, seeing no benefit of having a two-man special-operations squadron, disbanded the 11th thereafter and left Corsair to be stationed in Gnome Ravine.

Role in the Operator Plan

Although disheartened by the unfortunate turn of events, Corsair continued service in the FEAF by entering the EAFSAD's "Operator" plan, which was created following the famed destruction of Stonehenge, the anti-asteroid railgun platform modified for use against aircraft. After the loss of their most prized possession to the seemingly-unstoppable ISAF ace, Mobius 1, the EAFSAD quickly began implementing a theoretically effective, yet extremely far-fetched plan.

Using ISAF's extreme dependence on Mobius Squadron to their advantage, the EAFSAD sent a single pilot to enter the ISAF and eventually join the infamous squadron, the entire operation's sole purpose being to sabotage ISAF from the inside. Corsair, previously flying as Black One for the 11th Tactical Interceptor Squadron, was later chosen for the job, being noted numerous times for his excellent combat ability, despite his introverted nature.

Joining ISAF's Rapier squadron just before the emancipation of San Salvacion, Corsair flew only three missions as a double agent before the Siege of Farbanti, serving in the mission itself as something of an "active bystander," watching in terror as his hometown was destroyed and witnessing the defeat of his good friend, Edmond Halley, who was sent to aid the defense efforts. Furthermore, with the loss of both Yellow Squadron and Erusea's capital, operation "Operator" seemed doomed to failure. However, not knowing of Erusea's backup plan, Corsair continued to operate in the ISAF until further notice, eventually (and ironically) being recruited into Mobius squadron as Mobius 8. When ISAF learned of Megalith, another anti-asteroid weapon turned hostile, each and every pilot in Mobius squadron was dispatched to take care of the problem. Realizing that there was still hope for the war yet, Corsair eagerly took part in the mission, shooting down both Mobius 2 and 3 without anyone taking notice. However, despite his best efforts, all was for naught as Megalith was still destroyed by the remainder of Mobius squadron, taking Erusea's last hope with it. Tamara Smirnova, who was stationed at Megalith at the time of its invasion, then engaged Corsair, believing him to be Mobius 8. Appalled at the ironic turn of circumstances, he was forced to shoot down his former squadmate out of self-preservation.

Role in the Free Erusea Uprising

Conflicted, Corsair then broke away from both his mission and ISAF and retreated to neutral North Point, where he confronted the Erusean Prime Minister, looking to seek answers. He was informed that while the war was formally over, groups of the Armed Forces had been planning to create a new state against the terms of war, the name of which was to be Free Erusea. Not seeing anywhere else to go, Corsair reluctantly joined the coup, playing an immense role in both morale and air support in the state's early days as Black One.

Unfortunately, ISAF once again entered the conflict to thwart Erusea's plans. Sending the now-feared Mobius 1 to combat the coup, the defender's lines were quickly breached and Free Erusea's freedom appeared imminent to destruction. In only two weeks' time since the state was discovered, all bases except one near North Point were either captured or decimated. Desperate to maintain a hold on their sovereignty, all remaining forces were sent to this final base, including the Colonel and 10 experimental X-02A Wyverns.

Quickly realizing the futility of his situation, Corsair betrayed Free Erusea just hours before the final conflict, stealing his X-02 from its hangar and destroying four others, as well as sinking a large portion of the base's naval force. Corsair then fled due west from the base, disappearing from his former allies and escaping almost certain-death. (It has been hypothesized that Mobius One would still have been able to defeat the Free Erusean Forces without the inadvertent 'assistance' given to him from Corsair, despite the immense odds presented against him.)

Life after Free Erusea

Shortly after his disappearance, Corsair crashed his X-02 on Solo Island in the Osean Federation, likely due to

Corsair's crashed X-02 Wyvern after its recovery from Solo Island by the Ocean Coastal Defense Force

either lack of fuel or Solo volcano's heavy electromagnetic interference, or both. He resided on the island a short time before being inadvertently rescued by the Osean Coastal Defense Force, the rules of which required that he be taken to trial for trespassing. Ultimately he was tried for loitering on private OCDF property, and was sentenced to deportation back to Erusea, where he would ultimately be branded a war criminal for his cooperation with Free Erusea. However, by an amazing stroke of luck, Corsair was set to be sent back on September 27, 2010, the exact same day that the Circum-Pacific War began. Due to the ensuing panic over air security, Corsair was unable to return to Erusea and was subsequently allowed to stay in Osea. Utilizing the only thing he was totally proficient at, Corsair joined the Osean Maritime Defense Force aboard the OFS Barbette, Osea's newest and most-advanced aircraft carrier of the time. He served throughout the war as a Colonel and leader of the due to his withstanding record of warfare (the final part of which was ignored due to a lack of experienced troops at the time) and played a major role in the naval victories of the OMDF.

However, fate would again catch up with Corsair on December 29th, 2010 over the Ceres Ocean, when the Barbette (along with Concertina squadron) was assigned to halt the rebellion of the Ghosts of Razgriz by Osean High Command. Arriving just in time to witness the famous "Pitomnik" incident, a large part of the Barbette's battlegroup experienced a change of heart, and sympathized with the Razgriz' cause; Corsair included. Shortly after takeoff, he betrayed his "surrogate country" and defected to the enemy side, which ultimately won the battle.

Unfortunately, even after the true fighting had ceased, the fleet's flagship (the OFS Kestrel) came under fire and was sunk by a Yuktobanian submarine that had witnessed the entire event. Commanded to repay the favor, Corsair torpedoed the silent offender and was forced to retreat back to Osea's Sand Island, where he was met with massive discontempt for his 'traitorous' actions, now wanted in three major countries. However, before his former allies realized what had happened, Corsair was able to refuel and take off from the base, this time running north to the Arctic, presumably to Anea, which had been neutral throughout the war.

He was never seen or heard from again.

Interestingly though, following Corsair's disappearance the long-dead World With No Boundaries resumed activity, showing its presence briefly in the Anean Continental War when it provided structural details of the Estovakian superweapon, the Chandelier. Since his original disappearance, Corsair has become something of a folktale among high-ups in many militaries, often being named responsible for previously unexplainable things, such as the development of the X-02R and the Gleipnir's optical camouflage system, among other things. Sightings of his aircraft have been reported in numerous militaries across the globe, though none have been confirmed.

During his career in the EAFSAD and ISAF, he flew a jet-black F-15 ACTIVE. During his role in the Free Erusea coup, he flew an X-02A Wyvern painted in a very unique black-and-white "cross section" pattern. (See here).

Notable Achievements

Throughout his life, Corsair made many noteworthy contributions to aerial warfare. A vast majority of these were to the development of airborne weaponry.

  • X-02 Wyvern Superfighter - Testing/Feedback (EASA)
    • X-02A War-Ready Variant (Improved Engines & Technology, Enhanced Range Missiles, Remote Operation, First non-prototype Version) - Design/Implementation (FEAF)
      • X-02R "Basilisk" Variant (Lightened Chassis, Modular Control Assemblies, Advanced Software, HPRAS Enabled*, 3-Stage Variable Geometry, Dual Cannons) - Design/Implementation/Creation (Unknown)
    • X-02C "Frontline" Export Variant (Lighter Chassis, No Carrier Abilities, Weapons oriented against Air Targets) - Presentation/Design/Implementation (OCDF)
    • X-02G "Terra Hammer" Anti-Surface Variant (Heavier Armor, Co-pilot Seat, Enlarged Weapon Bays, VTOL Capabilities, External Hardpoints, Advanced "Terra Hammer" Software) - Design (Unknown)
  • Weapon Technologies
    • HPRAS (High-velocity PRojectile Acceleration System)* a 120-milimeter hardpoint-mounted Electromagnetic railgun firing high-density Tungsten penetrators producing an effect similar to that of a Stonehenge cannon, albeit somewhat smaller. Originally designed for anti-satellite purposes, but was discovered to be equally effective against aircraft. - Design/Development (Unknown)
    • KEPS (Kinetic Energy Penetration Shells) enhanced ballistics 30-milimeter sabot rounds with increased penetration properties over standard cannon rounds. - Implementation (AAF)
    • SNIPER OS automatic gun adjustment software - Implementation (AAF)
    • BOOST Missiles with extended range thanks to dual-stage boosters - Design/Implementation (Unknown)

Real Life

I guess I've been playing the AC series since I first got AC2 for the original PlayStation, and needless to say I was hooked. As the times have evolved, however, it appears I have not. I despise the generic Medal of Duty: Modern Battlefield layout of a vast majority of all games made in this day and age, which unfortunately spreads to Assault Horizon. To this day, Ace Combat 5 remains my favorite title, though 4 is an extremely close second, followed by X, 3, Zero, 2, and finally Assault Horizon. I fancy myself somewhat of an "artist" of unnatural things; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, to be precisely, and as such I am creative in pretty much everything, from my jet of choice in the Ace Combat Universe (X-02), to what I make of things (that is, I over-analyze EVERYTHING), to my flying style (you'll see if you face me in combat...). Also as such, in most of the games I play online (AH, Bad Company 2, NFS Hot Pursuit, etc.) I quickly earn the nickname/callsign "Vigilante", which I go by on many accounts. However, on rare occasions I am called "Scarface" (no reference to Ace Combat 2), which I personally do not get, though I accept anyways. Ironically, if I were to have my choice I would be called "Black One", because Erusea is my favorite country in the series, and they seem to use colors as their squadron titles, and throughout the Ace Combat Universe, they have not once used the color Black.

A quote by fellow member SlyCooperFan1 perfectly describes my attitude for all the dumbasses on the internet:

"I hate incorrect grammar/spelling and have been constantly nicknamed Grammar Nazi along with my aforementioned callsigns. My main purpose on this wiki is to make sure any information I come across is grammatically correct, as well as spelled correctly. However, I could probably only help with the information accuracy on the ones I've played."

I consider myself something of a computer genius, and well know my way around the Adobe "Fleet" of programs.

(Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, etc.) This shows through when I have extra time, as I usually take part in inserting my fictional "role" into the Ace Combat Universe. An example; to the right is an illustration I made and painted to a custom scheme of the X-02A Wyvern in Illustrator.

Although I am not one to brag, also I drive a pretty good rally and fly a pretty good dogfight. Though so long as you are not on the wrong side of the proverbial warzone you are in good company; I'm pretty friendly with those who aren't total assholes. And who knows? Maybe our experiences together on the battlefield will form a close friendship. (It should be mentioned that none of my friends actually frequently play Ace Combat, so I am pretty much the entire.)