Transcript:Sea of Chaos (cutscene)

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This page contains a transcript of "Sea of Chaos", the 24th cutscene in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. It immediately plays before starting the mission with the same name during a campaign run.


  • Kestrel: (over loudspeaker) All hands, proceed to battle stations. Yuktobanian fleet ahead. (inside the ship) The enemy fleet contains 18 ships, arrayed in a battle formation designed to block our fleet's path.
  • Nikanor: (over loudspeaker) Attention, Yuktobanian fleet. This is Prime Minister Nikanor, representative of your government. I am on the... (inside) Kestrel?
  • Nikanor: (over loudspeaker) I am on the Osean carrier Kestrel, for the sake of restoring peace between our Yuktobania and the country of Osea. We will once again...
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: (over radio) Attention, all vessels. The only thing that exists between Yuktobania and Osea is hatred. Prime Minister Nikanor has joined the enemy. Recognize him as such, and sink the enemy fleet with him.
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: (over radio) But, Commander, that's the Prime Minister talking. [Pitomnik moves to block Yuke fleet] Please, stand down[sic] we don't know what we're fighting for anymore. Sir, please, cancel engagement and stand down.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: (over radio) All vessels loyal to the fleet, a traitor is blocking our way. Attack the frigate ship Pitmonik. Open fire. [two Yuke ships fire on and sink the Pitmonik]
  • Friend Yuke Fleet: (over radio) This is missile destroyer Gumrak of the glorious Yuktobanian Navy. We cannot follow a Fleet Commander willing to sink one of his own ships. We will protect Prime Minister Nikanor. All ships who are with us, change course and follow us.
  • Enemy Yuke Fleet: (over radio) Any vessel that does not follow the flagship will be fired upon.
  • Andersen: (over loudspeaker) Protect those brave defectors. Launch fighters! (inside) Prime Minister. Please take your leave.
  • Nikanor: But...
  • Andersen: Go to our President, and get a televised picture of the two of you together, shaking hands. Show it to the world.