Transcript:Sea of Chaos

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This page contains a transcript of "Sea of Chaos", the 27th campaign mission in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. It immediately follows the cutscene with the same name during a campaign run.


The situation is critical. We must help provide stability as quickly as possible. The Kestrel CIC's IFF info will be directly connected to your HUD, so you'll be able to get an ID on your targets. Engage and render powerless all forces carrying out acts of aggression against the Kestrel and our new allied fleet.

Mission Script

Mission Start

  • Andersen: A group of comrades has come to our aide. Protect these brave souls!
  • Andersen: Commence battle. We are not alone!
  • Kestrel: Kestrel CIC here. We'll transmit IFF data for the opposing ships. Don't fire on our allies. Can you do that?
  • Kestrel: Good. The situation here is critical. Neutralize the opposing ships as quickly as you can.
  • Kestrel: We've done our best to make sure that the data is accurate. Please, trust us.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Attack any ships that desert the fleet immediately.
  • Grimm: Unbelievable! They're firing at their own ships!
  • Nagase: I'll support the Yuke fleet coming to our side.
  • Yuke Squadron: There are only four enemy planes.
  • Yuke Squadron: What a joke. You'd better not take any damage.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Those planes...are you the Razgriz?
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: I knew it! This is the Yuktobanian destroyer, Chuda. It is an honor to fight alongside you.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This is the Yuktobanian destroyer, Chuda. There's no need to hide your identity. In fact, it's an honor to meet you.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Kestrel! We're joining your fleet.
  • Andersen: You have my gratitude.
  • Snow: Look! The battle's just taken a new turn.
  • Nagase: Someone out there understands us. I can't believe it!
  • Grimm: Sorry. My eyes are just tearing up looking at our new fleet.
  • Snow: This is what we've been waiting for.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: I'll take full responsibility for this! Commence firing!
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: "Enemy fleet" ahead. Commencing attack.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Our pilots are all afraid, saying that the Razgriz are here.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: What kind of an excuse is that? Tell them to hurry up and engage!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: You are a traitor to our country!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Just because they've added to their numbers, they're still no threat.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: If they want to be sunk, so be it. Commence attack!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: They must be insane to join up with the losing side.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: You idiots! When did you decide to sell out your own country?!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Those fighters sunk the Granat in an instant!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: What good is our fighter squadron, just flying around doing nothing?!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: How could four planes turn the tide of the entire battle?!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: The Razgriz! It's got to be them, right?!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: What is this? Somebody stop this song!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Why are we listening to the enemy's music?!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: The enemy's headed straight to their doom.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: We cannot hand over the Gumrak to the enemy.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Don't let the traitors get out alive.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: The Bystry is turning away. They're blatantly revolting against us.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: Why is this happening? They were our comrades!
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: They're two steps ahead of us. Be careful.
  • Yuke Squadron: Kvant Squadron, protect the airspace above the fleet.
  • Yuke Squadron: Let Luch 6 score a victory today.
  • Yuke Squadron: The attack squadron is under fire. Get going!
  • Yuke Squadron: They must be really short on combat power.
  • Yuke Squadron: People are going to be competing for kill records today.
  • Yuke Squadron: Calm down, Kvant 3. Bank and evade!
  • Yuke Squadron: Kvant 5, missile behind you!
  • Yuke Squadron: Lost contact with Luch 3!
  • Yuke Squadron: Luch Squadron annihilated!
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This is not treason. You must believe that in your hearts.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This is Gumrak. Commencing attack. Target, Zavtra!
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: They know us just as well as we know them. Stay alert.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Transmission from Osean carrier: "From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for joining our fleet."
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Prepare a rescue ship. Go and rescue them immediately!
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Bystry, merge with the main fleet.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: An Osean ship is under attack. Give her a hand!
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: The fewer sacrifices, the better... Fire.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: The Svabodny's in the lead? This won't be like the war-games.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: The Boyky is a tough one. Attack that ship first.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Blow the side of the ship under the smokestacks. That'll render them immobile in minutes.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: There they go with that move again. They never could shake that habit.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Budusheye sent word that they're joining us.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: The Budusheye's joining, huh? Now we have a chance.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Connect this to the ship's PA system. Let everyone onboard hear it.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Ah, "The Journey Home"... I love that song.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Yeah, me too.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This will likely be our final personal transmission. Collin, good luck in the battle.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: Don't say that. Once this is over, everything will be back to normal again.
  • Kestrel Fleet: There's an ex-enemy ship cruising along right next to us. How are we supposed to stay calm?!
  • Kestrel Fleet: Shut up! Are you saying you don't trust them?!
  • Kestrel Fleet: They've got an overwhelming advantage in manpower. We'll be slaughtered!
  • Kestrel Fleet: It takes more than manpower to win a battle. You just watch!
  • Kestrel Fleet: All ships capable of attack, follow us.
  • Kestrel Fleet: This is hard on the enemy, too. Don't give up!
  • Kestrel Fleet: Don't make the Razgriz do all the work for us!
  • Kestrel Fleet: Yeah, yeah. I see it.
  • Kestrel Fleet: When was the last time we engaged our fleet with Yuktobania?
  • Kestrel Fleet: I can see everyone on deck waving at us.
  • Kestrel Fleet: Save the goodwill exchange for later. Take your positions!
  • Kestrel Fleet: All the ships are lined up. Now we're in business!
  • Kestrel Fleet: We're too close to them. Tell them to open up some space between us.
  • Kestrel Fleet: Direct hit on the Finch! Engine shutdown!
  • Nagase: The enemy has an incredible amount of military force.
  • Nagase: There has to be a way in somewhere.
  • Nagase: There are still plenty of enemies left!
  • Nagase: The turret is turning this way!
  • Nagase: We're getting anti-aircraft fire from both countries!
  • Nagase: I can see them, but I can't get close.
  • Nagase: I can see the ships' wakes crisscrossing each other on the ocean surface.
  • Nagase: Enemy plane targeting the Kestrel!
  • Nagase: Those enemies are a disgrace!
  • Snow: You said it. They're finally showing their true colors.
  • Grimm: All those bullets are heading our way!
  • Grimm: Missile warning! Is it above or below?
  • Grimm: This makes me sick...Dammit!
  • Grimm: I'm worried about friendly fire in all this confusion.
  • Grimm: The escort ships have them surrounded on all sides.
  • Grimm: All these battleships look like waterbugs down there.
  • Grimm: Captain, please attack. I'm standing by.
  • Grimm: The whole fleet's moving like a single creature.
  • Grimm: We're being attacked by the Osean fleet, too!
  • Grimm: Their barrage is too intense!
  • Grimm: Looks like my fire hit short.
  • Grimm: Enemy plane heading for the Kestrel!
  • Snow: We have to fight an air-to-air battle and an anti-ship battle at the same time!
  • Snow: Those are our allies now. Anyone who attacks them is our enemy.
  • Snow: Look, we gotta get more allies. Lots more!
  • Snow: It'll work against our allies if we let this battle wear on too long.
  • Snow: Don't hesitate! Think and just worry about the Kestrel fleet!
  • Snow: This is the last fleet we've got! We've gotta protect it at all costs!
  • Snow: I'll attract their anti-aircraft fire toward me!
  • Snow: I don't think even a fly could avoid all this fire.

Osean fleet appears

The Osean fleet appears after the player has sunk half of the Yuktobanian fleet.

  • Kestrel: Allied fleet approaching.
  • Andersen: Osean ships, you mean?'s probably a waste of time, but try requesting some support.
  • Kestrel: Looks like the Osean fleet has been listening to all of our communications up to now. They're calling us traitors that joined forces with the Yukes.
  • Kestrel: Osean ships attacking! Transmitting new IFF data. Intercept their attack.
  • Kestrel: We're counting on you. Be very careful not to drop any planes on our allies.
  • Kestrel: There's no time to hesitate. We can't let them sink us now.
  • Nagase: The Osean fleet turned over to the enemy!
  • Grimm: My IFF is inop! They're really shooting at me!
  • Snow: Of course they are. They don't know us. We're supposed to be dead.
  • Kestrel Fleet: Aren't we going to have problems maintaining a chain of command?
  • Kestrel Fleet: No worries. All we gotta do is destroy the enemy in front of us.
  • Enemy Osean Fleet: Those planes flying above us... aren't they the Razgriz?
  • Enemy Osean Fleet: So you have the nerve to respond?! You'll pay dearly for your crime of treason!
  • Enemy Osean Fleet: The bastards are playing games with us! Have you forgotten the pain we've suffered?!
  • Enemy Osean Fleet: You're right, it's the Razgriz. Those damned plagues...
  • Snow: Hatred calls forth nothing but more hatred, and this is the result. Is there nothing we can do?
  • Snow: The fate of human nature, huh? I certainly won't disagree.
  • Snow: All right, then. I'll try placing my bets on you, Captain.
  • Snow: ...Is your silence also an answer?
  • Yuke Squadron: We're wasting too much time here. What are you all doing?
  • Yuke Squadron: I can't believe Osea still has pilots like these!
  • Yuke Squadron: They're too fast, Sir. I can't get a lock on them!
  • Yuke Squadron: We can't defeat them even with an entire squadron?!
  • Yuke Squadron: They're not the Razgriz...are they?
  • Yuke Squadron: Those guys are dead. They're already dead!
  • Nagase: Try to use launch-and leave tactics!
  • Nagase: We can't let them crush our chance for peace!
  • Nagase: I can feel the shockwaves all the way up here!
  • Snow: Don't chase them too far! That's the last thing you want to do!
  • Snow: Don't take any unnecessary risks! We can't afford to die here.
  • Snow: These idiots. Can't they see that they're being used?!
  • Snow: Was that a missile that just flashed by?!
  • Snow: Dammit! I got one on my tail and I didn't even see it!
  • Snow: Calm down! Don't lose it!
  • Snow: Don't get lazy with your flying! This is a war zone!
  • Snow: On your right, right! Grimm, that's yours!
  • Snow: Don't be predictable. They're gonna be aiming for you.
  • Grimm: My threat warning won't stop going off. I don't know where the attack's coming from!
  • Grimm: Enemy plane's latching on to me! I can't get into firing position!
  • Grimm: Don't shoot at us! We'll have to shoot back at you!
  • Grimm: My palms are all sweaty.

Enemy ships sunk

  • Kestrel: Osean destroyer Iolite sunk!
  • Kestrel: Osean cruiser Chivalry sunk!
  • Kestrel: Osean Aegis ship Halcyon sunk!
  • Kestrel: Osean carrier Barbet sunk!
  • Kestrel: Yuke destroyer Chizh sunk!
  • Kestrel: Yuke destroyer Chaplya sunk!
  • Kestrel: Yuke cruiser Umely sunk!
  • Kestrel: Yuke Aegis ship Kaniak sunk!
  • Kestrel: Yuke carrier Admiral Tsanev sunk!
  • Nagase: Enemy escort ships dwindling. We're almost there.
  • Kestrel: Enemy Yuke fleet destroyed. We'll continue to attack the remaining enemy ships.
  • Kestrel: Enemy Osean fleet down to half strength.
  • Kestrel: Enemy Osean fleet destroyed. We'll continue to attack the remaining enemy ships.

Allied ships sunk

  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This is the destroyer Dub! We've been hit! We're sinking!
  • Kestrel: 2 friendly Yuke ships remaining.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: We can't pump out the water fast enough. We're sinking!
  • Kestrel: 1 friendly Yuke ship remaining.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: This looks like the end for us. I'm sorry, Kestrel.
  • Kestrel: The last allied Yuke ship has been sunk.
  • Kestrel: 3 allied Osean ships remaining.
  • Kestrel: This is the destroyer Cormorant! We've been hit! We're sinking!
  • Kestrel: 2 allied Osean ships remaining.

Kestrel hit

  • Kestrel: Missile impact 600 feet off port bow.
  • Kestrel: Missile impact directly off the bow. Do we have enough chaff left?
  • Kestrel: The shock waves are getting worse. They're hitting closer now.
  • Kestrel: Missile impact! That one was close!

Mission Accomplished

  • Kestrel: All enemy ships suppressed. We've won!
  • Andersen: This is the captain of the carrier Kestrel. To all the brave souls that have survived, I congratulate you.
  • Andersen: Our journey is almost at an end. But we must not waver in our resolve to fight, to reclaim peace between the two nations.


The chaos has subsided. All Yuktobanian ships in the area, as well as all hostile Osean forces, have been brought under control. A decision was made to quickly form a combined fleet of Yuktobanian and Osean ships, with the Kestrel as its flagship.