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The Nimrod is a recon aircraft capable of performing bomber roles. It has been rarely featured in the Ace Combat series.


During the Circum-Pacific War, a flight of Yuktobanian Nimrods were heading for Port St. Hewlett in an effort to sink the already-damaged 3rd Osean Naval Fleet led by the aircraft carrier OFS Kestrel. All of them were shot down by the Wardog Squadron without sinking the Kestrel and much of her remaining escort ships.[1]

During the Emmeria-Estovakia War, the Estovakian Air Force deployed Nimrods in an attempt to sink an Emmerian support fleet near Rargom Beach and fire on Emmerian aircraft. They were all shot down by elements of the Republic of Emmeria Air Force.[2]

Game Analysis

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

How to Unlock

The Nimrod is not available to the player in this game.


Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

How to Unlock

The Nimrod is not available to the player in this game.

