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The ISAF Navy is the seafaring branch of the Independent State Allied Forces' military, formed from the contributions of ISAF-member states' naval forces. Vessels, crews, and carrier-based aircraft from various nations participated in several important seaborne operations undertaken by the ISAF throughout the final months of the Continental War.[1]


Following the outbreak of the Continental War in 2003, the ISAF nations combined their naval forces to counterbalance the Eruseans' "invincible" Aegir Fleet, which dominated the waters surrounding Usea. It is unknown whether or not the ISAF Navy ever engaged the Aegir Fleet in combat; however, ISAF command would express reluctance to use the navy to confront the Aegir Fleet head-on when it was later deployed to Comberth Harbor.[1]

However, as the Eruseans gained the upper-hand on the Usean mainland, the navy was forced to retreat in lockstep with the ISAF ground forces. When the ISAF was forced to evacuate the mainland, ISAF naval transports carried the retreating personnel and equipment across the Gulf of St. Ark to North Point.[1]

With the ISAF's retreat from mainland Usea and the loss of operational airfields from which to launch fighters, the ISAF Navy's aircraft carriers began playing an important role in ISAF's operations along the east coast. The ISAF would use its carriers as mobile airfields for launching fighter raids on strategic Erusean targets. The carriers also served as resupply and refueling bases for ISAF aircraft performing long-duration missions over enemy territory.[1]

On January 24, 2005, the ISAF Navy was deployed in full force for Operation Bunker Shot: ISAF naval vessels bombarded the Eruseans' coastal defenses with long-range artillery fire, while carrier-borne aircraft provided close air support for the amphibious landing teams.[2]

In June 2005, the ISAF Navy executed a second landing operation in the icy northern waters of Usea. As the vessels plowed their way through the packed ice, long-range radar detected a large number of Erusean cruise missiles inbound to the landing sites. Mobius 1 intercepted the missiles and averted the threat to the fleet and its landing forces.[3]

After the ISAF forces overran Erusea's final line of defense, the ISAF Navy coordinated with the ground forces and besieged the Erusean capital, Farbanti, on September 19, 2005. Once again, ISAF naval guns bombarded the Erusean defenses around the capital, and carrier-launched fighters performed out air strikes and provided top-cover for the ISAF ground forces. Amphibious landing teams were also launched from landing ships to secure the coastal areas of the city. The operation was a resounding success and ended the war with Erusea's unconditional surrender.[4]

After the dissolution of ISAF after the war,[5] its naval units returned to their home countries. However, as with the Air Force, some later joined the IUN.[6]

Naval vessels

