ADFX-01 -Block1-

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The ADFX-01 -Block1- 1 Star Aircraft.png is a Special Aircraft variant of the ADFX-01 Morgan featuring a United Nations Forces prototype livery. The Block1's livery was later featured in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown as one of the ADFX-01's bonus skins in the Cutting-edge Aircraft Series DLC.


Plans for developing the ADFX-01 were discovered by the UNF in the USEA Federation during Operation Eternal Liberation. USEA had not completed a model by the time the plans were seized. The UNF used these plans to create their own line of ADFX-01s, beginning with the prototype "Block1" line. This prototype was awarded to some mercenaries operating with the UNF for testing in combat.

After successful tests, the UNF greenlit mass production of the base model.

Game Analysis

Ace Combat Infinity

ADFX-01 -Block1- Icon.png
"A prototype fighter created by the UN Forces based on the plans from a certain country. Prior to mass production the aircraft is required to meet various requirements to be successful in combat. Taking this into consideration, the aircraft has been adapted to provide high maneuverability and a thrust weight ratio for a large scale aircraft. It also comes equipped with unique and powerful weapons. "Block1" refers to the first batch of prototype aircraft. The onboard "Tactical Laser System" is still being refined and its use has been limited in real combat."

How to Unlock

The ADFX-01 -Block1- was formerly available through a limited-time Special Challenge where players had to sortie in 30 Online Co-Op Missions before August 31, 2014.
The aircraft was then made available through the Special Supply ticket catalogue from December 31, 2015 through March 4, 2015. It was then added to the catalogue in April 2016 permanently. It costs 120 Special Supply Tickets to purchase.
1 475 2,700 333 96 1 E E E E+ E E
2 511 81,000 416 100 1 E+ E E+ E+ E+ E+
3 547 162,000 499 104 1 D E+ E+ E+ E+ D
4 583 324,000 582 108 1 10 D+ E+ D D E+ D+
5 619 54,000 666 112 1 12 D+ D D D E+ C
6 655 675,000[a] 707 118 2 14 C D D D+ D C+
7 691 405,000 748 122 2 15 9 C D+ D+ D+ D B
8 727 1,080,000 789 126 2 16 10 C+ D+ D+ C D+ B+
9 763 1,269,000 830 130 2 17 11 C+ C D+ C D+ A
10 799 1,350,000 872 134 2 18 12 B C D+ C D+ S
11[b] 846 2,430,000 897 138 4 19 13 B+ C+ C C C S
12[b] 893 3,375,000 922 142 6 20 14 B+ B C+ C+ C S+
13[b] 940 4,185,000 948 146 8 21 15 A B C+ C+ C+ S+
14[b] 987 5,670,000 973 150 10 22 16 A+ B+ B B C+ S+
15[b] 1034 6,696,000 999 154 14 24 17 S A B B B S+
16[b] 1093 8,748,000 1072 156 15 25 18 S+ A+ B+ B+ B S+
17[b] 1152 9,990,000 1145 158 16 26 19 S+ A+ B+ B+ B+ S+
18[b] 1211 11,232,000 1218 160 17 27 20 S+ S A A B+ S++
19[b] 1270 14,364,000 1291 162 18 28 21 S+ S+ A A A S++
20[b] 1329 18,090,000 1365 164 20 30 22 S+ S+ A+ A+ A S++
Part Slots
At Lv.1, this aircraft carried 22 BODY, 22 ARMS, and 22 MISC part slots. See Tuning § Slot Expansion for further information.
Upgrading this aircraft to these levels unlocked the respective nicknames for use at any time.
  • Lv.3: Blazing Light
  • Lv.10: Test Pilot
  • Lv.15: Valiant
  • Lv.20: Adventure lover

Skin Galleries


Gray body with yellow outlines, modeled after the early T-50 PAK-FA prototypes[1]


ADFX-01 -B1- Event Skin 01 Icon.png


Slightly darker gray body with orange outlines


  • Purchase from the Special Supply catalogue for Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png 100
    • January 1, 2015–February 28, 2015 (later extended to March 4, 2015, costed Special Supply Ticket - Icon.png 60)
    • April 1, 2016–permanent



See more trivia at ADFX-01 Morgan.

  • While the description of the Block1 Morgan states that the design plans were discovered in an "unspecified hostile country", the only such country would be the USEA Federation, the country that the UNF was fighting.
    • This is confirmed during Online Co-Op Missions, when an enemy unit can rarely be heard saying << I swear I've seen that plane before... >>
    • However, it could also be referring to a country allied with the USEA Federation. If this is the case, Russia would be a likely choice (especially since the prototype colors match those of the T-50), but no evidence is available to prove any specific country's involvement.
  • In an April 2014 interview with Famitsu Weekly Magazine, Kazutoki Kono commented that the Block1, then known as the "ADFX-01-1" or "ADFX-????", is not the same aircraft as the Strangereal model, but a "wholly different" aircraft. He added that the Tactical Laser System would be significantly less powerful, by virtue of being a prototype.[1] Indeed, the TLS has been reduced in firepower as well as ammunition compared to the other Morgan models available.
  • The challenge to earn the Block1 Morgan was supposed to expire on August 6, 2014. At some point in mid-July, the expiration date was extended to August 31, 2014. This extension was not given a reason or publicly mentioned anywhere.


  1. Players could use one Nonstandard Upgrade Request Form instead of credits for the Lv.6 upgrade.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Lv. Cap Increase Request Forms were required to unlock Lv.11 and each level afterward, one per level. Credits and research were also required for each level as usual.
