User talk:Burnerraceman

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Hi, welcome to AceWiki! Thanks for your edit to the AWACS Eagle Eye page.

Please leave a message on my talk page if I can help with anything! -- Sgt.johnson (Talk) 03:39, 2010 January 6

A request for you.

Hey I saw your picture of your X-02 and I was wondering if you would like to make one for me? I am not going to pay you (sorry bro, just no) so if not I understand. But if yes I will let you know what I want it to look like.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

War Eagle 1 14:44, December 9, 2011 (UTC)


Sure, man. Any specific details I should know? (Plane, any squadron emblems, color schemes...) It's not necessary, but even just a quick doodle would be immensely helpful. If you want, I can draw up a template based on the plane you want and you can color that in :P

Oh, and also which one? The signature "Vigilante" or the 2-view "Vigilante"?

The same to you, brother.

-Black One

Burnerraceman 14:53, December 9, 2011 (UTC)

I ll take pics of my F-22 on Assult Horizon and My emblem on Black Ops so you can get an idea. However I ll do that when I get home from work. I ll post the pics here on this topic.

As far as which one both would be cool but if I had to choose one, it would be that one with your name, emblem and side view of the aircraft.

Thanks War Eagle 1 15:05, December 9, 2011 (UTC)

No problem, just whenever you can. Do you have a PS3 or XBOX 360? And if you could take exact side views over something like an ocean (or land of the same color) it would be extremely helpful, though not entire necessary. Also, bear in mind that my free time is limited as it is, so I will really only be able to do it on a weekend, and with one coming up now would be a great time.

-Black One

Burnerraceman 20:15, December 9, 2011 (UTC)

I have a ps3 and as far as the plane, I will take its pic eather in the hanger in Aircraft Viewer on AH, or something along those lines.

I ll post the pics here on this talk blog by tonight. War Eagle 1 20:53, December 9, 2011 (UTC)

BTW Read my profile to find out my strangereal side of me so you can get an idea of how to make the pic

1st pic of aircraft

2nd pic. My PMC emblem (put on wings)

2011-12-09 16.19.53.jpg


as far as my tail emblem I ll let your creative mind do that. Make it an Eagle with angel wings and a sword behind it like in the PMC emblem.

let me know if this isnt good enough and i ll retake it.

War Eagle 1 22:45, December 9, 2011 (UTC)

Your Signature

Hey, I have completed what I like to call a "Five Minute Mockup" of your aircraft signature. As such, it is nowhere near completed, but I need to know if I am on the right track. Based on the image you gave me, this is what your signature will resemble when finished:File:Solace.png

As you can probably tell, I was unable to completely fill out your information. This is because I was unable to find your name and squadron number on your wiki page. Can you either fill them out, or simply give them to me? Of course, you can always request that your name simply be "unknown", though I do need your squadron number. If you don't have one, you can make one up! (Use a 3-digit number with some significance to you.)

-Black One 02:52, December 10, 2011 (UTC)

Nice start but if you could make it clear that Ghost of Solace is my PMC. Also I give you premision to make my own Squadron Emblem. Make it like an eagle infront of the PMC emblem. For my Squadron Name, its the 143rd tactical Fighter Squadron aka War Eagle Squadron.

Like I said Great start. I am already impresed. If I ever need someone to do art, you'll be the first I ask.

War Eagle 1 03:18, December 10, 2011 (UTC)

Why, thank you. It's appreciated. And what do you want to do about that name problem?

-Black One 04:04, December 10, 2011 (UTC)

Just put name as "Callsign" without the quotiation marks.

War Eagle 1 04:09, December 10, 2011 (UTC)

...I don't think you quite understand. What I'm asking for is either the name you want displayed or for me to put "unknown", as I did on my signature. Putting "Callsign" goes against the format of the signature. Maybe a chat is in order. The chatbox is on the middle right hand side of the page, above the "Pages I'm Following" box. I'll be online for about an hour, so talk to me sometime.

-Black One 04:38, December 10, 2011 (UTC)

Hey Thanks

Awesome job on the signiture pic. Thanks again. Let me know if you decide to do a markov on, cant wait to see it if you do.

My PSN akp-auburnfan

see you in the skies War Eagle 1 23:31, December 10, 2011 (UTC)


I saw were you wanted to be in my story I wrote, please see my blog to know what me and Sly were talking about,

blog name: Ace Combat 7 Winds of Requiem

War Eagle 1 02:04, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Ohhhh I see... Unsung war=yes. Operation Katina=no.

Well that's unfortunate...

-Black One 02:25, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

I gave him premision to write it. If he needs someone to do some art work though, you can be the man for that job.

Plus if by some miricle it becomes a game, I be sure to mention you as an enemy ace with your X-02 paint skim. Im sure you would love to see that in it.

War Eagle 1 02:34, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Awwww yeah xD.

-Black One 02:46, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Hahahaha, I ll take that as a yes to both. War Eagle 1 02:48, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Hell yeah! xD -Black One 03:19, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

I ll let you know what we need if we need some of your art work.

However please dont expect namco to contact us. There is great odds of being bit by a shark and struck by lightning all with in mear hours of each other, so dont get your hopes up.

Will keep in contact War Eagle 1 03:59, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Our StoryEdit

I made a new talk because 1. its our's now, 2. the other one was geting crowded.

Heres how I see our team

Me: Team cordinater (becasue Im not good at writeing or artwork)

Sly: writer

Burnerraceman: artist

what we can do is keep the story posted on my page until Sly publishes it on another websight.

War Eagle 1 04:05, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Change in plans, Slycooper 1 will set up a page and he should send you a link to it so you can ( If it is posible) post you pics on it. War Eagle 1 04:10, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

I ll get back with y'all on this tomorow. But now I need to hit the bed becasue I have collage exams in the morning.

See y'all in the Skies War Eagle 1 04:18, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Some Winds of Requiem art ideas?

I was thinking you could make some concept art of each chapter. Like, Chapter 1 could be four Osean MiGs flying above Port St. Hewlett... Chapter 2 could be one Osean MiG trying to evade a missile, and Chapter 3 could be two Osean MiGs halfway through landing at an air base. See where I'm going with this? :P SlyCooperFan1 06:19, December 26, 2011 (UTC)

Whoa, don't get too carried away there, sparky. This kind of concept takes a fair amount of time, so one every chapter might be next to impossible, especially when you take into account that at the current time a chapter is approximately two pages xD. I'll probably do one for the beginning of the story and one for every pivotal event, if that's okay...

-Black One 08:41, December 26, 2011 (UTC)


Just kidding. XD Sure.

SlyCooperFan1 15:33, December 26, 2011 (UTC)