Erusean Army

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The Erusean Army (formerly the Federal Erusean Army) is the land warfare branch of the Erusean military.


Continental War

Erusean soldiers occupying Stonehenge

The Erusean Army played a major role in the events leading up to the Continental War. As the Ulysses Disaster flooded the country with refugees and threatened its economy, the Army was ordered to close the country's borders, earning it the ire and sanctions from the rest of Usea. As tensions rose, the Army was ordered across the border into San Salvacion to seize Stonehenge under the guise of protecting it.[1]

This intrusion led to the creation of the Independent State Allied Forces, which demanded the Erusean Military immediately withdraw. Erusea refused and, after modifying Stonehenge into an anti-air weapon, began an invasion of the rest of the continent. With near complete control of the skies, the Erusean Army easily pushed the ISAF Army into retreat, eventually cornering them at St. Ark. While these surviving forces were able to be evacuated, the Erusean Army came to be in control of all of continental Usea and was responsible for policing occupied areas.[2]

Erusean sniper at Crowne Beach

When the Federal Erusean Navy failed to finish off ISAF, the Erusean Army began fortifying coastal positions in anticipation of a counterattack. This came during Operation Bunker Shot, where Erusea failed to hold three beaches and thus allowed ISAF to set up bases on the mainland.[3] The Army then fell back to the Tango Line, but this defense fell after ISAF captured Istas Fortress.

With ISAF landings in the north, the Erusean military as a whole began to lose ground at a rapid pace, especially after the destruction of Stonehenge. The last large scale operation by the Erusean Army was the Battle of Whiskey Corridor, where entrenched forces attempted to stop ISAF at the narrowest point between the Lambert and Amber Mountains, an operation that failed due to superior ISAF air support.

The Army's last action in the war was the Siege of Farbanti, where surviving troops attempted to beat back an amphibious landing on the Erusean capital. An armored force attempted to enter the city from the north but was cut off after ISAF destroyed the only bridge they could use. After air superiority was achieved by ISAF, the remaining Erusean Army forces surrendered, ending the war.

Lighthouse War

In 2019, Erusea (now restored to the royal family) declared war on the Osean Federation. The Army was once again deployed to hold territory seized from other Usean nations to secure Erusea's hold over the International Space Elevator.[4] Even though Erusea seized half of the continent in the opening stages of the War, its forces overextended themselves to a detrimental degree. Though the Erusean Air Force's drone network provided an effective defense, the Erusea Army still suffered several assaults by expendable Osean penal squadrons, most notably Roca Roja. A surprise counterattack through northern Usea reached Erusean territory, threatening Farbanti. Even though the Erusean Army put up a stubborn resistance and anti-satellite attacks cut off communications between Osean forces, Farbanti fell into Osean control.

Without any communications and blaming each other for the loss of Farbanti, the Army split into multiple factions. At Anchorhead and on Tyler Island, anti-drone Conservatives and pro-war Radicals fought each other. An Erusean Army conservative, Édouard Labarthe, attempted to defect to Osea during the battle at Anchorhead but was killed by errant Osean fighters during his escape. The forces on Tyler Island, regardless of their affiliation, were likewise destroyed.

Equipment and Known Unit

Known Units

  • 5th Armored Division
  • 20th Armored Division
  • 25th Armored Division
  • 55th Armored Division[5]


  • HK53 Carbine
  • PGM.338 Sniper Rifle
  • AR70/90 Assault Rifle



Anti-Aircraft vehicles

Mobile Artillery

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

