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For the limited-time events, see Challenge Event.

The Challenges system is a new gameplay system in Ace Combat Infinity. It was developed following the feedback during the beta of Infinity, and formally announced through Aces at Operation: "Digital Hollywood".


Challenges allow players to receive special bonuses for completing in-game tasks. The bonuses can range from extra credits to Stocked Fuel to special aircraft and more. The tasks can be anything from completing a certain number of online missions to gaining cumulative points in a certain mission.

Some Challenges are time-sensitive - they will only last until a certain date, after which they will no longer be available for players to complete. Other Challenges are repeatable, allowing players to complete the challenge an infinite number of times.

If a player has already completed the requirements for a challenge (e.g. purchased an aircraft before accepting a challenge asking the player to purchase that aircraft), they can simply accept the challenge, go to the area of the menu the challenge describes, and return to the challenge. It should have completed itself.


  • If a challenge asks to destroy "a total of", then it allows the player to achieve the requirement over multiple missions. Otherwise, the player must achieve the requirement within one mission.
  • Challenges unfinished within its allowed time frame will deactivate it and initiate cooldown. You will not be able to accept it again until it has cooled down. If you are not sure you can achieve it right now within the given time limit but can achieve it at a later time of the same day (before 00:00 GMT), you are better off cancelling the challenge than let it expire by itself unachieved. However, standard challenges are the exception, as they can be restarted immediately if the player fails to complete them.
