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This page includes a transcript of "Shorebirds", the first campaign mission of Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.


Orson Perrault: At ease, people...but don't get too comfortable. It's a grave situation for all of us right now. Let's get this briefing started.

Briefing: Another aircraft of unknown origin has entered Osean Federation airspace. We have confirmed the target type as a strategic recon plane flying at very high altitude. Despite our repeated warnings, it continued to penetrate our ADEZ and was fired upon by Osean Coastal Defense Force SAMs. We believe one of our SAMs damaged the unknown plane, but did not destroy it. Radar shows that the aircraft is currently losing altitude, and is attempting to egress feet wet towards the ocean. Intercept this target and force it to land for identification. Do not fire upon this aircraft until further orders are transmitted.

Mission Script[edit]

Intro Cutscene[edit]

Bartlett: This is Heartbreak One of Wardog Squadron, we are approaching the target.

Cape Landers 04°30'02"N 156°02'07"E
1101hrs. Sep 24, 2010

AWACS Thunderhead: This is AWACS, callsign Thunderhead. Roger. Bring the target to the ground. Do not fire at the target. Repeat, do not fire at the target.

Mission Start[edit]

  • Bartlett: You got that, nuggets?
  • Nagase: Wardog 2, roger.
  • Chopper: Wardog 3, roger.
  • Bartlett: ...Wardog 4! Hellooo? Can you hear me, Kid? You better be markin' our tail, son!
    • YES
      • Bartlett: Looks like you're confident, at least. Don't get separated from me.
    • NO
      • Bartlett: Hey, stop whining.
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: Can't you even answer me? Are you all right?
  • Chopper: Man, I'm glad you drew the short straw instead of me!
  • Bartlett: Second Lieutenant Alvin H. Davenport, zip it! You need a nickname, too?
  • Chopper: I respectfully ask to be called "Chopper," Sir.
  • Chopper: I'm afraid I may not be able to respond to any other moniker.
  • Bartlett: Hmmm, that does fit you well...I've got a better name for you, but I'll keep it to myself. Okay?
  • Chopper: Aw, cut me some slack, man!
  • Bartlett: Tally ho, we've got company. Let's go.
  • Bartlett: You're forbidden to fire until I give permission, understand?
    • YES
      • Bartlett: Good boy.
    • NO
      • Bartlett: Weren't you listening? Don't fire until I say so. Okay?
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: I'm not hearing a response. Can you hear me?
  • Bartlett: All right, where's Motormouth Chopper?
  • Chopper: Wha?...That's your name for me?
  • Bartlett: You've got a knack for comic dialogue. You mind sending the surrender request for me?
  • Chopper: Oh no, please, age before beauty.
  • Bartlett: I'm real shy around strangers, you know...
  • Chopper: Sheesh. Testing, testing...Attention, unidentified aircraft. Set your course for our beacon immediately.
  • Bartlett: Good.
  • Chopper: Uh...we will direct you to the nearest airfield. Lower your gear if you understand.

If the player shoots down the SR-71[edit]

  • AWACS Thunderhead: Wardog, I told you to terminate your attack! Why did you shoot down the recon plane?
  • Bartlett: Oh, man...

If the player gives any Wingman Commands[edit]

  • Bartlett: What? Hey, maintain radio silence. Everybody wants to be a flight lead, but you gotta earn it.
  • Bartlett: Look, Kid. You can't start barking orders until you have the rank.

After the SR-71 reaches a certain point[edit]

  • AWACS Thunderhead: Warning! We have four high-speed bogeys inbound.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Approaching unknown aircraft bearing 280, altitude 6,000! Hold your fire until further orders!
  • Bartlett: Crossing the pond to fly cover for their spy plane, huh? Now there's a fighter pilot worth his wings.
  • Bartlett: Enemy inbound bearing 280! Head on.
  • Bartlett: You're not to fire until I say it's okay, got me?
    • YES
      • Bartlett: Good boy.
    • NO
      • Bartlett: Don't worry. Trust me.
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: I didn't get a response. Can you hear me?

After Wardog intercepts the bogeys[edit]

  • Chopper: Heads up! They're firing on us!
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Wardog Squadron, weapons safe! Hold your fire until further orders!
  • Chopper: Oh, come on! Those aren't blanks they're firing out there!
  • Bartlett: Shut your mouth and fire back!
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Captain Bartlett, this is Thunderhead. You are violating direct orders!
  • Bartlett: Shove it! I'm not gonna watch any more of my pilots die!
  • Nagase: Edge, engaging!
  • Bartlett: We're gonna shoot them all down, Kid.
  • Chopper: You mind if I grab this kill? I will, you know.
  • Bartlett: Go ahead.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Wardog Squadron, weapons safe! Hold your fire until further orders!
  • Nagase: Turning to engage bandits.
  • Chopper: Whew!
  • Bartlett: Don't let him get away. Aim straight!
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Hold your fire.
  • Chopper: My only not being able to fly with a captain with a sunnier disposition.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Wardog, I ordered weapons safe for all aircraft. Follow orders and hold your fire.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Do not fire at the target. Repeat, do not fire at the target.

When the SR-71 crashes[edit]

  • AWACS Thunderhead: Enemy recon plane down!
  • Bartlett: Aww, what a shame. Too tired to party?
  • Chopper: Whoa! Those guys are really mad now!

If the player gives any Wingman Commands[edit]

  • Bartlett: Take care of that one yourself. Come on, give it your best shot.

5 minutes remaining[edit]

  • Bartlett: Heartbreak One to all planes. Is everything functioning normally?
    • YES
      • Bartlett: Good. Let's go.
    • NO
      • Bartlett: All right, perform another check.
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: Kid, respond.

4 minutes 20 seconds remaining[edit]

  • Chopper: Blaze, this is Chopper. Don't be gettin' nervous now. You gonna be okay?
    • YES
      • Chopper: All right, all right. I hear ya.
    • NO
      • Chopper: Let's do it just like in training, all right?
    • MUTE
      • Chopper: Too nervous to answer, huh?

3 minutes 40 seconds remaining[edit]

  • Bartlett: Kid! Heads up over there. Watch your flying.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: I don't know what this "Kid" thing is about, but I'm going to call you Blaze, according to regulations.
    • YES
      • AWACS Thunderhead: That's right. You will follow regulations.
    • NO
      • AWACS Thunderhead: Negative, we can not allow any exceptions.
    • MUTE
      • AWACS Thunderhead: I'll take that to mean you have no objections.

3 minutes remaining[edit]

  • Chopper: Captain, you think this guy's really going to be okay?
    • YES
      • Chopper: I'm asking the Captain.
    • NO
      • Chopper: Hey, I was just kidding...Are you serious?
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: ...I guess he's too scared to speak.


  • Bartlett: Wardog 3, you're staggering around like a drunk.
  • Chopper: Dammit...
  • Bartlett: Don't get too cocky, or you're a dead man. Stick with me, I'll take care of you.
  • Bartlett: Good, good. Nicely done, Chopper. We're still in this. You might get another serving soon.
  • Bartlett: I'll show 'em who's in command of this outfit. Just leave it to me.
  • Bartlett: Watch your six. Remember the fundamentals and don't get too creative out there.
  • Bartlett: Nagase, Nagase. Didn't anyone ever teach you not to get strung out so far pursuing the enemy?
  • Bartlett: If you've got incoming enemy missiles, check your radar. They should appear on-screen.
  • Bartlett: If you need help, ask for it sooner than later.
  • Bartlett: All right. Let's have the same number of landings as we have takeoffs.
  • Chopper: I feel like I'm the only one being targeted.
  • Bartlett: You talk too much, that's why. You're the only one they hear.
  • Chopper: Damn...Dogfighting sucks, man...
  • Chopper: My senses are all numb. I don't even have time to be afraid.
  • Chopper: Wow, never seen an aircraft without any markings before.
  • Chopper: We're all in the same piece of sky, but we can never see each other eye to eye.
  • Chopper: What's he flying around here for? Trying to start a war or something?
  • Chopper: Gaaaaaaaaahhhh!!
  • Enemy Squadron: Flight of four fighters inbound. Eliminate them at once.
  • Enemy Squadron: We're in enemy territory. Be careful.
  • Enemy Squadron: Request clearance to engage.
  • Enemy Squadron: You may fire at your own discretion.
  • Enemy Squadron: Watch out for the flight lead. He's the Ace of Hearts up front.
  • Enemy Squadron: Turning to evade.

Random, upon shooting down an enemy[edit]

  • Bartlett: Looks like we can hold our own out here. You guys fly better than I thought.
  • Bartlett: Enemy kill confirmed. I gotta say, that was impressive.
  • Bartlett: Nice. I guess you're somewhat useful after all.
  • Bartlett: That's another good shot.
  • Bartlett: Nice.

After shooting down all TGTs[edit]

  • AWACS Thunderhead: All unknown bogey aircraft destroyed.
  • Bartlett: This is your captain. Can you hear my voice?
    • YES
      • Bartlett: Good, looks like we can all hear each other.
    • NO
      • Bartlett: Hey, that means you can hear me!
    • MUTE
      • Bartlett: Kid, what's wrong?
  • Bartlett: You all alive? All right. Nice work, nuggets. Wardog 4, you still following us?
  • Bartlett: Well, to commemorate the fact that we all made it out of that battle alive,
  • Bartlett: I'm gonna let you keep your nickname. From now on, I'm gonna call you "Kid" no matter what. Got it? Good.
  • Chopper: Man, I swear...


Debriefing: --Emergency transmission from Central.

To all Sand Island Base personnel:
1. All information regarding today's hostile encounter is to be classified.
2. Captain Jack Bartlett is ordered to report to base headquarters immediately.
Sep. 24 2010
Order E0111207
Osean Air Defense Force Central Command
